Методическая разработка "Сборник письменных заданий по английскому языку для 2-8 классов"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Сборник письменных грамматических заданий по английскому языку для 2-8 классов. Упражнения на темы : множественное число существительных, глагол 'to be', 'have got', 'can', конструкцию 'there is/there are', Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Complex Object.
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Методическая разработка "Сборник письменных заданий
по грамматике английского языка для 2 - 8 класса"
автор Петрова Юлия Александровна
школа 534 Санкт-Петербург
Уважаемые учителя!
Представляю вашему вниманию сборник письменных заданий по английскому языку для обучающихся во 2-8 классах школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, (в общеобразовательных школах данной разработкой также можно пользоваться, подобрав нужный уровень заданий). В сборнике есть задания на темы: множественное число существительных, глагол 'to be', 'have got', 'can', конструкция 'there is/there are', Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Complex Object.
Условные обозначения:
(+) -утвердительное предложение,
(-) -отрицательное предложение,
(?) -вопросительное предложение,
(^^) -два кратких ответа.
Второй класс
Homework № 1
I. Написать (+), (-), (?) и (^^)
- You and Ted are good friends.
- My parents and I have got a yacht.
- My aunt can dance.
Homework № 2
I. Раскрой скобки
- (They; She; You; I) (be) at the cinema.
- (I; You; We; They; He) (have got) a present.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) They are sad.
- (+) You have got a pencil.
Homework № 3
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (She; I; We; You; They) (be) playing hockey.
- (We; I; They, It, She) (have got) a kitten.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?):
- (+) She is a doctor.
- (+) He has got a friend.
Homework № 4
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (You; He; They; She; We; I; It) (be) big.
- (He; We; She; They; It; You; I) (have) got eyes.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^):
- (+) We are fat.
- (+) I have got a puck.
Homework № 5
I. Раскрой скобки
- (He; We; I; It; You) (be) in England.
- (She; They; He, I, You) (have got) a dog.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) I am a driver.
- (+) She has got a parrot.
Homework № 6
I. Write (+)
- (I, she, we, he, they, it, you) (play) on the computer.
- (She, they, I, he, you, we, it) (make) a kite.
II. Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- My friends (have) got records.
- My dog (have) got a ball.
Homework № 7
I. Write (+),(-)
- (We, I, she, they, he, you) ( juggle ) in the morning.
Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- You ( have ) a good friend.
- The cats ( have ) got many kittens.
- The teacher ( have ) got a good car.
Homework № 8
Write (+),(-), (?),(^^)
- (It, I, she, they, he, you) ( play ) with toys every day.
- A pilot (have) got brothers.
- My sisters (have) got tickets.
Homework № 9
Write (+),(-), (?),(^^)
- My name (be) Billy.
- The computer expert (work) every day.
- The dogs (eat) meat.
- The girl (have) got a calculator.
Homework № 10
Write (+), (-), (?), (^^)
- My cats (be) on the bed.
- My pet (drink) water.
- There (be) a lamp on the table.
- Max and Polly (have) got a mirror.
Homework № 11
I. Раскрой скобки
- (He; We; I; It; You) (be) in England.
- (She; They; He, I, You) (have got) a dog.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) I am a driver.
- (+) She has got a parrot.
Homework № 12
I. Раскрой скобки
- (They; She; You; I) (be) at the cinema.
- (I; You; We, They, He) (have got) a present.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?)
- (+) They are sad.
- (+) You have got a pencil.
Homework № 13
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (She; I; We; You; They) (be) playing hockey.
- (We; I; They, It, She) (have got) a kitten.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^), (What?):
- (+) She is a doctor.
- (+) He has got a friend.
Homework № 14
I. Раскрой скобки:
- (You; He; They; She; We; I; It) (be) big.
- (He; We; She; They; It; You; I) (have) got eyes.
II. Напиши (-), (?), (^^):
- (+) We are fat.
- (+) I have got a puck.
Homework № 15
Write the words in the plural:
a bus, a video, a mouse, a wife, an apple, a bird, a wolf, a fish, a potato, a boy, a roof, a dress, a watch, a woman, a lady, a raspberry
Homework № 16
Write the words in the plural:
a girl, a butterfly, a deer, a wolf, a mouse, a blueberry, a bus, a policeman, a loaf, a tomato, a sandwich, a church, a photo, a foot
Homework № 17
I. Open the brackets
- (I; Bob; we; Tanya; Bob and Mike) (want) to play table tennis.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^)
- The dog swims very well.
- They play football very well.
- Ted rides a horse in the park.
Homework № 18
I. Open the brackets
- (My friends; my sister; I; my father and I; my mother) (like) to play basketball.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), What game? Where?
- Dot wants to play badminton in the gym.
- The boys want to play baseball at the stadium.
- Nick wants to play football on the sports ground.
- The girls want to play polo in the swimming pool.
Homework № 19
I. Open the brackets
- (Mr. Brown; Your friends; His daughter; I)(play) the guitar once a week.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^),When? Why?
- Kate swims in summer.
- Her sisters skate in autumn.
- You make a snowman in winter.
- Jack plays hockey in spring.
Homework № 20
1. There is a pen on the table. (-), (?)
2. There are thirty days in April. (-), (?), (??)
3. The boys are playing football. (-), (?)
4. Mary is swimming. (-), (?)
5. Ted can ride a bike. (-), (?)
6. The children can read. (-), (?)
Homework № 21
I. Write (-), (?)
- He can write.
- She can swim.
- We are eating lunch.
- Annie is skateboarding.
- There is one birthday in July.
II. Write (-), (?), (??)
- There are thirty-one days in July.
Homework № 22
I. Write (+), (-), (?)
- Bill can ski.
- I’m hopping.
- There is a book on the desk.
- They are catching a bus.
- We can see a book.
II. Write (+),(-),(?),(??)
- There are two keys on the desk.
Homework № 23
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Третий класс
Homework № 24
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Homework № 25
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Homework № 26
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Homework № 27
I. Open the brackets
- (I; Bob; Bob and Mike; the puppy; the kittens) (go) for a walk every day.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), (Where)
- The dog lives in a doghouse.
- Kate often hides under the table.
- My parents swim in the swimming pool on Sundays.
Homework № 28
I. Open the brackets
- (My friends; my sister; I; my father and I; my mother) (like) to play basketball.
II. Write ( - ), ( ? ), (^^), What game? Where?
- Dot wants to play badminton in the gym.
- The boys want to play baseball at the stadium.
- Nick wants to play football on the sports ground.
- The girls want to play polo in the swimming pool.
Homework № 29
I. Open the brackets
- He (buy) bread yesterday.
- Liz (eat) 10 cakes last Sunday.
- My mother (be) in London last week.
- The children (be) happy an hour ago.
II. Write 4 questions
- We were hungry yesterday.
- The puppy was in the doghouse.
Homework № 30
I. Write the plurals:
a girl, a butterfly, a deer, a wolf, a mouse, a blueberry, a bus, a policeman, a loaf, a tomato, a sandwich, a church, a photo, a foot
II. Open the brackets
- Brother Rabbit (have) 4 carrots yesterday.
- He (want) to eat 2 carrots an hour ago.
- Brother Goat (be) hungry last Wednesday.
- They (be) friends last year.
III. Write 5 questions.
- Brother Rabbit came home 5 minutes ago.
- The students were 8 years old last year.
Homework № 31
I. Open the brackets
- (Two girls, the girl, Mr.Smith) (visit) (one’s) grandmother on Sundays.
- (Liz, I, Mary and Bob) (play) tennis in October.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- She goes to the cinema with her friend on Sundays.
- We ride a bicycle at the stadium with our Mum in summer.
Homework № 32
I. Open the brackets
- (Kitty, Julia and Dave, my friend’s father) (work) in a bank.
- (You and I, you, Susan) (watch) TV in the evening.
II. Write negative form ‘-‘, general question ‘?’ and special questions ‘Where’, Who…with’, ‘When’ ‘??’
- Mike swims in the river with his puppy in the morning.
- Our friends drink lemonade in the café in summer.
Четвертый класс
Homework № 33
I. Open the brackets.
- 1. Mark (walk) to the library yesterday.
- 2. Look! The cat (watch) the bird.
- 3. Tomorrow I (visit) a shopping centre.
- 4. She usually (buy) vegetables at the greengrocer's.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- Miss Electra was at the party.
- I'll come home early.
- We like the museum very much.
- She is wearing a red scarf.
III. Write 5 questions.
- The teacher wrote a message to the parents.
Homework № 34
I. Open the brackets.
- People (celebrate) New Year on the 1st of January.
- We (have) a party now.
- We (visit) your friend next week.
- The old man (run) to the forest yesterday evening.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- I'll give you a basket.
- She saw the bird in the tree.
- We take good care of his pet.
- Ann is feeding her puppy at the moment.
- The kittens were so hungry!
III. Write 5 questions.
- We'll go shopping to the supermarket tomorrow morning.
Homework № 35
I. Open the brackets.
- 1. Pete (wash) his face evry morning.
- 2. The girls (play) chess now.
- 3. We (go) to the mountains next Sunday.
- 4. My grandpa (buy) a new house last month.
II. Ask questions. Underlined words are answers.
- Ted skated at the stadium.
- She usually comes home at 3 o'clock.
- Tomorrow they will have a party because it's his mother's birthday.
- We are dancing now.
- She ate seven apples yesterday.
III. Write 5 questions.
- They gave him a present yesterday.
Пятый класс
Passive Voice
Homework № 1
Перепишите предложения, употребляя Passive Voice
- You will see the film in the evening.
- He wrote the letter last week.
- We water the plants 2 times a week.
- I must clean the floor.
- They don’t speak Spanish in Bulgaria.
- Fleming discovered penicillin.
- They sell postcards in this shop.
- We can present her some flowers.
- She won’t buy this computer.
- They grow coffee in Brazil.
Пятый класс
Контрольная работа
№ 1
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Hundreds of children wrote the test.
- The girl can do the washing up.
- My friends speak Portuguese.
- The workers will build the house.
- Julia didn’t send the e-mail.
- David won’t buy the present.
- She can’t make the presentation.
- The teacher doesn’t eat sweets.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Peter said to his sister, ‘I have caught the butterfly’.
- My sister said to me, ‘My friend will come to see you’.
- Father said, ‘We are playing your computer game, Dima’.
- Kate said, ‘I like my mother’s car.’
- The man said, ‘I am not going to see the dentist today’.
- The girls said, ‘We didn’t visit our grandparents yesterday.’
- The boy said to Kate, ‘I don’t feed my dog.’
- The teacher said to the pupils, ‘I haven’t checked your tests’.
- Mother said to her children, ‘Your friend won’t come to you tomorrow’.
- She said to me, ‘Were your parents at school yesterday?’
- He said to them, ‘When will you go to the theatre?’
- Ann asked her granny, ‘Who played the piano yesterday?’
- I said to her, ‘Don’t touch my stamps!’
- Mum said to me, ‘Come up to me and show me your leg.’
№ 2
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Thousands of people saw the balloon.
- She will send the letter.
- Julia does homework every day.
- The man must sell the meat.
- They didn’t forget the story.
- The students mustn’t open the books.
- The children don’t speak French.
- The workers won’t finish the work.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- We said, ‘When will you come to us, Ken?’
- Kate said, ‘Do you like our school, Ted?’
- Nick asked, ‘Who has eaten my cake?’
- Jane said to John, ‘Please, show me your stickers!’
- Mother said, ‘Don’t tell me your secret, Bob.’
- Tom said to Liz, ‘I didn’t see your sister there yesterday.’
- Robert said to his mother, ‘I’m not going to the theatre with you tonight.’
- My brother said to me, ‘I don’t read your e-mails.’
- The woman said, ‘I haven’t seen this boy today’.
- Ann said, ‘My computers are great.’
- Mother said, ‘My daughter is reading your book now, Ted’.
- The boy said, ‘I’ll go to London next week.’
- My friends said to me, ‘We saw your new car two days ago’.
№ 3
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Millions of people saw the UFO.
- The girl has to water the flowers.
- My friend plays cricket.
- The students will learn the poem.
- Kate didn’t see the film.
- Dave won’t receive the letter.
- She can’t answer the questions.
- My aunt doesn’t make pies every day.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Mary said to her brother, ‘I haven’t shown you my report .
- My uncle said to me, ‘Your aunt won’t meet you at our station.
- Mother said, ‘We weren’t at your school yesterday, Tina’.
- Kate said, ‘I was impressed by you town last year.’
- The children said, ‘Have you ever been to Portugal, Peter? .
- Ted asked, ‘What was the price of the car?’
- The boy said, ‘Please, help me with this problem, Nina.’
- My parents asked me, ‘Who was those women?’
- The teacher said, ‘Don’t open your books, children!’
- She said to me, ‘Were your friends in Bulgaria?’
- He said to them, ‘Do you have your exercise-books with you?’
- Ann asked, ‘Who will read my newspaper?’
- He said to her, ‘Did you see my collection?’
- Mum said to me, ‘Who did you play tennis with?.’
№ 4
I. Turn into Passive Voice.
- Nick bought five notebooks yesterday.
- The girl will bring the ball tomorrow.
- They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
- They play football all over the world.
- Julia can write the test.
- David must take the book to school.
- She can’t make a mistake.
- Ann doesn’t eat porridge.
II. Turn into Reported Speech.
- Peter said to Ann, ‘My sister will visit me tomorrow’.
- My brother said to me, ‘My friend saw you two days ago’.
- Little Kate said, ‘Don’t eat my cake, Fred’.
- Ted said, ‘I haven’t seen my friend today.’
- The man said, ‘We were in Africa last year’.
- The girl said to me, ‘When will you show me your stamps?’
- The doctor said to Kate, ‘Show me your tongue, please.’
- Boris said to his friends, ‘I didn’t speak to Ann yesterday’.
- Mother said to her children, ‘Does your friend live in Svetlanovskiy prospect?’
- She said to me, ‘When did you leave England?’
- He said to them, ‘Are you staying in a hotel?’
- Ann asked her granny, ‘Who played the piano yesterday?’
Седьмой класс
Reported speech
Homework № 1
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- The mother said to her son, “Go to your room and do your homework”.
- The groom asked the bride, “Will you always love me?”
- ”Don’t speak to your father like this,” said Granny to Helen.
- He said to me, “Would you like me to help you with your work”.
- ”Give me some bread, please,” she said to Sam.
- I said to Tom, “Have you seen this film?”
- ”Don’t touch the wire because it’s dangerous,” she said to Ben. (wire – провод)
- ”Could you show me where the bank is?” she asked Tim.
- Nick said , “What are you doing, Ann?”
- ”Italy is hotter than Finland,” the teacher said to his students.
- Mother said, “How long did you write this test, Ben?”
- ”Let’s have dinner,” said the boy.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- The policeman said to the man, “Did you see the robbers yesterday?”
- Pete said to Mary, “What film did you see last week?”
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”What have you bought me for Christmas?” the little boy said to his parents.
- The old man said to the girl, “You have to train a lot if you want to win”.
- ”We must visit our uncle,” she said to me.
- ”Let’s go for a walk,” said Tom.
Homework № 2
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- I said to Mike, “Buy some meat”.
- Oleg said to me, “Will you see your brother tomorrow?”
- ”Don’t forget to clean your teeth,” said Granny to Helen.
- She said to me, “Did you send the telegram yesterday?”
- ”Bring me a cup of coffee, please,” she said to the waiter.
- I said to Tom, “Have you had breakfast?”
- ”Don’t go near the fire because it’s dangerous,” she said to Ben.
- ”Could you show me where the manager’s office is?” he asked the secretary.
- Nick said to me, “Where are you going?”
- ”The Earth is round,” the teacher said to his students.
- I asked my uncle, “How long did you stay in London?”
- ”I’m having the best day of my life,” said the bride.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- He said to me, “I want to see you today”.
- Pete said to Mary, “What film did you see last week?”
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”What are we having for dinner, Mum?” asked Helen.
- The old man said to the girl, “I think you will be a famous singer”.
- ”We must write the letter to our lawyer,” she said.
- ”Let’s go to the cinema,” said Tom.
Homework № 3
Turn from Direct into Reported speech.
(Use reporting verbs: told, asked, warned, suggested, offered, explained)
- ”Do you like my pies, Ann?” asked her grandmother.
- ”Sit down at the table and do your homework,” said Tom’s mother to him.
- ”What did you do yesterday, John?” said his father.
- ”Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked Bob.
- My uncle said to us, “We shall visit you next week.”
- I said to Tom, “Have you seen this film?”
- ”Don’t touch the oven because it’s dangerous,” mother said to her little son.
- ”I took a very good book from our library yesterday,” said Mike to his father.
- ”Where are your books, Betsy?” said her mother.
- He said to me, “They are staying at the Grand Hotel”.
- Mary said, “I usually spend my holidays in the south”.
- Nick said, “I have never been to London”.
- Mary said to Tom, ”What time will you come next Sunday?”
- The policeman said to the man, “Did you see the robbers yesterday?”
- ”We must visit our uncle,” she said to me.
- ”The Earth goes round the Sun,” said the teacher to his students.
- He said to Ann, “Would you like me to help you with your work?”
- ”Let’s have dinner,” said the boy.
- ”Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.
- ”Let’s go for a walk,” said Tom.
Седьмой класс
Complex Object
Homework № 1
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение (Complex Object).
- I know that my friend is a kind man.
- I expect that he will understand the problem.
- I expected that she would translate the text.
- I didn’t expect that my sister would forget to phone him.
- I saw him. He pointed to the picture on the wall.
- We noticed a man. The man was watching the birds.
- He shut the door. I heard it.
- The children were playing. I watched them.
II. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мне нравится, как ты поешь.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы они приехали.
- Я слышала, как он смеялся (laugh).
- Он видел, как его друг открыл дверь.
III. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мама заставила меня съесть суп.
- Мама разрешила ей съесть пирог (a pie).
- Я не могу заставить его делать уроки.
- Он не мог разрешить дочери идти в кино.
- Ей разрешили играть в хоккей.
- Ему не разрешают драться.
- Их заставили написать письмо.
- Тебя заставляют убирать твою комнату раз в неделю (once a week).
Восьмой класс
Complex Object
Homework № 1
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение (Complex Object).
- I know that my friend is a kind man.
- I expect that he will understand the problem.
- I expected that she would translate the text.
- I didn’t expect that my sister would forget to phone him.
- I saw him. He pointed to the picture on the wall.
- We noticed a man. The man was watching the birds.
- He shut the door. I heard it.
- The children were playing. I watched them.
II. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мне нравится, как ты поешь.
- Я бы хотел, чтобы они приехали.
- Я слышала, как он читал.
- Он видел, как его друг открыл дверь.
III. Переведите на английский, используя сложное дополнение.
- Мама заставила меня съесть суп.
- Мама разрешила ей съесть пирог (a pie).
- Я не могу заставить его делать уроки.
- Он не мог разрешить дочери идти в кино.
IV. Переведите на английский, используя страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
- Ей разрешили играть в хоккей.
- Ему не разрешают драться.
- Их заставили написать письмо.
- Тебя заставляют убирать твою комнату раз в неделю (once a week).
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Материал содержит олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 2-11 классов...
Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса
Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса...
тестовое задание по английскому языку для 6-го класса
Данный тестовый материал предназначен для проверки знаний...
тестовое задание по английскому языку для 6-го класса
Данный тестовый материал предназначен для проверки знаний...
Методическая разработка интегрированного занятия (МХК + Английский язык) для учащихся 10 класса Учитель английского языка: Гончарова Марина Феликсовна Учитель МХК: Атапина Ольга Леонидовна
Модель интегрированного занятия «МХК + Английский язык» для учащихся 10 класса была создана при сопоставлении учебных курсов этих двух предметов.Учащиеся должны овладеть навыком составлени...

Методическая разработка "Разноуровневые задания по английскому языку в 7 классе"
В данной разработке представлен комплекс лексико-грамматических упражнений на темы, изучаемые в 7 классе по английскому языку....