"Eco problems"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Особое место на уроках английского языка занимает проблема экологии окружающей среды. Ученики обсуждают такие проблемы, как гуманное отношение к природе, к животному миру, защита окружающей среды, вопросы здорового образа жизни и т. д.
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Тема урока: Eco problems.
Цели урока:
1.Контроль устной речи по теме; развитие умений устной ( монологической и диалогической) речи;
2. Развитие памяти, умения обобщать, делать выводы;
3. Формирование экологической грамотности, чувства любви к природе и ответственности за её сохранение.
Оснащение урока: карта местности проживания со специальными значками, рисунки детей с экологическими проблемами, репродукции картин, таблица Simple Present Passive.
План урока:
1. Организационный момент.
T- Good morning! Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What season is it now? and so on.
-Today we are going to discuss the problem of environmental protection. Children, do you like our village and our district? Do you want to see our district clean and tidy? You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment. The issue of ecology is important.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
( разминка для повторения лексики (warming up)
-pollute nature- загрязнять природу
-throw away litter- бросать мусор
-protect nature- охранять природу
-reduce pollution- уменьшить загрязнение
-destroy wildlife- разрушать дикую природу
-garbage- мусор
-spoil the environment- портить окружающую среду
-recycle- переработать
Wild kingdom
All woods are home to animals,
So we behaved like guests
We only looked and never touched,
The birds' and rabbits' nests.
Jeanne B. Hargell
3. Речевая зарядка.
T- Our district is nice and beautiful. It is large. But there are some ecological problems in our area. What are they?
( закрепление употребления Simple Present Passive )
P1-Flowers are pulled out.
P2-Litter is thrown away.
P3-The water is polluted.
P4-Trees are cut down.
P5-Birds and animals are frightened.
P6-The fire is left.
P7-The air is polluted.
P8-Animals are killed.
P9-Our river " Techa" is polluted by radiation.
4.Повторение и закрепление темы урока.
T- You are right. All this problems are very serious and important. What can we reuse, reduce and recycle?
-using electricity
-using water
-glass bottles
-plastic bottles
-plastic containers
-cans/ tins
T- Please, look at the map. The pictures show some environmental problems of our district. As these problems are global, I want you to discuss them.
( Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение по теме, используя карту.)
P1-I want to be first. Paper comes from trees. If we don't recycle paper, a lot of trees are destroyed. The countryside is spoiled. People cut down trees. Fires are started. We like flowers very much, but people shouldn't pick wild flowers. If trees are destroyed and people pick flowers and grass, birds and animals may become extinct.
People, don't harm plants!
P2-We throw away too much and in the wrong place. We leave litter near the river. The water is polluted and the fish in the river die. Our river is polluted by radiation. It is very dangerous not only for wildlife but for people.
People, help to keep all water clean!
P3- You can see different kinds of trees and flowers in the meadows near our village. But today they are disappearing. Each of us must do everything possible to protect nature.
Children, plant trees and flowers!
P4- Every spring I see rubbish near our village. I think that our country people do it. They throw away old things, papers, clothes, toys, bottles and plastic bags. Maybe they don't know the 3R rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It's a pity!
People, take litter home!
P5- We should keep Kunashak district tidy. It is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for future generations. There are many springs near our village. It's wonderful to drink some spring water on a hot summer day.
Children, clean springs!
P6-There are many animals and birds in our district. We should not make unnecessary noise. If we don't keep to public paths in the countryside, birds and animals are frightened. Make bird feeders in winter!
Children, take care of birds and animals!
(Учащиеся работают в группах по три человека, продумывают содержание рисунков, делают надписи к рисункам.)
A. Do not pick wild flowers.
B. Do not litter the ground with cans, papers and bottles.
C. Do not frighten animals.
D. Do not harm plants.
E. Feed birds and help them.
F. Plant trees and flowers.
G. Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.
H. Clean rivers and springs.
T-And now, try to use our new words and phrases in short dialogues. Ask each other if you are worried about environmental problems. Use the phrases on the blackboard.
( На доске написаны речевые клише, которые можно использовать в ответах: I am worried.../ I'm afraid.../ Are you worried...?/ Do you find...?)
P.P.:( Work in pairs)
1. - Are you worried about litter?
- Yes, I'm worried when people throw litter away. There is a lot of litter around.
2. -Are you worried about pollution?
- Of course, I find the problem of dangerous gases very worrying. and so on.
T- We've already spoken about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution is getting worse and worse. But there is always hope. At the end of our lesson I'd like to ask you the most important questions: Can we help to save the planet? What should we do to help our planet? What advice can you give?
( Структуры записаны на доске)
We should + V1
We shouldn't + V1
P.P.: ( варианты ответов)
-We should help animals.
- We should care for wildlife.
- We should recycle paper, cans and glass.
- We shouldn't throw away litter.
- We shouldn't damage birds' nests.
T-Thank you very much. Our discussion is over. I'm sure that you are real friends of our planet. We all must do everything to keep the air, water and land clean.
Дом.задание. Projects " Eco problems" or "The problem Worry Me."
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