Олимпийский огонь в г. Курске 2014 г.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Материалы о торжественной встречи олимпийского огня в городе Курске.


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Материал по теме

"Олимпийский огонь в Курске"

(текст, упражнения "The Olympic Fire in Kursk 2014")

Трунова Ольга Борисовна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ "СОШ №15" г.Курска

2014 год

On the 16 of January 2014 our Kursk became the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games for 24 hours. Hundereds of our cifizens came out into the streets to meet the Olympic Fire and to feel themselves olympians. The route went through the most important places of the town: Perekalskiy Square, the Triumphal Arch, Kavkazskaya Street, Klikov Prospekt, Kulakov Prospekt, passed by the monuments or our famous fellow-towns.

The main sport holy thing came to Kursk by train from Bryansk at 9:50 p. am. The Fire  began it's travelling   from Privokzalnaya Square.  It's way was  39,6 km long. The honour to carre the symbol of the most famous and aincient sport competition was given to Valery Chapligin, the Olympic champiom of 1976. The happiness of the honoured  sportsman was shared by the governer A.Mihailov and  the Head of the town administration N.Ovcharov.

The best sportsman, musicians, cinema and theatre actors, politicians and pupils were chosen to carry Olympic Fire To be a torch-carrier in his responssible and beautiful ceremony is a great honour.

The torch went from the hands of one torch-bearer  to another each 200 meters. Among 200 torch-bearers there A.Zubarev, I.deriglasova, E.lamonova, E.Volkova, K.Harleeva, V.Vintskevich, V.Vinokur and others.

The 7 hour Olympic relay- race finished with a great show in the Red Square .The holiday began at 3 p.m. The atmosphere was wonderful.

The culmination was the apperance of  the Olympic Fire. It was carried by E.Lamonova, the Olympic  champion of fencing.

And at last the final part-the Olympic Fire Bowl, which will stay in Kursk for ever in  the memory of the held relay-race, took place.

It was a great holiday and everyone was feeling himself as a particiant of the Olympic Games and this feeling well stay in our hearts forever.  A great number of photos made on this day will remind the citizens of Kursk about the unforgetable event.

We can imagine how proud and happy were those who managed to get honour to early the Olympic Fire.

Michel Bezugolnikov, a student of a gymnasium 25, was a torch-bearer. All he’s classmates  were proud of him. He is an athlete, he has riched a lot of victories, but he has never taken part in such a relay-race. He has never had so many fans.

Later he said:»I was nervous at the first moment. But them  emotions overflowed me: I was feeling delight and happiness  when I came on the running  track. I was happy that my classmates, friends and parents there with me at that very moment»

Fill in the words from the box

  • Overflowed  me        
  • carry the Olympic Fire      
  • were proud of        
  • on the  running track      
  • proud and happy
  •  torch-bearer

We can imagine how _________ were those who managed to get honour to________.

Michel Bezugolnikov, a student of a gymnasium 25, was a_________. All he’s classmates  ________him. He is an athlete, he has  a lot of prizes , but he has never taken part in such a relay-race. He has never    felt the support of such a great number of fans .

Later he said:»I was not nervous at the first moment. But them  emotions________: I was feeling delight and happiness  when I came__________. I was happy that my classmates, friends and parents there with me at that very moment»

Переполнять- overflowed

Беговая дорожка- running  track

Drilling exercises


Konstantin Borisenko, the student(pupil) of school №2, was given the honour to carry the Olympic Fire.

He is the pupil  of the 11th from. He is known as a good student, sportsman, the winner of the regional and Russian competitions, a sympathetic person and reliable friend,

The school got an e-mail with the suggestive to elect a torch-bearer among   its pupils. And Kostya was elected by the pupils and teachers. A day before the relay-race a letter from the Olympic. Committee  came which informed that Kostya would run and all the necessary information was given.  «The place of the start will be marked by number 16 was said in the letter».

The boy was given a torch-bearer uniform and the necessary instructions about the rules how to pass the distance and the safety rules of fire bearing.

He will never forget the «Flame Kiss» and 200meters  of running with the torch in his hands Konstantin said: « What is the distance for me? 200meters of happiness, excitement, delight and begin proud of my school, my Kursk, my Russia!»

He passed the torch to Marina Zhalibina the World Champion in 100meters running competitions.

Say True or False

  1. Konstantin Borisenko is on Olympic champion
  2. The e-mail letter had a suggestion to elect a torch-bearer
  3. Konstantin was chosen to be a torch-bearer long ago
  4. His number was 116
  5. The boy was given a torch-bearer uniform and necessary instruction
  6. The «Flame Kiss» will be his unforgettable impression
  7. He passed the torch to Marina Zhalibina the World Campion in jumping.

Natasha Skorova is a student of school №56. She is a student and takes part in many subjects  Olympiads. Her hobbies are dancing, table tennis and Drama. She is a member of «Lisa Alert»  awarded for its work several times.  

       The took part the selection to become a  torch-bearer and won. Natasha could hardly believe it but it was true. Her number was 11.

The girl will never forget the famous «Flame Kiss» and those 200meters is the centre of Kursk, the people who were supporting her, the feeling of pride and happiness.

«The Olympic Fire will always burn in my heart», said Natasha Skorova.


Your Task

Say what you remember about N. Skorova  and describe the feelings and emotions you’ve experienced on the 16th of January 2014.

Key words

Олимпийцы- Olympians

Триумфальная Арка- Triumphal arch

Землянки- fellow-towns

Святыня- a holy thing

Заслуженный- honored

Губернатор- governor

Факел- a torch

Эстафета- a relay-race

Кульминация- a culmination

Фехтование- fencing

Чаша- a bowl

Факелоносец - a torch- bearer

Answer the questions:

  1. When did Kursk Olympic Fire?
  2. What places did the Olympic Fire pass?
  3. Who was the first to carry the Olympic Fire?
  4. who was chosen to carry the Olympic Fire?
  5. How long did the relay-race last?
  6. What was the culmination off the event?
  7. Why will everyone remember the great day?

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