Методическая разработка "Сборник письменных заданий по грамматике английского языка для 2-8 классов"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Сборник письменных заданий по грамматике английского языка для 2-8классов. Рассматриваемые темы: множественное число существительных, глагол 'to be', 'have got', 'can', конструкция 'there is/there are', Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Complex Object.
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Методическая разработка "Сборник письменных заданий
по грамматике английского языка для 2 - 8 класса"
автор Петрова Юлия Александровна
школа 534 Санкт-Петербург
Уважаемые учителя!
Представляю вашему вниманию сборник письменных заданий по английскому языку для обучающихся во 2-8 классах школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, (в общеобразовательных школах данной разработкой также можно пользоваться, подобрав нужный уровень заданий). В сборнике есть задания на темы: множественное число существительных, глагол 'to be', 'have got', 'can', конструкция 'there is/there are', Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Complex Object.
Условные обозначения:
(+) -утвердительное предложение,
(-) -отрицательное предложение,
(?) -вопросительное предложение,
(^^) -два кратких ответа.
Второй класс
Homework № 1
I. Написать (+), (-), (?) и (^^)
- You and Ted are good friends.
- My parents and I have got a yacht.
- My aunt can dance.
Homework № 2
I. Раскрой скобки
- (They; She; You; I) (be) at the cinema.
- (I; You; We; They; He) (have got) a present.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) They are sad.
- (+) You have got a pencil.
Homework № 3
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (She; I; We; You; They) (be) playing hockey.
- (We; I; They, It, She) (have got) a kitten.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?):
- (+) She is a doctor.
- (+) He has got a friend.
Homework № 4
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (You; He; They; She; We; I; It) (be) big.
- (He; We; She; They; It; You; I) (have) got eyes.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^):
- (+) We are fat.
- (+) I have got a puck.
Homework № 5
I. Раскрой скобки
- (He; We; I; It; You) (be) in England.
- (She; They; He, I, You) (have got) a dog.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) I am a driver.
- (+) She has got a parrot.
Homework № 6
I. Write (+)
- (I, she, we, he, they, it, you) (play) on the computer.
- (She, they, I, he, you, we, it) (make) a kite.
II. Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- My friends (have) got records.
- My dog (have) got a ball.
Homework № 7
I. Write (+),(-)
- (We, I, she, they, he, you) ( juggle ) in the morning.
Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- You ( have ) a good friend.
- The cats ( have ) got many kittens.
- The teacher ( have ) got a good car.
Homework № 8
Write (+),(-), (?),(^^)
- (It, I, she, they, he, you) ( play ) with toys every day.
- A pilot (have) got brothers.
- My sisters (have) got tickets.
Homework № 9
Write (+),(-), (?),(^^)
- My name (be) Billy.
- The computer expert (work) every day.
- The dogs (eat) meat.
- The girl (have) got a calculator.
Homework № 10
Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- My cats (be) on the bed.
- My pet (drink) water.
- There (be) a lamp on the table.
- Max and Polly (have) got a mirror.
Homework № 11
I. Раскрой скобки
- (He; We; I; It; You) (be) in England.
- (She; They; He, I, You) (have got) a dog.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) I am a driver.
- (+) She has got a parrot.
Homework № 12
I. Раскрой скобки
- (They; She; You; I) (be) at the cinema.
- (I; You; We, They, He) (have got) a present.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) They are sad.
- (+) You have got a pencil.
Homework № 13
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (She; I; We; You; They) (be) playing hockey.
- (We; I; They, It, She) (have got) a kitten.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?):
- (+) She is a doctor.
- (+) He has got a friend.
Homework № 14
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (You; He; They; She; We; I; It) (be) big.
- (He; We; She; They; It; You; I) (have) got eyes.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^):
- (+) We are fat.
- (+) I have got a puck.
Homework № 15
Write the words in the plural:
a bus, a video, a mouse, a wife, an apple, a bird, a wolf, a fish, a potato, a boy, a roof, a dress, a watch, a woman, a lady, a raspberry
Homework № 16
Write the words in the plural:
a girl, a butterfly, a deer, a wolf, a mouse, a blueberry, a bus, a policeman, a loaf, a tomato, a sandwich, a church, a photo, a foot
Homework № 17
I. Open the brackets
- (I; Bob; we; Tanya; Bob and Mike) (want) to play table tennis.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^)
- The dog swims very well.
- They play football very well.
- Ted rides a horse in the park.
Homework № 18
I. Open the brackets
- (My friends; my sister; I; my father and I; my mother) (like) to play basketball.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), What game? Where?
- Dot wants to play badminton in the gym.
- The boys want to play baseball at the stadium.
- Nick wants to play football on the sports ground.
- The girls want to play polo in the swimming pool.
Homework № 19
I. Open the brackets
- (Mr. Brown; Your friends; His daughter; I)(play) the guitar once a week.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^),When? Why?
- Kate swims in summer.
- Her sisters skate in autumn.
- You make a snowman in winter.
- Jack plays hockey in spring.
Homework № 20
1. There is a pen on the table. (-), (?)
2. There are thirty days in April. (-), (?), (??)
3. The boys are playing football. (-), (?)
4. Mary is swimming. (-), (?)
5. Ted can ride a bike. (-), (?)
6. The children can read. (-), (?)
Homework № 21
I. Write (-), (?)
- He can write.
- She can swim.
- We are eating lunch.
- Annie is skateboarding.
- There is one birthday in July.
II. Write (-), (?), (??)
- There are thirty-one days in July.
Homework № 22
I. Write (+), (-), (?)
- Bill can ski.
- I’m hopping.
- There is a book on the desk.
- They are catching a bus.
- We can see a book.
II. Write (+),(-),(?),(??)
- There are two keys on the desk.
Homework № 23
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Третий класс
Homework № 24
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Homework № 25
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Homework № 26
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Homework № 27
I. Open the brackets
- (I; Bob; Bob and Mike; the puppy; the kittens) (go) for a walk every day.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), (Where)
- The dog lives in a doghouse.
- Kate often hides under the table.
- My parents swim in the swimming pool on Sundays.
Homework № 28
I. Open the brackets
- (My friends; my sister; I; my father and I; my mother) (like) to play basketball.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), What game? Where?
- Dot wants to play badminton in the gym.
- The boys want to play baseball at the stadium.
- Nick wants to play football on the sports ground.
- The girls want to play polo in the swimming pool.
Homework № 29
I. Open the brackets
- He (buy) bread yesterday.
- Liz (eat) 10 cakes last Sunday.
- My mother (be) in London last week.
- The children (be) happy an hour ago.
II. Write 4 questions
- We were hungry yesterday.
- The puppy was in the doghouse.
Homework № 30
I. Write the plurals:
a girl, a butterfly, a deer, a wolf, a mouse, a blueberry, a bus, a policeman, a loaf, a tomato, a sandwich, a church, a photo, a foot
II. Open the brackets
- Brother Rabbit (have) 4 carrots yesterday.
- He (want) to eat 2 carrots an hour ago.
- Brother Goat (be) hungry last Wednesday.
- They (be) friends last year.
III. Write 5 questions.
- Brother Rabbit came home 5 minutes ago.
- The students were 8 years old last year.
Homework № 31
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Homework № 32
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Четвертый класс
Homework № 33
I. Open the brackets.
- 1. Mark (walk) to the library yesterday.
- 2. Look! The cat (watch) the bird.
- 3. Tomorrow I (visit) a shopping centre.
- 4. She usually (buy) vegetables at the greengrocer's.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- Miss Electra was at the party.
- I'll come home early.
- We like the museum very much.
- She is wearing a red scarf.
III. Write 5 questions.
- The teacher wrote a message to the parents.
Homework № 34
I. Open the brackets.
- People (celebrate) New Year on the 1st of January.
- We (have) a party now.
- We (visit) your friend next week.
- The old man (run) to the forest yesterday evening.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- I'll give you a basket.
- She saw the bird in the tree.
- We take good care of his pet.
- Ann is feeding her puppy at the moment.
- The kittens were so hungry!
III. Write 5 questions.
- We'll go shopping to the supermarket tomorrow morning.
Homework № 35
I. Open the brackets.
- 1. Pete (wash) his face evry morning.
- 2. The girls (play) chess now.
- 3. We (go) to the mountains next Sunday.
- 4. My grandpa (buy) a new house last month.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- Ted skated at the stadium.
- She usually comes home at 3 o'clock.
- Tomorrow they will have a party because it's his mother's birthday.
- We are dancing now.
- She ate seven apples yesterday.
III. Write 5 questions.
- They gave him a present yesterday.
Пятый класс
Passive Voice
Homework № 1
Перепишите предложения, употребляя Passive Voice
- You will see the film in the evening.
- He wrote the letter last week.
- We water the plants 2 times a week.
- I must clean the floor.
- They don’t speak Spanish in Bulgaria.
- Fleming discovered penicillin.
- They sell postcards in this shop.
- We can present her some flowers.
- She won’t buy this computer.
- They grow coffee in Brazil.
Пятый класс
Контрольная работа
№ 1
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Hundreds of children wrote the test.
- The girl can do the washing up.
- My friends speak Portuguese.
- The workers will build the house.
- Julia didn’t send the e-mail.
- David won’t buy the present.
- She can’t make the presentation.
- The teacher doesn’t eat sweets.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Peter said to his sister, ‘I have caught the butterfly’.
- My sister said to me, ‘My friend will come to see you’.
- Father said, ‘We are playing your computer game, Dima’.
- Kate said, ‘I like my mother’s car.’
- The man said, ‘I am not going to see the dentist today’.
- The girls said, ‘We didn’t visit our grandparents yesterday.’
- The boy said to Kate, ‘I don’t feed my dog.’
- The teacher said to the pupils, ‘I haven’t checked your tests’.
- Mother said to her children, ‘Your friend won’t come to you tomorrow’.
- She said to me, ‘Were your parents at school yesterday?’
- He said to them, ‘When will you go to the theatre?’
- Ann asked her granny, ‘Who played the piano yesterday?’
- I said to her, ‘Don’t touch my stamps!’
- Mum said to me, ‘Come up to me and show me your leg.’
№ 2
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Thousands of people saw the balloon.
- She will send the letter.
- Julia does homework every day.
- The man must sell the meat.
- They didn’t forget the story.
- The students mustn’t open the books.
- The children don’t speak French.
- The workers won’t finish the work.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- We said, ‘When will you come to us, Ken?’
- Kate said, ‘Do you like our school, Ted?’
- Nick asked, ‘Who has eaten my cake?’
- Jane said to John, ‘Please, show me your stickers!’
- Mother said, ‘Don’t tell me your secret, Bob.’
- Tom said to Liz, ‘I didn’t see your sister there yesterday.’
- Robert said to his mother, ‘I’m not going to the theatre with you tonight.’
- My brother said to me, ‘I don’t read your e-mails.’
- The woman said, ‘I haven’t seen this boy today’.
- Ann said, ‘My computers are great.’
- Mother said, ‘My daughter is reading your book now, Ted’.
- The boy said, ‘I’ll go to London next week.’
- My friends said to me, ‘We saw your new car two days ago’.
№ 3
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Millions of people saw the UFO.
- The girl has to water the flowers.
- My friend plays cricket.
- The students will learn the poem.
- Kate didn’t see the film.
- Dave won’t receive the letter.
- She can’t answer the questions.
- My aunt doesn’t make pies every day.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Mary said to her brother, ‘I haven’t shown you my report .
- My uncle said to me, ‘Your aunt won’t meet you at our station.
- Mother said, ‘We weren’t at your school yesterday, Tina’.
- Kate said, ‘I was impressed by you town last year.’
- The children said, ‘Have you ever been to Portugal, Peter? .
- Ted asked, ‘What was the price of the car?’
- The boy said, ‘Please, help me with this problem, Nina.’
- My parents asked me, ‘Who was those women?’
- The teacher said, ‘Don’t open your books, children!’
- She said to me, ‘Were your friends in Bulgaria?’
- He said to them, ‘Do you have your exercise-books with you?’
- Ann asked, ‘Who will read my newspaper?’
- He said to her, ‘Did you see my collection?’
- Mum said to me, ‘Who did you play tennis with?.’
№ 4
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Nick bought five notebooks yesterday.
- The girl will bring the ball tomorrow.
- They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
- They play football all over the world.
- Julia can write the test.
- David must take the book to school.
- She can’t make a mistake.
- Ann doesn’t eat porridge.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Peter said to Ann, ‘My sister will visit me tomorrow’.
- My brother said to me, ‘My friend saw you two days ago’.
- Little Kate said, ‘Don’t eat my cake, Fred’.
- Ted said, ‘I haven’t seen my friend today.’
- The man said, ‘We were in Africa last year’.
- The girl said to me, ‘When will you show me your stamps?’
- The doctor said to Kate, ‘Show me your tongue, please.’
- Boris said to his friends, ‘I didn’t speak to Ann yesterday’.
- Mother said to her children, ‘Does your friend live in Svetlanovskiy prospect?’
- She said to me, ‘When did you leave England?’
- He said to them, ‘Are you staying in a hotel?’
- Ann asked her granny, ‘Who played the piano yesterday?’
Седьмой класс
Reported speech
Homework № 1
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- The mother said to her son, “Go to your room and do your homework”.
- The groom asked the bride, “Will you always love me?”
- ”Don’t speak to your father like this,” said Granny to Helen.
- He said to me, “Would you like me to help you with your work”.
- ”Give me some bread, please,” she said to Sam.
- I said to Tom, “Have you seen this film?”
- ”Don’t touch the wire because it’s dangerous,” she said to Ben. (wire – провод)
- ”Could you show me where the bank is?” she asked Tim.
- Nick said , “What are you doing, Ann?”
- ”Italy is hotter than Finland,” the teacher said to his students.
- Mother said, “How long did you write this test, Ben?”
- ”Let’s have dinner,” said the boy.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- The policeman said to the man, “Did you see the robbers yesterday?”
- Pete said to Mary, “What film did you see last week?”
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”What have you bought me for Christmas?” the little boy said to his parents.
- The old man said to the girl, “You have to train a lot if you want to win”.
- ”We must visit our uncle,” she said to me.
- ”Let’s go for a walk,” said Tom.
Homework № 2
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- I said to Mike, “Buy some meat”.
- Oleg said to me, “Will you see your brother tomorrow?”
- ”Don’t forget to clean your teeth,” said Granny to Helen.
- She said to me, “Did you send the telegram yesterday?”
- ”Bring me a cup of coffee, please,” she said to the waiter.
- I said to Tom, “Have you had breakfast?”
- ”Don’t go near the fire because it’s dangerous,” she said to Ben.
- ”Could you show me where the manager’s office is?” he asked the secretary.
- Nick said to me, “Where are you going?”
- ”The Earth is round,” the teacher said to his students.
- I asked my uncle, “How long did you stay in London?”
- ”I’m having the best day of my life,” said the bride.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- He said to me, “I want to see you today”.
- Pete said to Mary, “What film did you see last week?”
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”What are we having for dinner, Mum?” asked Helen.
- The old man said to the girl, “I think you will be a famous singer”.
- ”We must write the letter to our lawyer,” she said.
- ”Let’s go to the cinema,” said Tom.
Homework № 3
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- ”Do you like my pies, Ann?” asked her grandmother.
- ”Sit down at the table and do your homework,” said Tom’s mother to him.
- ”What did you do yesterday, John?” said his father.
- ”Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked Bob.
- My uncle said to us, “We shall visit you next week.”
- I said to Tom, “Have you seen this film?”
- ”Don’t touch the oven because it’s dangerous,” mother said to her little son.
- ”I took a very good book from our library yesterday,” said Mike to his father.
- ”Where are your books, Betsy?” said her mother.
- He said to me, “They are staying at the Grand Hotel”.
- Mary said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south”.
- Nick said, “I have never been to London”.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- The policeman said to the man, “Did you see the robbers yesterday?”
- ”We must visit our uncle,” she said to me.
- ”The Earth goes round the Sun,” said the teacher to his students.
- He said to Ann, “Would you like me to help you with your work?”
- ”Let’s have dinner,” said the boy.
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”Let’s go for a walk,” said Tom.
Седьмой класс
Complex Object
Homework № 1
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение (Complex Object).
- I know that my friend is a kind man.
- I expect that he will understand the problem.
- I expected that she would translate the text.
- I didn’t expect that my sister would forget to phone him.
- I saw him. He pointed to the picture on the wall.
- We noticed a man. The man was watching the birds.
- He shut the door. I heard it.
- The children were playing. I watched them.
II. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мне нравится, как ты поешь.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы они приехали.
- Я слышала, как он смеялся (laugh).
- Он видел, как его друг открыл дверь.
III. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мама заставила меня съесть суп.
- Мама разрешила ей съесть пирог (a pie).
- Я не могу заставить его делать уроки.
- Он не мог разрешить дочери идти в кино.
- Ей разрешили играть в хоккей.
- Ему не разрешают драться.
- Их заставили написать письмо.
- Тебя заставляют убирать твою комнату раз в неделю (once a week).
Восьмой класс
Complex Object
Homework № 1
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение (Complex Object).
- I know that my friend is a kind man.
- I expect that he will understand the problem.
- I expected that she would translate the text.
- I didn’t expect that my sister would forget to phone him.
- I saw him. He pointed to the picture on the wall.
- We noticed a man. The man was watching the birds.
- He shut the door. I heard it.
- The children were playing. I watched them.
II. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мне нравится, как ты поешь.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы они приехали.
- Я слышала, как он читал.
- Он видел, как его друг открыл дверь.
III. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мама заставила меня съесть суп.
- Мама разрешила ей съесть пирог (a pie).
- Я не могу заставить его делать уроки.
- Он не мог разрешить дочери идти в кино.
IV. Переведите на английский, используя страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
- Ей разрешили играть в хоккей.
- Ему не разрешают драться.
- Их заставили написать письмо.
- Тебя заставляют убирать твою комнату раз в неделю (once a week).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Задания по грамматике английского языка
Упражнения предназначены для усвоения, закрепления и проверки знаний учащихся. Карточки помогут учителю в организации и коллективной, и индивидуальной работы в классе....

Итоговые тестовые задания по грамматике английского языка 4 класс
Данные тестовые задания помогут проверить уровень овладения основными грамматическими правилами по английскому языку за курс начальной школы: артикли, глаголы-связки, Present Simple, Present Co...
Сборник упражнений и контрольных заданий по грамматике английского языка
Учебное пособие соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту и требованиям программы по иностранным языкам для учебных заведений среднего профессионального образования. Сборник содержит у...

Сборник тестовых заданий по грамматике английского языка дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов образовательных учреждений СПО.Сборник содержит тестовые задания по основным гра...
Практические задания по грамматике английского языка
Практические задания по грамматике английского языка...
Практические задания по грамматике английского языка
Практические задания по грамматике английского языка...