Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Удивительный Русский Север"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Обобщающий урок английского языка в 9 классе с использованием регионального компонента. Урок построен в форме устного журнала с применением проектной технологии. Урок разработан на основе УМК "Английский язык нового тысячелетия".
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Предварительный просмотр:
“Welcome to the Russian North.” Обобщающий урок английского языка в 9 классе с использованием регионального компонента.
Учитель: Ожигова Ольга Вячеславовна, МОУ «СОШ №2», город Котлас
Цели урока:
образовательная – развитие речевых умений, умения систематизировать учебный материал, умение применять его в учебной ситуации;
развивающая – развитие самостоятельности, умение высказываться логично и связно, выражая законченную мысль;
воспитательная – привитие уважительного отношения к родному краю и своему народу.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Неllo! I’m glad to see you. Let’s begin our lesson.
II. Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.
Today some guests are present at the lesson. They are teachers of foreign languages from different schools. It’s very good because we are going to present a guidebook for foreign tourists “Welcome to the Russian North”. There will be several pages in this guidebook:
1. Geography of the Arkhangelsk Region.
2. Tourist attractions of the region.
3. Outstanding people of the North.
This welcome booklet will help foreigners to learn some interesting facts about our region and appreciate its unique features.
While listening to reports you will fill in an evaluation card. There are three questions (criteria) in it. Each question scores up to 5 points. At the end of our lesson we will decide whose report was the best.
III. Основной этап.
1. Составляем туристический буклет.
1) The first page of our guidebook is “Geography of the Arkhangelsk Region”. It is very useful to have information that gives important details about the place tourists are planning to visit. Let’s listen to the pupils.
P1, P2 : the students’ project “Our local area profile”.
Thank you very much for your report. It is full of factual information and peculiarities about our region.
When we speak about geography we use a lot of geographical names. The problem is whether they are used with the definite or zero article. Now, let’s work with activity sheets on your desks and revise this material.
Do Exercise 1. What do these geographical names stand for? Add articles where necessary.
1. …Arkhangelsk
2. …Northern Dvina
3. …White, …Kara, …Barents Seas
4. …Solovetski Archipelago
5. …Ken Lake
a) northern borders of the region (seas of the Arctic Ocean)
b) the administrative centre of the region
c) a group of islands in the White Sea
d) the main water route of the region
e) is situated not far from Kargopol, gives its name to the State National Park
2) The second page of our booklet is “Tourist attractions of the region”. Every area is special in its own way. Mega cities can attract tourists with their museums, galleries and night life. Rural territories have sights that are unique in their nature and historical background. What unusual places can visit tourists in the Russian North? Let’s listen to pupils.
P3, P4 : the students’ projects “Places of special interest in our region”.
Thank you for your reports. They are interesting and informative. Can you name any other tourists’ attractions in the region? Have you been there? What did you like most of all?
When we speak about our impressions we usually use a lot of adjectives. Let’s work with activity sheets and do Exercise 2.
Exercise 2. Can you find adjectives in this square and translate them into Russian?
What impression might our town create on foreign tourists? Why?
u | n | f | o | r | g | e | t | t | a | b | l | e |
n | w | a | j | f | o | x | o | n | m | c | v | b |
p | e | v | k | g | s | t | r | a | n | g | e | y |
l | r | o | l | h | f | r | k | j | e | e | h | t |
e | t | u | z | j | g | e | s | t | d | n | e | w |
a | y | r | x | k | n | m | a | r | x | e | d | r |
s | u | a | c | l | m | e | l | f | i | r | c | o |
a | i | b | v | u | n | i | q | u | e | a | v | n |
n | o | l | b | z | a | v | r | s | n | l | o | g |
t | b | e | n | x | s | n | s | f | h | j | k | m |
f | a | q | m | c | f | g | j | k | l | q | e | r |
g | d | i | f | f | e | r | e | n | t | t | g | b |
h | s | e | r | t | y | f | i | n | e | a | s | d |
3) The third page of our guidebook is “Outstanding people of the Russian North”. You know very well that the greatest treasure of any place is people. Let’s listen about our most famous countryman M.V. Lomonosov whose 300-year anniversary we celebrated not long ago.
P5 : the student’s project “People we are proud of”.
Thank you for your report. We are very proud this great man was born in our region and his name is associated with the Russian North. Do you know any other famous people of the North?
Do Exercise 3 in the activity sheet. Complete the sentences and learn about these people.
1. Stepan Pisakhov
2. Nikolay Kuznetsov
3. Mikhail Lomonosov
4. Alexander Borisov
5. Alexander Kuchin
a) took part in the expedition to the Antarctic, explored the Northern Sea Route, made a valuable contribution to oceanography.
b) first became known as a painter, but real fame came when he started writing fairy-tales.
c) lived and worked in his country cottage near Krasnoborsk, created a whole gallery of Northern winter landscapes.
d) achieved the rank of Admiral of the Fleet and became the Hero of the Soviet Union.
e) made many important discoveries in different fields of science, wrote the first Russian grammar, founded the first Russian university.
Thank you very much for your work. I think our guidebook will be very useful for foreigners.
2. Приглашаем в гости и организуем досуг. (Диалоги учащихся)
The best way to discover Russian North is to visit it. But the problem is that there is a great difference between the way we view our life and how foreigners may view it. Some tourists don’t know much about it. We want to help our guests adapt to a different lifestyle and prepare them to some difficulties. Listen to the dialogues.
P6, P7 – an invitation to a traditional pastime.
(P8, P9)
What other leisure activities are popular in the North? Which of them might foreigners find strange?
3. Объясняем культурные различия (ломаем стереотипы)
There are a lot of stereotypes about Russia. Our country is always associated with cold weather and snow. Foreigners are afraid of such weather. What may change in their vision of Russian winter? I would like you to listen to our next speaker.
P 10 – “Russian winter”
Thank you for this wonderful description of winter.
IV. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
I think it is very important to discuss cultural differences and learn to appreciate them. Our view of the world is often limited by the place we live. We can broaden our mind by traveling and understand the world better.
I appreciate your work very much today. Now it’s time to decide whose report was the best. Fill in your evaluation cards.
Thank you for the lesson. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Good bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Exercise 1.
Add articles where necessary. What do these geographical names stand for?
1. …Arkhangelsk
2. …Northern Dvina
3. …White, …Kara, …Barents Seas
4. …Solovetski Archipelago
5. …Ken Lake
a) northern borders of the region (seas of the Arctic Ocean)
b) the administrative centre of the region
c) a group of islands in the White Sea
d) the main water route of the region
e) is situated not far from Kargopol,
gives its name to the State National Park
Exercise 2.
How many adjectives can you find in the square? Translate them into Russian.
u | n | f | o | r | g | e | t | t | a | b | l | e |
n | w | a | j | f | o | x | o | n | m | c | v | b |
p | e | v | k | g | s | t | r | a | n | g | e | y |
l | r | o | l | h | f | r | k | j | e | e | h | t |
e | t | u | z | j | g | e | s | t | d | n | e | w |
a | y | r | x | k | n | m | a | r | x | e | d | r |
s | u | a | c | l | m | e | l | f | i | r | c | o |
a | i | b | v | u | n | i | q | u | e | a | v | n |
n | o | l | b | z | a | v | r | s | n | l | o | g |
t | b | e | n | x | s | n | s | f | h | j | k | m |
f | a | q | m | c | f | g | j | k | l | q | e | r |
g | d | i | f | f | e | r | e | n | t | t | g | b |
h | s | e | r | t | y | f | i | n | e | a | s | d |
Exercise 3.
Complete the sentences about famous people of the Russian North.
1. Stepan Pisakhov
2. Nikolay Kuznetsov
3. Mikhail Lomonosov
4. Alexander Borisov
5. Alexander Kuchin
a) took part in the expedition to the Antarctic, explored the Northern Sea Route, made a valuable contribution to oceanography.
b) first became known as a painter, but real fame came when he started writing fairy-tales.
c) lived and worked in his country cottage near Krasnoborsk, created a whole gallery of Northern winter landscapes.
d) achieved the rank of Admiral of the Fleet and became the Hero of the Soviet Union.
e) made many important discoveries in different fields of science, wrote the first Russian grammar, founded the first Russian university
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