день науки "Are you genius?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
как выявить гения?
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Genius means... 1. somebody with outstanding talent: somebody with exceptional ability, especially somebody whose intellectual or creative achievements gain worldwide recognition 2. outstanding talent: exceptional intellectual or creative ability 3. somebody with specific skill: a person with great specialized skill, e.g. a genius with computers 4. (plural ge·ni·i [ jeenee i ]) quality: a special quality that characterizes a place, period, or people 5. (plural ge·ni·i ) guardian spirit: in Roman mythology, a guardian spirit of a person, place, or institution 6. (plural ge·ni·i ) demon: a supposed demon or supernatural being 7. influence: somebody who or something that exerts a strong influence, e.g. an evil genius
Ability Accomplishment Acumen Aptitude Brilliance Flair Imagination Ingenuity Inspiration Intelligence inventiveness knack Originality Prodigy Prowess Talent Wisdom Acuteness Adept Aptness Astuteness Bent Brain capability Capacity Creativity Discernment Einstein Endowment Expert Faculty Grasp Head Inclination Perspicacity power Precocity Propensity Reach Sagacity Turn Understanding Virtuoso Mature Percipience superability
Genius IQ Scores Are YOU a genius too?
Statistics indicate that only 3% of people tested for intelligence quotient achieve genius IQ scores. 50% of the population fall into the average range. 25% fall into the below average range. 22% of those tested achieve 'above average' but not quite genius IQ scores. Of the 3% that achieve genius IQ scores, only 0.5% of those score 140 and above.
How to improve your I.Q.? Here are some tips on how to improve your I.Q Most people are a lot smarter than they realize. Your brain may feel sluggish but that is often just down to bad habits. You can learn to use your brain more quickly. Your brain, like a muscle, responds to training. You can improve your IQ by: 1. Playing strategy type games and computer games. By having to think and plan ahead you exercise your brain. Games like chess are recognized for their stimulating effects on the brain. And studies have shown that kids who play strategy-based computer games have higher IQs. 2 . Practicing IQ test puzzles. You can buy books of IQ test puzzles. If you practice these everyday, you will become more familiar with these types of challenges. Your brain will cope with them better. You will improve your IQ scores. 3 . Learn to meditate. Meditation is the study of the mind. It increases awareness. And greater awareness is a main key to how to improve your IQ. You will gain access to expanded states of mind. You will realize new mental abilities and profound intuition. All good for improving your IQ -- and feeling great!
Geniuses are people who think differently than the common man. Geniuses have thoughts and ideas on a daily basis that are so far beyond the average person's petty concerns.
Для этого вам нужно выбрать из списка слов то, которое является, по вашему мнению, наиболее подходящим для завершения предложения, чтобы оно приобрело правильный смысл. Время для прохождения теста 4-5 минут . ТЕСТ «Не гений ли вы?» 1. У дерева всегда есть… - а) листья; б) плоды; в) почки; г) корни; д ) тень. 2. Комментарий - это… - а) закон; б) лекция; в) объяснение; г) следствие; д ) намек. 3. Противоположностью предательства является… - а) любовь; б) тунеядство; в) хитрость; г) трусость; д ) преданность. 4. Женщины… бывают выше мужчин. - а) всегда; б) обычно; в) часто; г) никогда не; д ) иногда. 5. Обед не может состояться без… - а) стола; б) сервиза; в) пищи; г) воды; д ) голода. 6. Занятием, противоположным отдыху , является… - а) труд; б) забота; в) усталость; г) прогулка; д ) тренировка. 7. Для торговли необходимо иметь… - а) магазин; б) деньги; в) прилавок; г) товар; д ) весы. 8. Когда спор кончается взаимной уступкой, это называется… - а) конвенцией; б) компромиссом; в) развязкой; г) сговором; д ) примирением. 9. Человека, который плохо относится к новшествам, называют… - а) анархистом; б) либералом; в) демократом; г) радикалом; д ) консерватором. 10. Сыновья… превосходят отцов по жизненному опыту… - а) никогда не; б) часто; в) редко; г) обычно; д ) всегда.
Ответы 1г, 2в, 3д, 4д, 5в, 6а, 7г, 8б, 9д, 10в, 1. У дерева всегда есть корни. 2. Комментарий - это объяснение. 3. Противоположностью предательства является преданность. 4. Женщины… бывают выше мужчин иногда. 5. Обед не может состояться без пищи. 6. Занятием, противоположным отдыху, является труд. 7. Для торговли необходимо иметь товар. 8. Когда спор кончается взаимной уступкой, это называется компромиссом. 9. Человека, который плохо относится к новшествам, называют консерватором. 10. Сыновья… превосходят отцов по жизненному опыту редко.
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Childhood(1452-1466) Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in theTuscan hill town of Vinci, in the lower valley of the Arno River in the territory of the Medici-ruled Republic of Florence. His full birth name was “ Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci”.
His parents were 25-year-old notary Piero and his lover, a peasant woman Caterina . He spent his first five years in the hamlet of Anchiano in the home of his mother, then from 1457 he lived in the household of his father, grandparents and uncle, Francesco, in the small town of Vinci.
Verrocchio's workshop(1466-1476) In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to the artist Andrea di Cione , known as Verrocchio, whose workshop was "one of the finest in Florence". Other famous painters apprenticed or associated with the workshop include Domenico Ghirlandaio, Perugino, Botticelli, and Lorenzo di Credi .
Much of the painted production of Verrocchio's workshop was done by his employees. According to Vasari, Leonardo collaborated with Verrocchio on his The Baptism of Christ , painting the young angel holding Jesus' robe in a manner that was so far superior to his master's that Verrocchio put down his brush and never painted again.
Professional life(1476-1513) In the years 1472-1477 Leonardo worked on " The Annunciation ", " Madonna with vase " In the second half of the 70s was to create a " Madonna with a Flower " (" Benois Madonna "). At age 24, Leonardo and three other young men were brought to trial on false charges of sodomy anonymous . They were acquitted . [3] About his life after this event very little is known , but probably ( have documents ) , he had his own workshop in Florence in 1476-1481 , respectively.
In 1481, da Vinci made the first in his life big order - altarpiece "The Adoration of the Magi" (not completed) to the monastery of San Donato and systems located near Florence. In the same year , work began on the painting " Saint Jerome " In 1482 Leonardo , being , according to Vasari , a very talented musician, [4] , created a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head . Lorenzo de 'Medici sent him to Milan as a peacemaker to Lodovico Moro, a lyre sent to him as a gift. Then work began on horseback monument Francesco Sforza .
Last years of life Last years of his life Leonardo da Vinci spent wandering. From Florence he again moved to Milan and then to Rome.
In 1516 Leonardo went to France, accepting the invitation of King Francis I. He settled in the royal castle in the Cloud, near the town of Amboise. At this time Leonardo paid special attention to the mechanics and drawing. It is in the Cloud, it formed the basis of his treatise on painting, which substantiated the concept of the universal language of art. The most famous painting of the French period - "John the Baptist" and the cycle of paintings on biblical themes.
death Leonardo da Vinci died May 2, 1519 in the Cloud. Leonardo disparate records were brought together and published by his pupil Francesco Melzi favorite, accompanying him in France. Hewas a great creator, opening a new era in Italian art - the High Renaissance. Giorgio Vasari wrote of him: "All these branches of its activity, in which he showed himself so divine, never let it fade away no name, no glory."
His Inventions List of inventions, both real and attributed to him: parachute wheel lock bicycle tank Lightweight, portable bridges for army spotlight catapult robot two-lens telescope
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Johann Mendel was born on July 20, 1822 to a peasant family of Anton and Rosine Mendel in a small rural town Heyntsendorf . He studied at the Theological Institute of Brunn . In 1847 he became a priest. Independently studied many sciences, replaced the missing teachers of the Greek language and mathematics at one of the schools.
Being in Vienna, Mendel became interested in the process of hybridization of plants and, in particular, the different types of hybrid offspring and their statistical relations . From 1856 to 1863 began to conduct experiments on peas in the monastery garden experimental and formulated the laws that explain the mechanism of inheritance, known to us as "Mendel's laws."
March 8, 1865 Mendel reported the results of their experiments Brunn Society of Naturalists, which at the end of next year published a summary of his report in the next volume of "Proceedings of the Society ..." entitled "Experiments on Plant Hybrids"
Mendel died on January 6, 1884 and was not recognized by his contemporaries . On his grave is a plate with the inscription “My time has come!”
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