Тестовые задания для контроля грамматических навыков пр теме "Неопределенные времена"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предложенные задания помогут применить теоритические знания на практике.
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Вариант 1
Задания 1-5. Дополните следующие ниже предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов решения.
1. Mr. Jones … a judge five years ago.
А) wasn’t B) isn’t С) won’t be
2. Tomorrow I … you some details about the profession of a lawyer.
А) shall give В) gave С) give
3. The investigator … witnesses last night.
А) interview В) interviewed С) will interview
4. My friend … a diploma of a lawyer in 3 months.
A) gets B) got C) will get
5. We … lectures in Civil Law every week.
A) has B) will have C) have
Задания 6-9. Заполните пропуск, выбрав один из вариантов ответа.
6. This cadet is … than other freshmen.
A) more bright B) brighter C) the brightest
7. The Theory of State and Law is … in our curriculum.
A) more difficult B) difficult C) the most difficult
8. Whose report on Criminal Law is it? – It’s ….
A) my B) mine C) her
9. … task is to get professional skills and abilities.
A) we B) our C) ours
Задания 10-12. Определите видовременную форму глагола.
10. I am pretty much on the happy side of life.
A) Future Indefinite B) Present Indefinite C) Past Indefinite
11. While in High School he won a couple of awards.
A) Future Indefinite B) Past Indefinite C) Present Indefinite
12. I shall become a militia officer in 5 years.
A) Past Indefinite B) Present Indefinite C) Future Indefinite
Задания 13-15. Выберите грамматически верный перевод следующих предложений.
13. Он успешно сдал вступительные экзамены.
A) Will he pass the entrance exams successfully.
B) He did pass the entrance exams successfully.
C) He passed the entrance exams successfully.
14. Будут ли наши первокурсники изучать уголовное право?
A) Will our freshmen study Criminal Law?
B) Does our freshmen study Criminal Law?
C) Our freshmen will study Criminal Law?
15. Наши курсанты работают в криминологической лаборатории, не так ли?
A) Our cadets work in criminological laboratory, doesn’t they?
B) Our cadets work in criminological laboratory, don’t they?
C) Our cadets work in criminological laboratory, do they?
Вариант 2
Задания 1-3. Определите видовременную форму глагола.
1. My goals for the nearest future are still uncertain.
A) Future Indefinite B) Present Indefinite C) Past Indefinite
2. While in High School I performed in jazz band.
A) Future Indefinite B) Past Indefinite C) Present Indefinite
3. He will become a militia officer in 2 years.
A) Past Indefinite B) Present Indefinite C) Future Indefinite
Задания 4-8. Дополните следующие ниже предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов решения.
4. Mr. Jones … a judge five years ago.
А) wasn’t B) isn’t С) won’t be
5. Yesterday I … you some details about the profession of a lawyer.
А) shall give В) gave С) give
6. The investigator … witnesses every week.
А) interviews В) interviewed С) will interview
7. My friend … a diploma of a lawyer in 3 months.
A) gets B) got C) will get
8. We … lectures in Civil Law regularly.
A) has B) will have C) have
Задания 9-11. Выберите грамматически верный перевод следующих предложений.
9. Он успешно сдал вступительные экзамены?
A) Will he pass the entrance exams successfully?
B) Did he pass the entrance exams successfully?
C) He passed the entrance exams successfully?
10. Наши курсанты работают в криминологической лаборатории.
A) Our cadets work in criminological laboratory.
B) Our cadets works in criminological laboratory.
C) Our cadets worked in criminological laboratory.
11. Наши первокурсники будут изучать уголовное право, не так ли?
A) Our freshmen will study Criminal Law, don’t they?
B) Will our freshmen study Criminal Law?
C) Our freshmen will study Criminal Law, won’t they?
Задания 12-15. Заполните пропуск, выбрав один из вариантов ответа.
12. The Theory of State and Law is … in our curriculum.
A) difficult B) more difficult C) the most difficult
13. This cadet is … than other freshmen.
A) more bright B) the brightest C) brighter
14. Whose report on Criminal Law is it? – It’s ….
A) his B) mine C) my
15. … task is to get professional skills and abilities.
A) we B) our C) ours
Вариант 3
(повышенной трудности)
I. Определите правильный вариант ответа к каждому предложению
1. My friend Sam (to investigate) a car theft tomorrow.
А) investigates В) will investigate С) investigated
2. Usually he (to conduct) search and discovery of the stolen property.
А) conducts В) will conduct С) conducted
3. The field-criminalist (to take pictures) of the objects of the crime scene two days ago.
А) takes В) took С) will take
4. He (not to work) as a notary at one of the notary offices in Russia. He lives in London.
А) won’t work В) didn’t work С) doesn’t work
5. Mr. Jones (not to be) a judge five years ago.
А) wasn’t B) isn’t С) won’t be
6. Next month that prosecutor (to be) on leave.
А) was В) will be С) is
7. At the last trial he (to call) his witnesses and (to ask) them to give evidence.
А) will call В) called С) calls
8. These notary actions (to be) sometimes necessary for the regulation of people’s relations.
А) was В) will be С) are
9. Tomorrow I (to give) you some details about the profession of a lawyer.
А) shall give В) will give С) give
10. Usually the detective (to operate) in plain-clothes.
А) operated В) operate С) operates
11. Two years ago that police department (to take) active measures to bring him to justice.
А) will take В) take С) took
12. We (to learn) the offender’s distinctive marks, his relatives, friends very soon.
А) learnt В) shall learn С) learn
13. That criminal (not to leave) evidence at the crime scene usually.
А) didn’t leave В) don’t leave С) doesn’t leave
14. Tomorrow the witnesses (to identify) the victims of the crime.
А) identify В) will identify С) identified
15. In the nearest future they (not to take) active measures to solve the crime.
А) took В) take С) will take
16. Sometimes he (not to manage) to perform his duty.
А) don’t manage В) doesn’t manage С) didn’t manage
17. The detective (not to collect) all evidence at the crime scene yesterday.
А) didn’t collect В) won’t collect С) doesn’t collect
18. The investigator (to interview) witnesses tomorrow.
А) interview В) interviewed С) will interview
19. Professional policemen (to establish) contacts with the public regularly.
А) establish В) established С) will establish
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