Итоговый тест за 3 четверть в 11классе к УМК Биболетовой
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Тест на проверку лексических и грамматических навыков.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Term III
Lexico-grammatical test
Choose the best variant to complete each sentence:
- … engines were the prototypes of the modern trains.
- water b. steam c. ice
- A lot of discoveries … … … for the last centuries.
- has been made b. have made c. have been made
- This … was made of wild herbs.
- remedy b. treatment c. cure
- She’s got a fever. So, she … have high temperature.
- must b. may c. should d. need
- Alexander Bell … the first phone.
- Discovered b. had invented c. discover d. invented
- The roads and stone buildings … … … …. before the German tribes … the area of Britain.
- Had already built, were invading b. had already been built, invaded c. had already been built, invade d. were built, invaded
- … circles are believed to have been made by aliens.
- crop b. herbal c. harvest d. stone
- I’m not going to sign this paper, I consider it … .
- A fraud b. misbelief c. a fake d. an artificial thing
- The government must be concerned about a good and effective … in hospitals.
- cure b. healing c. cough d. treatment
- The project will … … … by 5 o’clock tomorrow.
- have been done b. be already done c. be doing already d. be yet done
- How are you today? – Not bad, in general, but I feel … … .
- A bit sick b. a little ill c. getting ill d. out of luck
- If you … … a cold, you … take a hot bath, have a cup of warm milk with honey.
- caught, must b. has caught, should c. ‘ve caught, should d. catch, can
- The doctor insisted that I … …. this medicine twice a day.
- took as b. should take c. can have
- Nanotechnologies … … …. nowadays rapidly.
- are being studied b. are studied well c. were studied
- Nano robots can be … for health care.
- harmful b. useful c. healthy d. useless
- The advantages of modern science … often … at the seminars.
- are explained b. is being explained c. were explained
- Cold is regarded as a … disease.
- grave b. major c. minor
- Where’s John. He is absent again. I’m afraid, he … … .
- is sick b. is lucky c. gets ill d. feels ill
- Eating lots of sweets may … diabetes later.
- call b. be c. influence d. cause
- I think the remedy for cancer … … … in the near future.
- will certainly b. be certainly found c. will be found d. will be finding
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