контрольная работа по УМК English VII 1 четверть
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

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Кр VII I чет


  1. Read the text and choose the right statement among those given after the text.

What Is Language?

A language is not “a lot of words and grammar”. A language is the means by which one person expresses his thoughts and feelings to another person so that he understands them.

A language can be made up of signs, or sounds, facial expressions, or just gestures or bodily actions. Or it can be all these things taken together. When you have something to say, you not only speak, you make gestures and change the expressions of your face.

As civilizations grew older, people began to live in large groups, life become different, people learned more and more new things, languages also became less primitive. But surprisingly enough, we do not really know how languages began. Some thinks they began from the natural cries that people made to express surprise, happiness or pain. Others think languages began by imitation of the sounds of animals. And it is possible that each of these methods had a part in the beginning of language.

We know that practically all the languages spoken on earth today come from several ancient languages. The ancient languages with all the languages coming from it is called a “family” of languages. English is also a member of the Indo-European family of languages. Other members of this family are such languages as French, Italian, German, Norwegian, Russian and Greek.


  1. A) A language includes only words and grammar rules.

B) A language includes more than words and grammar rules.

 2. A) We need languages for communication.

B) We need languages only for self-expression.

 3. A) Primitive civilizations have rather primitive languages.

 B) Primitive civilizations do not have any languages.

 4. A) People know that languages began from the natural cries of primitive people.

  B) People have several theories about the beginning of languages.

  5. A) Languages are united into families by their origin.

  B) Languages are united into families by the territories on which they are spoken.

   6. A) The Indo-European family includes only languages spoken in western Europe.

   B) The Indo-European family includes languages spoken in western, eastern and southern Europe and in Asia.

II. Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to get.

  1. We get ______ very well with our new neighbours: they are very nice people. 2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get ____ in the morning. 3. I asked the bus driver where I should get ____. 4. Look at the time! Let’s get ____ to business. 5. I can’t get ____ my dislike of snakes. 6. If the information gets ____, you’ll be very sorry about it. 7. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got ___ with my keys again.

  1. A. Write the plural for each noun.
  1. Gas  2. Bath  3. Penny   4. Schoolchild   5. Deer   6. Swine   7. Sheep   8.  Woman

B. Write the singular for each noun.

1. Men  2. Teeth  3. Mice  4. Days  5. Watches   6. Fish  7. Oxen  8. Children

  1. Open the brackets to make the story complete.

The Artist

There was once a king who (love)1 graceful eats very much. He (ask)2 the court artist (paint)3 a picture of a cat for him. For one year he (wait)4 and still the artist (not, bring)5 him the picture. In a rage, the king (run)6 into the artist’s studio and (want)7 (see)8 the artist. Quickly the artist (bring)9 paper, paints and brushes. In five minutes a perfect picture of a cat (appear) 10 from his wonderful brush.

                The king (get)11 purple with anger and (say)12, “If you (can)13 (paint)14 a perfect picture of a cat in five minutes, why you (keep)15 me waiting for over a year?”

                “(Come)16 with me,” (ask)17 the artist. He (lead)18 the king to his back room. There piles of paper (lie)19 everywhere and on every sheet there (be)20 a picture of a cat.

                “It (take)21 me more than one year (learn)22 how (paint)23 a perfect cat in five minutes. ”    

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