Контрольная работа №1 для 5 класса
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа №1 для 5 класса по учебнику М.З.Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева за I четверть


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test №1           Form 5               I variant

  1. Match the word combinations and their translations.
  1. to spend the holidays
  2. to miss a good film
  3. sociable child
  4. a famous scientist
  5. to take care of

  1. общительный ребенок
  2. заботиться о ком-либо
  3. проводить каникулы
  4. знаменитый ученый
  5. пропускать хороший фильм

  1. Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form.
  1. Elephants are ____(fat) than giraffes.
  2. Apples are ____(tasty) fruit in the world.
  3. This classroom is _____ (large) classroom in my school.
  4. What subject is ______(interesting) for you?- Maths.
  5. I can dance ___(good) this year after summer sports camp.
  1. Put the verbs in the correct order.
  1. On Sunday my friend _____(get up) late.
  2. My birthday party ____(be) next month. I want to invite Tom.
  3. He ___(work) at school last year.
  4. __ you __(see) this film yesterday?
  5. __ she ___(finish) this work soon?
  6. My grandma ___(not/ watch TV) yesterday.
  7. I ___(not/ listen) to the music every day.
  1. Complete the questions with tag endings.
  1. Kate likes to play football,____?
  2. Nick didn’t invite us to his party,____?
  3. My brother and I ___ swim very well, can’t ____?
  4. You ___ a student, aren’t ___?
  5. Mike brought a book,____?
  1. Complete the sentences. Use: a few, many, a little, much, few, little.
  1. He wants (немного) milk.
  2. Give me (несколько) apples, please.
  3. I can’t borrow you because I have___ money in my pocket.
  4. Kate wouldn’t eat (много) soup.
  5. We have (много) homework every day.

Test №1           Form 5               II variant

  1. Match the word combinations and their translations.
  1. To go abroad
  2. To take part in
  3. A famous chemist
  4. Creative player
  5. To miss grandparents
  1. Участвовать в
  2. Известный химик
  3. Скучать по бабушке и дедушке
  4. Творческий игрок
  5. Ехать заграницу
  1. Complete the sentences. Put the adjectives in the right form.
  1. This house is ___(big) house in our town.
  2. Yesterday we took a Maths test. It was ___(difficult) Maths test in my life.
  3. The weather today is __(bad) than yesterday.
  4. Dolphins are ___(small) than whales.
  5. Stepan is ___(lazy) pupil in our class.
  1. Put the verbs in the correct order.
  1. I ____ (write) to my parents every week.
  2. You _____(arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.
  3. My parents often ____ (go) for a walk.
  4. ____ she ___(finish) this work tomorrow?
  5. ____Jack ____(invite) you to his party yesterday?
  6. Your friend ___(not/ speak) English well last year.
  7. Our family ___(not/ get up) at 7 o’clock on Sundays.
  1. Complete the questions with tag endings.
  1. Kate went to the seaside a year ago,____?
  2. She has a very nice house,___?
  3. They ___go to Moscow the next week, won’t ___?
  4. It ___ a lovely day, isn’t ____?
  5. My Dad ___like to go to the cinema, does ___?
  1. Complete the sentences. Use: a few, many, a little, much, few, little.
  1. Give me (несколько) nuts, please.
  2. His English isn’t very good. He knows only ___ English words.
  3. I would drink (много) juice.
  4. I’d like to try (несколько) sweets.
  5. He spends (много) time at his club.

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