Контрольная работа за вторую четверть 7 класс
тест (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Кудренко Виктория Александровна

Контроль помогает выявить уровень знаний за вторую четверть, учебник Биболетова М.З. , варианты I,II


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (UNIT 2)                             Variant II                                                                 FORM 7

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. It was an ….. tour round the world.
  2. Will you … the  books …. Ann, please.
  3. I tried …. but I was too excited.
  4. Learning a ….. is easier than learning a first foreign language .
  5. If you work hard, you’ll be …. your career.
  6. Canada …. in North America .
  7. You can get from St. Petersburg to Washington … .
  8. Honey is the … you should eat.

  1. Put in who or which.
  1. What was the name of the horse … won the race.
  2. Alexander Bell was the man … invented the telephone.
  3. What’s happened to the pictures … were on the wall.
  4. It seems that Earth is the only planet … can support life.
  5. The book is about a girl … runs away from home.

  1. Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
  1. The girl got a prize for her English (TRANSLATE)………………………… of the poem.
  2. At the award ceremony the (WIN)………….. collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.
  3. Her last (PERFORM)……………………… in the theatre was successful.
  4. We’ll discuss this important question at the (MEET)……………………… tomorrow.

  1. Complete the questions using the right word combination.
  1. ….is your brother?                                                                      
  2. … does it take you to do your homework?
  3. … languages can you speak?
  4. … is your new flat?
  5. …. is Everest?

  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
  1. The room (clean) every day.
  2. These houses are very old. They (build) 500 years ago.
  3. Your tickets (send) to you next week.
  4. Is this a very old film? Yes, it (make) in 1949.
  5. This work (do) tomorrow.
  6. Many different languages (speak) in India.

  1. Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
  1. At the station they (will meet/will be met) by a man from the travel agency.
  2. Yuri Dolgoruki (founded/was founded) Moscow in 1147.
  3. Moscow University (founded/was founded) by Lomonosov.
  4. Yesterday letters (sent/were sent) to all the members of the club.

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (UNIT 2)                                                     FORM 7

Variant 1

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. It wasn’t an …. life, but it was rather interesting.
  2. The famous scientist … a Nobel Prize in 1930.
  3. He always … the children …. school on his way home.
  4. She hardly …. to meet her son’s teacher.
  5. You must work hard to learn your …... .
  6. He is very …. his business.
  7. In modern times, science and technical … are progressing fast.
  8. France …. in Europe.
  9. You can get from Moscow to St. Petersburg … .
  10. Jazz is the … music he likes.

  1. Put in the if needed.
  1. Japan                                                  6.  London
  2. South America                                  7.  Atlantic Ocean
  3. Asia                                                     8.  Black Sea
  4. Russian Federation                          9.  Thames
  5. Chelyabinsk                                      10.  Finland
  1. You should learn several phrases in ….. French.
  2. ….. Russians are hospitable and friendly.
  3. Canberra is …. capital of Australia.

  1. Put in who or which.
  1. Barbara works for a company makes washing machines.
  2. What was the name of the horse … won the race.
  3. The police have caught the men … stole my car.
  4. A dictionary is a book … gives you the meaning of words.
  5. I don’t like people … are never on time.

  1. Form a noun from the word in capitals that fits the sentence.
  1. Her dance made a great IMPRESS on my friends.
  2. The DISCUSS has already begun.
  3. The National Park is visited by thousands of TOUR every summer.
  4. Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic DEVELOP.

  1. Complete the questions using the right word combination.
  1. …. are you?                                                                      
  2. … lessons do they have on Monday?
  3. … do your grandparents live from you?
  4. … was the river?
  5. … does your dog eat?
  6. …. does it take you to get to school?

  1. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present, Past or Future Passive.
  1. Hockey (play) in winter.
  2. His new book (finish) next year.
  3. Many American programmes (show) on British television.
  4. My car (break) last week.
  5. What language (speak) at the conference next month?
  6. The transistor (invent) in 1948.

  1. Choose the correct verb form. Active or Passive?
  1. Shakespeare (wrote/was written) “Hamlet” in 1601.
  2. “Hamlet” (wrote/was written) by Shakespeare in 1601.
  3. You can (find/be found) some interesting information in this book.
  4. The answer can (find/be found) in the encyclopedia.

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