Animal Quiz
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
mon | key |
li | on |
ost | rich |
giraf | fe |
ele | phant |
mou | se |
hedge | hog |
squi | rrel |
kanga | roo |
rab | bit |
mam | mal |
bi | rd |
be | ar |
croco | dile |
rep | tile |
blo | od |
cli | mb |
wi | ng |
fi | sh |
butter | fly |
All cats are |
Barking dogs |
Better an egg today |
Curiosity |
Every dog is |
grey in the dark |
seldom bites |
than a hen tomorrow |
killed the cat |
a lion at home |
It's a strange animal. It has got a head of a crocodile, ears of an elephant, body of a bee, legs of an ostrich, tail of a pig. It lives on trees. It can fly.
It's a strange animal. It has got a head of a crocodile, ears of an elephant, body of a bee, legs of an ostrich, tail of a pig. It lives on trees. It can fly.
1. I'm red and I've got a fine bushy tail. I like meat. I hunt and eat small animals. (Fox)
2. I'm grey and I'm very big. I live in jungle but you can see me at the Zoo and in the circus. I don't eat meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit. (Elephant)
3. I've got a bushy tail. Sometimes I'm grey and sometimes I'm red. I live in the trees. I like nuts. (Squirrel)
4. I've got a long neck and long legs and I eat leaves from the trees. (Giraffe)
5. I'm big. I'm a domestic animal. I like to eat grass. I give you milk. (Cow)
gofr |
egffira |
hogdhege |
tephelan |
xfo |
lewha |
zldair |
raeb |
nyekom |
qerruisl |
kooragan |
tac |
ogd |
niol |
Animal Quiz
1. Соедините половинки слов
2. Знаете ли вы пословицы?
3. Прочитайте описание животного и нарисуйте его.
4. Отгадай загадку.
5. Продолжи цепочку, начиная каждое следующее слово с последней буквы предыдущего.
7. Поставь буквы в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось название животного.
8. Прослушайте запись звуков, которые издают животные. Угадайте, каким животным они принадлежат.
9. игра в "Крестики – нолики"
Name 5 mammals
Name 3 reptiles
Name 5 birds
Name 5 insects
Name 2 fish
To be
Monkeys _____ very funny animals.
Elephant _____ very tall.
I ____ eleven years old.
Choose the right variant.
Bat (sleep/sleeps) 19 hours during the day.
Horses (eat/eats) grass.
Whale (live/lives) in the sea.
Make the sentence negative
Bats sleep during the night.
Elephant gives us milk.
Cats live for 100 years.
Elephants live in Africa and Asia. |
They are one of the biggest animals in the world. |
Elephants can carry very heavy things. |
They live for 60 years. |
Elephants sleep for 4 hours at night. |
They eat grass, leaves and fruit. |
Elephants live in Africa and Asia. |
They are one of the biggest animals in the world. |
Elephants can carry very heavy things. |
They live for 60 years. |
Elephants sleep for 4 hours at night. |
They eat grass, leaves and fruit. |
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Презентация Animal Quiz
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1 Wild animals. Animals at the zoo. Animals in the reserve. Spotlight 4. Урок 18
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