урок "Yummy"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок по теме "Have you got a sweet tooth?" к учебнику "New Millennium 5" Unit 4 lesson 6
Предварительный просмотр:
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Phonetic exercise [ai] [i:] [λ] [æ] [t∫] r i ce cr ea m m u shrooms a ny ch ocolate i ce t ea s o me c a rrots ch eese l i ke sw ee t o nion s a lmon ch icken p i e m ea t b u tter j a m ch ewing gum
The questionnaire Do you put sugar in your tea? Yes b) No 2. Can you eat a jar of jam? Yes b) No 3. Do you eat chocolate every day? Yes b) No 4. Are carrots sweet? Yes b) No 5. Did you have a lollipop or any other sweets yesterday? Yes b) No 6. Do you drink a lot of lemonade, Coke or Pepsi? Yes b) No 7. Do you like pastry more than fruit? a) Yes b) No
My results! 6-7 I’ve got a really sweet tooth. Do you go to the dentist often? Eat less sweets! 3-5 I’ve got a sweet tooth, but I don’t eat TOO many sweet things. Good! 1-2 I haven’t got a sweet tooth and I don’t like sweets. Isn’t your life boring??)
Carrot, apple, cheese, tea, juice, egg, lemon, cola, tomato, milk, bread, fizzy water, orange, ice cream, coffee, lemonade, ham, banana, potato, strawberry FOOD DRINK vegetables fruit other hot cold carrot tomato potato apple lemon orange banana cheese egg bread ice cream ham strawberry tea coffee juice cola milk fizzy water lemonade
Find the odd food in each line! tomato potato onion cheese salt chocolate bread salmon lollipop kilo spoonful cup pastry skittles sweets crisps eggs loaf Pepsi tomato
Match the English and Russian proverbs No bees, no honey; no work, no money. All sugar and honey. You can’t eat your cake and have it. Honey is sweet but the bee stings (жалит). И хочется, и колется ( Хочется съесть, да вредно) Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда. Весь из сахара и меда. Один пирог 2 раза не съесть. (В одну реку не войти дважды).
Physical minute for eyes Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again !
Doctor’s advice… If you have a sweet tooth you should: clean your _____ after you eat sweet things eat an _______ after sweet things eat more ________and __________ keep a _______ teeth apple fruits vegetables diet
The Archies - Sugar, Oh Honey, Honey Sugar, Oh, Honey, Honey. You are my candy box, and you got me wanting you! Honey, Oh, Sugar, Sugar. You are my lollipop and you got me loving you. I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you. (I just can't believe it's true). I just can't believe the wonder of this feeling too. (I just can't believe it's true). Sugar, Oh, Honey, Honey. You are my lemonade, and you got me wanting you! Honey, Oh, Sugar, Sugar. You are my chocolate bar and you got me loving you!
Thank you for your work!
Homework SB ex. 4 a, 4 c p. 60 WB * project
Good Bye! See you!
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок разработан для учащихся 5 класса
(УМК “New Millennium English” для 5 класса 4ый год обучения Н.Н.Деревянко, С.В.Жаворонкова )
ТЕМА : “Yummy, yummy”
Цель урока : развитие речевой и языковой компетенций учащихся через основные виды речевой деятельности.
Тип урока определен его местом в изучаемом разделе. По форме проведенный урок был уроком изучения нового с применением элементов инновационных технологий, позволяющих осуществить системно-деятельностный подход в обучении.
- побуждать учащихся к активному участию в познании окружающего мира;
- развить память и внимание;
- научить учащихся формировать свою точку зрения.
- развивать мышление, память, внимание, воображение;
- развивать языковую догадку.
- практиковать учащихся в умении вести беседу по теме «Еда»;
- развить навыки монологической речи;
- развить артикуляцию английских звуков, слухо-произносительные навыки речи.
- обучить вежливому общению друг с другом с соблюдением этикетных норм;
- воспитывать толерантное поведение.
- объяснительно-иллюстративный;
- монологические: описание, объяснение;
- словесно-наглядно-практические.
Оборудование: УМК “New Millennium English” Н.Н.Деревянко, С.В.Жаворонкова, компьютер, проектор, экран, карточки.
- Организационный момент и приветствие
- Сообщение цели урока
- Активизация фонетических навыков
- Актуализация лексического материала
- Физкультминутка (зарядка для глаз)
- Совершенствование навыков чтения
- Рефлексия
- Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания
Ход урока
- Орг.момент и приветствие
Good morning, pupils!
I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
How are you today? Who is absent today?
What date/day is it today?
- Сообщение цели урока. (Слайд 1)
Dear pupils, tell me, please, what unit we are studying. Yes, you’re right – “Yummy,yummy”.
- Активизация фонетических навыков. (Слайд 2)
Now we should have some phonetic exercise. Look at the screen and repeat these sounds and words after me.
[ai] [i:] [λ] [æ] [t∫]
rice cream mushrooms any chocolate
ice tea some carrots cheese
like sweet onion salmon chicken
pie meat butter jam chewing gum
Now read them by yourself. (3 ученика сами прочитывают слова с одним из звуков)
- Актуализация лексического материала. (Слайд 3,4)
Pupils, you see that you sit in groups of 6. There are 2 groups. So now you start working for your group and with your group and for the correct answer you’ll get a sweet t. At the end of the lesson the group which will collect more sweets will be the winner! Clear?
I think it’s time to imagine the names of your teams! (1-…..,2-……,.)
Open the books, please, and look at these sweet things. Yummy?? Yes! Match the words with the pictures.
Do you like tasty things? As for me I like them VERY MUCH! Can you guess the translation of the phrase “to have a sweet tooth”?
Do the questionnaire. We are going to check who has a sweet tooth in our group! But I ask one pair go to the board and act this dialogue.
Now count your points: (a) answer – 1 point, (b) answer – zero point.
Look at the screen and read your results!
Thank you, children. Well done!
Let’s do some exercises. Don’t forget that you work in groups.
I give every group a card with a table and words below. Your task is to group these words into the categories:
1)FOOD (vegetables, fruit, other) 2) DRINK (hot, cold)
Don’t write the words; just put the numbers 1, 2 ,3,4 or 5. I give you one minute! (слайд 5)
Now your task is to find the odd food in each line! (слайд 6)
Your teams work well! Are you ready to get more sweets?? You see famous English sweet proverbs. Find the Russian equivalents for them. (слайд 7)
- Физкультминутка (Слайд 8)
I see that you and your eyes are a bit tired. So, let’s have some physical exercises.
Great! Your eyes are happy now!
- Совершенствование навыков чтения (работа с интерактивной доской)
1 задание: Let’s read what Rob thinks about sweet things. But his story is not complete. Go to the board and drag the words into the sentences.
2 задание: Match the English sentences with Russian translation.
Well done, pupils!
- Рефлексия (монологическое высказывание)
So, now you know a lot about sweet life. What advice would you give to boys and girls who have a sweet tooth?
So, dear pupils, did you like our lesson and our work? Great! Let’s collect your sweets! The winners of today’s lesson are ……..!
I’d like to finish our lesson with a very sweet song “Sugar, oh Honey Honey”! (слайд 9)
9. Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания.
Stand up! The lesson is over! See you next lesson! Good bye! (слайд 10, 11, 12)