«Страны изучаемого языка»
классный час по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Классный час проводится в 11-м классе после изучения темы «Страны изучаемого языка».
Task 1. “Flags”
На доске помещены флаги стран, перечисленных ниже, в данной последовательности (за каждый правильный ответ учащиеся получают звездочку):
1) New Zealand, 2) Canada, 3) the UK, 4) Scotland, 5) Australia, 6) England.
Вопросы участникам конкурса:
- Which continent was the last to be discovered? (5)
- What country consists of 4 parts? (3)
- What country lies to the north of the US? (2)
- What country lies to the north of England? (4)
- What country lies to the south of Scotland? (6)
Task 2. “Symbols”
На доске помещены эмблемы: 1) a red rose, 2) a thistle, 3) a shamrock, 4) a daffodil, 5) the bald eagle.
Вопросы участникам конкурса:
- What is the national symbol of Scotland? (2)
- What is the national symbol of Wales? (4)
- What is the national symbol of England? (1)
- What is the national symbol of Ireland? (3)
Task 3. “London Sights ”
На доске почтовые открытки, на которых изображены: 1) Buckingham Palace, 2) Westminster Abbey, 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4) The Tower of London, 5) The Houses of Parliament, 6) Trafalgar Square.
Вопросы участникам конкурса:
- What building has Big Ben? (5)
- It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and the royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. (4)
- What is the home of the Queen? (1)
- It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. (2)
Task 4. “Holidays”
На доске открытки-поздравления с праздниками: 1) Christmas, 2) St. Valentine’s Day, 3) Easter, 4) Mother’s Day 5) Halloween, 6) Father’s Day.
Учащимся предлагается описание нескольких праздников, с тем чтобы они назвали, о каком из них идет речь:
This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February as a day of love and fandship. (2)
- People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and «fatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast sarkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. (1)
- Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day. (3)
- Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghosts scd go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat!” (5)
Task 5. “Dates”
На доске написаны даты: 1) 1086,2) 1564,3) 1840,4) 1653,5) 1734,6) 1553.
- When did the first Englishman Richard Chancellor come to Russia? (6)
- When was the first treaty between England and Russia signed? ( 5)
- When did the first stamp “Penny Black” appear? (3)
- When was the first official document, the Doomsday Book, written? (1)
Task 6. “Famous People”
На доске написаны имена выдающихся людей: 1) Armstrong, 2) Bell, 3 Hogarth, 4) Newton, 5) Conan-Doyle, 6) A. Christie.
- Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage a la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London. (3)
- Who wrote 75 detective stories? (6)
- He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon. (1)
- Who invented the telephone? (2)
Выбывает из игры еще один участник с наименьшим количеством звездочек.
Task 7. “Ноте Library-writers”
На доске имена писателей: 1) Beatrix Potter, 2) James М. Barrie, 51 Lewis Carrol, 4) Pamela L. Travers, 5) Alan Milne, 6) Daniel Defoe.
- Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? (6)
- Who wrote about Winnie the Pooh? ( 5)
- Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals? (1)
- Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? (4)
- Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called Alice in the magic country Wonderland? (3)
Task 8. “Home-reading characters”
На доске имена персонажей литературных произведений: 1) Alice, 2) Gulliver, 3) Peter Pan, 4) Mary Poppins, 5) Doctor Doolittle, 6) Robinson Crusoe.
Участникам конкурса нужно угадать, о ком идет речь в данных ниже предложениях:
1. Не took care of animals, because he loved them very much. Many different animals lived in his house. (5)
- She looked after children. The wind had brought her over. She usually had a bag and an umbrella in her hands. In her bag she had an armchair, a piano and a magic bottle. (4)
- He was a boy who didn’t grow. He could fly as a bird. (3)
- He was a sailor. One day there was a storm in the sea and the ship was wrecked. He swam to an island. He lived on the island alone for a long time and he had a friend called Friday. (6)
Покидает игру ученик с меньшим количеством звездочек.
The final
Задание: Make up as many words as you can out of the word “Sportsmen
Sport, port, or, men, sort, to, ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most, on, no, not, pet, more, rest, nest, pen, note, top.
Победитель конкурса получает приз.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Test 11 Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Географическое положение, климат, население, города и сёла, достопримечательности
тренировочный тест для подготовке к ГИА...
Test 12 Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна.
Иренировочный тест для подготовки к ГИА...
Тест 17 Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Города и сёла, достопримечательности.
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«Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка . Путешествия по своей стране и зарубежом»
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