классный час по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
В роли ведущего учитель. Ведущий дает задание, кто быстрее его выполнит, тот и становится участником. Победивший в отборочном туре выходит на середину зала и садится напротив ведущего. Ведущий сидит за столом и предлагает участнику вопросы. Пока играющий думает, можно включать негромкую музыку. Все четыре варианта можно зачитывать, а можно заранее заготовить на карточках и читать их только для того, что- 5ы слышали все учащиеся, находящиеся на игре. Участник игры имеет право на три подсказки: помощь зала, помощь друга, 50 : 50, т. е. все правила телевизионной игры сохраняются.
Чтобы как можно больше школьников могли принять участие в игре, стоит сократить количество вопросов в каждом туре до семи (это по усмотрению учителя) и, соответственно, выигрыш распределяется следующим образом: 1000; 4000; 16000; 64000; 250000; 500000; 1000000.
Вопросы можно менять, учитывая возрастной уровень участников. Если участник ошибается в ходе игры, то он уходит, и предлагается следующий отборочный тур. Участник, набравший миллион очков, становится победителем, и для него необходимо предусмотреть приз.
Т: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. We’ll begin our game “Who wants to be the champion?” I want all the pupils to take part in the game. We’ll choose the first partner. I invite here (учитель называет имена и фамилии школьников). Well, check your memory on the knowledge of the presidents. Your task is: Put the presidents of the USA in time order, please. If you are ready, quickly raise your hands!
Washington, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Clinton. Kennedy.
Key: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Clinton.
Let’s greet our first partner. We congratulate you! Come here, sit down, please. Introduce yourself, please. What is your name? How long have you been learning English? So, I hope you were waiting for such an exciting moment.
I must explain you the rules of the game. You can use 50: 50, ask your friend to help you, you can also ask the audience. So, I wish you good luck! A great ship asks for deep waters. Are you ready? Let’s begin!
- Your father’s sister is your: a) aunt; b) uncle; c) cousin; d) sister Key: a)
- The largest city in Wales is: a) London; b) Oxford; c) Cardiff; d) Edinburgh Key: c)
- Washington is named after: a) the first state in America; b) the river; c) the first President in America; d) the writer Key: c)
- Hyde Park is in: a) the City; b) the West End; c) the East End; d) the North End Key: b)
- The Linkoln Memorial is situated in: a) Washington; b) New York; c) : London; d) Cambridge Key: a)
- Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA? a) Lincoln; b) Kennedy; c) Washington; d) Roosevelt Key: b)
- The head of the English government is: a) the King; b) the Queen; с I the Prime Minister; d) the President Key: c)
* * *
Для отборочных туров можно использовать следующие задания:
1) Put these British holidays in order (starting from December): Christmas. Mother’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, April Fools’ Day, Father’s Day
Key: Christmas; St. Valentine’s Day; April Fools’ Day; Mother’s Day; Father’s Day
- Put these letters in order: A; Y; H; W; D
Key: A; D; H; W; Y
- Put these countries in the alphabetical order: Russia; Canada; Australia; Germany; Great Britain
Key: Australia; Canada; Germany; Great Britain; Russia
- Put these writers in alphabetical order: Dickens; Twain; Milne; Swift; Shakespeare
Key: Dickens; Milne; Shakespeare; Swift; Twain
- Put these Kings and Queens in chronological order: King Henry VIII; Elizabeth II; Queen Victoria; Elizabeth
Key: King Henry VIII; Elizabeth; Queen Victoria; Elizabeth II
* * *
Для участников игры можно использовать следующие задания:
- Cheese is made of: a) sausage; b) vegetables; c) meat; d) milk Key: d)
- The oldest part of London is: a) the City; b) the West End; c) the East End; d) the North End Key: a)
- The biggest city in Scotland is: a) Glasgow; b) Edinburgh; c) London; d) Oxford Key: a)
- Which is the nearest neighbour to Great Britain? a) France; b) Italy; c) Ireland; c) the USA Key: a)
- Christopher Columbus discovered America in: a) 1392; b) 1492; c) 1482; d) 1566 Key: b)
- The first English settlements appeared in: a) Central America in the 16th century; b) South America in the 18th century; c) North America in the 19th century; d) North America in the 17th century Key: d)
- The first colonists started the tradition of: a) Hallowe’en; b) Independence Day; c) Thanksgiving Day; d) Memorial Day Key: c)
- Name the holiday which belongs only to American people: a) Christmas Day; b) Hallowe’en; c) Independence Day; d) Mother’s Day Key: c)
- Who was the 42d American President? a) Clinton; b) Kennedy; c) lohnson; d) Washington Key: a)
- What was Abraham Lincoln? a) writer; b) the 16th President of the USA; c) a teacher; c) Prime Minister Key: b)
- The US President’s term is a) 2 years; b) 4 years; c) 6 years; 3 years Key: b)
- How many years did the Civil War in America last? a) 2; b) 3; c) 4; d) 5 Key: c)
- Jeans are clothes worn by: a) cowboys in the Wild West; b) actors in America; c) Levi Strauss people; d) people all over the world Key: d)
- The official national symbol of the USA is: a) the Statue of Liberty;
- the eagle; c) the turkey; d) the “Mayflower” Key: b)
•k * *
- Sausage is made of: a) butter; b) meat; c) milk; d) cheese Key: b)
- Christopher Columbus discovered: a) Central America; b) South America; c) North America; d) the United States of America Key: a)
- The “Mayflower” is a) the name of a holiday; b) the name of a flower;
- the name of a ship; d) the name of the first English settlement in America Key: c)
- How many colonies were there in America in 1733? a) 13; b) 7; c) 21;
- 10 Key: b)
- How many stripes are there on the American flag? a) 50; b) 5; c) 3; d) 13 Key: d)
- Your friend has a birthday. What do you say? a) How do you do?
- Get better, c) Many happy returns, d) I love you. Key: c)
- Whitehall is: a) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the House of Parliament; b) a big hall in the centre of London; c) a white palace near Trafalgar Square; d) the place where the Queen lives in summer Key: a)
* * *
- When you want to buy a ticket for a train, you go to: a) the box- office; b) the office; c) the booking office; d) the station Key: c)
- On the forth of July Americans celebrate: a) Thanksgiving Day; b) Independence Day; c) Memorial Day; d) Hallowe’en Key: b)
- The southern and central part of Great Britain is: a) Wales; Scotland:
- Northern Ireland; d) England Key: d)
- The head of the British State is: a) the King; b) the Queen; c) the Prime Minister; d) the President Key: b)
- What is the Russian equivalent for: “It is raining cats and dogs”? a) ни кола, ни двора; b) хороший хозяин собаку не выпустит в такую погоду; с) дождь льет как из ведра; d) живут как кошка с собакой Key: с)
- Sir Christopher Wren built: a) Westminster Abbey; b) St. Paul’s Cathedral; c) The Tower of London; d) The English Channel Key: b)
- Great Britain is separated from the continent by: a) The Pacific Ocean: b) the Irish Sea; c) the British Channel; d) the English Channel Key: d)
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1) You can buy tickets for a play at a) the box-office; b) the shop; c) the theatre; d) the station Key: a)
- Hindi—what does it mean? a) a country; b) a nationality; c) a language; 11 a river Key: c)
- What is Britain’s population? a) 7 million; b) 56 million; c) 75 million; i 160 million Key: b)
- London’s poorest part is: a) the City: b) the West End; c) the East End; d I the North End Key: c)
- The Great Fire of London broke out in: a) 1556; b) 1766; c) 1158; d) 1666 Key: d)
- In Australia, winter comes in: a) December; b) January; c) June; d) July Key: d)
- Ottawa. What city is it? a) the capital of America; b) the capital of Canada; c) the capital of New Zealand; d) the capital of Australia Key: b)
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