Контрольная работа за вторую четверть 7 класс
тест (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
Контроль помогает выявить уровень знаний за вторую четверть, учебник Биболетова М.З. , варианты I,II
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Предварительный просмотр:
TEST (UNIT 2) Variant II FORM 7
- Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
- It was an ….. tour round the world.
- Will you … the books …. Ann, please.
- I tried …. but I was too excited.
- Learning a ….. is easier than learning a first foreign language .
- If you work hard, you’ll be …. your career.
- Canada …. in North America .
- You can get from St. Petersburg to Washington … .
- Honey is the … you should eat.
- Put in who or which.
- What was the name of the horse … won the race.
- Alexander Bell was the man … invented the telephone.
- What’s happened to the pictures … were on the wall.
- It seems that Earth is the only planet … can support life.
- The book is about a girl … runs away from home.
- Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
- The girl got a prize for her English (TRANSLATE)………………………… of the poem.
- At the award ceremony the (WIN)………….. collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.
- Her last (PERFORM)……………………… in the theatre was successful.
- We’ll discuss this important question at the (MEET)……………………… tomorrow.
- Complete the questions using the right word combination.
- ….is your brother?
- … does it take you to do your homework?
- … languages can you speak?
- … is your new flat?
- …. is Everest?
- Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
- The room (clean) every day.
- These houses are very old. They (build) 500 years ago.
- Your tickets (send) to you next week.
- Is this a very old film? Yes, it (make) in 1949.
- This work (do) tomorrow.
- Many different languages (speak) in India.
- Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
- At the station they (will meet/will be met) by a man from the travel agency.
- Yuri Dolgoruki (founded/was founded) Moscow in 1147.
- Moscow University (founded/was founded) by Lomonosov.
- Yesterday letters (sent/were sent) to all the members of the club.
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
- Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
- It wasn’t an …. life, but it was rather interesting.
- The famous scientist … a Nobel Prize in 1930.
- He always … the children …. school on his way home.
- She hardly …. to meet her son’s teacher.
- You must work hard to learn your …... .
- He is very …. his business.
- In modern times, science and technical … are progressing fast.
- France …. in Europe.
- You can get from Moscow to St. Petersburg … .
- Jazz is the … music he likes.
- Put in the if needed.
- Japan 6. London
- South America 7. Atlantic Ocean
- Asia 8. Black Sea
- Russian Federation 9. Thames
- Chelyabinsk 10. Finland
- You should learn several phrases in ….. French.
- ….. Russians are hospitable and friendly.
- Canberra is …. capital of Australia.
- Put in who or which.
- Barbara works for a company … makes washing machines.
- What was the name of the horse … won the race.
- The police have caught the men … stole my car.
- A dictionary is a book … gives you the meaning of words.
- I don’t like people … are never on time.
- Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
- Her dance made a great IMPRESS on my friends.
- The DISCUSS has already begun.
- The National Park is visited by thousands of TOUR every summer.
- Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic DEVELOP.
- Complete the questions using the right word combination.
- …. are you?
- … lessons do they have on Monday?
- … do your grandparents live from you?
- … was the river?
- … does your dog eat?
- …. does it take you to get to school?
- Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
- Hockey (play) in winter.
- His new book (finish) next year.
- Many American programmes (show) on British television.
- My car (break) last week.
- What language (speak) at the conference next month?
- The transistor (invent) in 1948.
- Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
- Shakespeare (wrote/was written) “Hamlet” in 1601.
- “Hamlet” (wrote/was written) by Shakespeare in 1601.
- You can (find/be found) some interesting information in this book.
- The answer can (find/be found) in the encyclopedia.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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