план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Разработка плана урока для 8 класса по УМК Афанасьевой ОВ (углубленно), но можно использовать к любому учебнику.Урок является комбинированным, т.к. во-первых, содержит уже известную и новую для учащихся информацию, и, во-вторых, предполагает различные виды деятельности, такие как: работа с текстом, обучение новой лексике, развитие навыков чтения , аудирования, говорения и составления монологических высказываний по теме с выражением собственного мнения.  


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Предварительный просмотр:

КГУ Первая гимназия

План урока в 8 классе

 “The London Underground”

Учитель: Дашкевич И.В.

Петропавловск ,2014

Тема: The World of Travelling.

Тема урока- « London Underground (signs, directions)

Вид урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ

Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения в виде монологической и диалогической речи, развитие навыков аудирования, развитие навыков чтения с извлечением выборочной информации



  • формировать языковые, речевые и коммуникативные компетенции при развитии сформированности компетенций    аудирования, чтения, и говорения;
  • активизировать в речи лексический и грамматический материал по теме.
  • Развитие навыков диалогической речи;
  • формировать у учащихся социокультурную и культуроведческую компетенции.


  • развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков, памяти, внимания, инициативы в приобретении знании и умений;
  • развивать мышление в ходе усвоения таких приемов мыслительной деятельности как умение анализировать, синтезировать, обобщать;

Воспитательные задачи:

  • воспитать активность, самостоятельность, ответственность;
  •  формировать мировоззрение учащихся и логическое  мышление.
  • создание условий для воспитания потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности;


1. Информационно – коммуникационные технологии (Active board).

2. Аудитивные.

ТСО и оборудование:

Компьютер с проектором для демонстрации и  выполнения заданий –игр “The Traffic Signs) (  ), “The London Underground signs” ( )    или  интерактивная доска, видео  аудиозапись,   раздаточные методические материалы. Карта метро в Лондоне.

Ход урока.


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

I.Организационный момент.

Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to see you. How are you today?

Good morning! Glad to see you too!

1.2 .Речевая разминка.

T-  Well, let’s start our lesson. Last lesson we spoke about travelling, different means of transport and signs.

T: There is a number of things we should take into account if we want to have a comfortable trip around a city. Do you always remember the road safety when you cross the street/ go to school/ walk in the city?



II.Warming up:


ex - 86 p-238  

If you want to be safe on traffic ,

you MUST obey all the traffic rules.

Match some of the traffic signs and the descriptions and explain them with the right modal forms for each road sign.

(приложение 1)

Gr1—Gr 2         или

Работа  на интерактивной доске   или       в интернете ( моя версия игры)

  1. Постановка темы и целей урока, предсказание

London Underground roundel, a logo made of red circle with horizontal blue bar.

T- Try to guess the sign. What‘s this? 

What other words for it do you know?

 T- In Britain it is called the underground, or the tube. In America it’s called the subway. The metro is a more international word. You can teach all three words if you like.

T- What do you think what we are going to do during the lesson?

Today we are going to talk about one of the most popular kinds of transport, the London Underground or the tube. This is one of the main symbols of London alongside with double-desk buses, black taxi cabs, Big Ben and red telephone boxes which has made this city recognizable all over the world.

So, the topic of the lesson is…

P- (It is the familiar name for the London Underground).

P- ( ‘The Tube’, the Metro, the Underground).

Cl- « London Underground»

P1- P2 -P3

IV.Этап подготовки к усвоению новых знаний. 

  T- Most  people  who  visit  London  tend  to  try  out  the  London  Underground. Going on the tube is an experience in its own right. It is part of the exciting London experience when seeing the sights. Of course, different signs help us to travel around it.

T- What signs can you see there?

P1- P2- P3

V.Расширение и активизация  лексического запаса  

T- You have to attempt to pair up the 16 words to get 8 noun-noun collocations that you might see on the London Underground.


Alarm; Bridge; Card; Circle; Emergency; Exit; Fire; Help; Line; Map; London; Point; Priority; Seat; Travel; Tube

(приложение 2)

T- You are going to see a video clip of English on the London Underground

Let’s compare your answers with the video clip.


T- I’m going to test your powers of observation.

(приложение 3 )

Контроль задания перед вторым просмотром

Работа в группах

или индивидуально на компьютерах  в интернете ( моя версия игры)

или на интерактивной доске


   Fire Alarm,  London Bridge, Travel card, Circle Line, Emergency exit, Help point, Tube map,  Priority seat)

Ps-  выполнение задания индивиуально

VI. Развитие умения поискового чтения.

   T-“What else do you need to travel by the underground?


T- I want you to read the dialogue  

#48 p 212  and find at least 3 things that help passengers in the London Underground.

While- reading:

 T- Find  the missing information in the text and fill in:

1. To get from Tooting Broadway  to Tottenham Court Road ( by underground) you use the Nothern Line.

Cl- ( underground maps, information on television  screens, indicators on the front of the trains and on the platform, station staff)

VII.Развитие умений чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного.

T- Study the map of the London Underground and say.. (ex 49 p214)


VIII. Аудирование

T- Imagine that you are in London.  Let’s learn how to ask for directions in the underground. Listen to the dialogues and put the sentences in the right order.

T- Choose any station you like and ask your partner for the direction. Make up your own dialogues and act them out.

(приложение 4, 5 )

Ученики слушают диалоги и расставляют реплики в нужном порядке.

Ученики составляют диалоги

IX.Подведение итогов.

T- What have you learnt about the London Underground ?

 Is it easy to travel there?

What was the most interesting for you?

I’ve learnt that…

It was interesting to know that…

It’s surprising that…

It’s hard to believe, but…

Now I know…

X. Домашнее задание


Let’s write an e-mail:

Write and send a 100-140 word e-mail to your teacher about: London Underground.

XI. Конец урока

Our lesson is over. Your marks for today are…

Thank you. Good bye!

Приложение 1

File:Singapore Road Signs - Information Sign - One-way traffic ahead.svg

one way traffic

You_ MUST _go only straight ahead.

You _MUSTN’t__turn

left or right or back.

motor cycles prohibited

Cyclists ARE NOT ALLOWED TO use this road.

 (or "Cyclists MAY use this road".)

light signal for pedestrians “Wait!’

We mustn’t cross the road when the light is red

vehicles may be parked partially on the verge of footway

You ARE ALLOWED TO park here partially on the verge of footway ( or "You MAY park here partially on the verge of footway ")

light signal for pedestrians”Walk with cate!”

We may cross the road when the light is green( You ARE ALLOWED) to cross the street)

no overtaking

No vehicles ARE ALLOWED TO overtake 

You MUSTN’t go past another vehicles

London are Train Services

Instructions to pedestrians for crossing the road with the help of the push-button control

You MUST NOT stop here. (or "You MAY NOT" or "You ARE NOT ALLOWED TO stop here.")

directions to services that are available

the London Underground

You MAY  enter. (or "You ARE ALLOWED TO enter).

Приложение 2

You have a puzzle to solve: You have to attempt to pair up the 16 words to get 8 noun- noun collocations that you might see on the London Underground.

Alarm               Bridge        Card         Circle

Emergency       Exit            Fire           Help

Line                  London      Map          Point

Priority             Seat            Travel       Tube


   Fire Alarm, London Bridge, Travel card, Circle Line, Emergency exit, Help point, Tube map,  Priority seat)


Приложение 3

London Underground Worksheet

There are eight signs from the clip you have just seen. Each one contains a mistake. Can you find and correct the mistakes? Explain the signs with another word using modals

1. Obstructing the door can be fun.

2. If you see a train being robbed, call the British transport police on 800-40-50-40.

3. Open/ Closed (beside the train door)

4. Dogs must be worn (on the escalator)

5. Stand on the left (on the escalator)

6. You are being watched

7. Lift flap and push button to start train

8. Take car after drinking alcohol.


Приложение 4

London Underground-- Situational Dialogues -- How to say


A Which way do I go for Queensway, please?

B Take the Bakerloo to Paddington, the District to Notting Hill and then get the Central..

A Where do I go now?

B Take the escalator on your right.


A How do I get to Lancaster Gate, please?

B Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line.

A Which platform do I want?

B Follow those signs. You can't go wrong.


A Which line do I take for Marble Arch, please?

B That's easy, it's the next station down the Central Line.

A How do I get down to the trains?

B Get that lift over there.


A Can you tell me the best way to get to Bond Street, please?

B You want the Victoria to Oxford Circus and then you change on to the Central.

A Which way do I go first?

B Go straight down the stairs and turn left at the bottom.


1. Describe the journey you need to take you get from Regents Park to Covent Garden.

2. You need to get Tottenham Court Road from Paddington .

3. Describe your way from Tottenham Court Road to Moorgate.



 Asking for directions

Excuse me, how do I get to…?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to…?

 Do you have a map?                                

Can you show me on the map?

Can you say that again please?

Thank you very much.

 Giving directions in the metro

Get on the … line.

Go for … stops.

Get off at … station.

Change trains (at … station).

It’s the (second, third…) stop

Источники  (видеоклип)   ( составление игр)        (образец диалога)

‘The Article Quiz’:

Have the students quiz each other in pairs. They score a point for each correct answer and half a point each time they have to look at the article for help. See who can get the highest score!

 Student A

 1) Who created the London Underground map and in what year?

 2) What is the famous tube phrase?

 3) What will you see at the Angel Underground?

 4) How many Underground stations are there in London?

 5) Name three Underground stations that have closed.

 Student B

 1) How many tube lines are there?

 2) What year did the first underground line open in London?

 3) Where is the longest tube network?

 4) What is a ‘roundel’?

 5) What happened to Trafalgar Square Underground station?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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