Идиомы в английском языке (времена года)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Самкова Мария Михайловна

Данный материал посвящен такой сложной теме, как идиомы. В работе рассматриваются сочетания, связанные с сезонами. Включены объяснения идиом, а также упражнения на соотнесение идиом и их значений, описание картинок, перевод, заполнение пропусков и применение новых сочетаний на практике.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Match the idioms and their meanings

Слайд 3

cold snap whiteout black ice to be snowbound snowfall snow drift to hibernate a very thin coating of ice found on roads and sidewalks that is difficult to see, and therefore quite dangerous a sudden arrival of cold weather to sleep through the winter in order to reserve energy a deep pile of snow that builds up because of wind to be stranded or unable to leave a place because of heavy snowfall the amount of snow that comes down within a period of time to be unable to tell the difference between things because of an overabundance of snow

Слайд 4

Describe the pictures using new idioms

Слайд 10

Fill in the gaps using new idioms

Слайд 11

Irina said that the _________ on her street caused 3 car accidents. Emily wasn’t prepared for the _________ – all of her coats were still in storage. Whenever December arrives, I just want to _________ like a bear until spring! I couldn’t see my car because of the giant ________ outside the window. We were _____________ at the ski chalet for the whole weekend. What was the average __________ over the country in the last storm? After the ____________ , looking outside was like looking at a sheet of paper. black ice cold snap hibernate snow drift snowbound snowfall whiteout

Слайд 12

Match the idioms and their meanings

Слайд 13

snowed under snowball’s chance in hell pure as the driven snow to break the ice the snowball effect to run hot and cold to be on thin ice put something on ice dead of winter to be very unlikely to succeed at something to be in a risky situation the coldest, darkest part of winter to be innocent and chaste (frequently used ironically) to create a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere to be unable to make up one’s mind when something small keeps growing in importance or significance to stop doing something to be overwhelmed, usually with responsibilities

Слайд 14

Describe the pictures using new idioms

Слайд 15

be snowed under

Слайд 16

to be on thin ice

Слайд 17

to break the ice

Слайд 18

to run hot and cold

Слайд 19

the snowball effect

Слайд 20

put something on ice

Слайд 21

snowball’s chance in hell

Слайд 22

dead of winter

Слайд 24

Learn some new idioms and their meanings!

Слайд 25

SPRING FEVER the wanting the present to become summer slacking off in school because the year is almost over , feeling restless. (It is thought to be a physiological and psychological shift in the body's response to changing seasons.) 3. the wanting to be outside every day rather than inside I have spring fever!!!

Слайд 26

FULL OF THE JOYS OF SPRING To feel very happy and full of youthful energy.

Слайд 27

THE PIERIAN SPRING the metaphorical source of knowledge of art and science . The Pierian Spring is considered the metaphorical source of knowledge about art and science: Pieria is a district of Macedonia believed to be the home of the Muses, connected with the arts and sciences. In Greek Mythology, it was believed that drinking from the Pierian Spring would bring you great knowledge and inspiration.

Слайд 28

SPRING CHICKEN A very young person

Слайд 29

NO SPRING CHICKEN not a young person

Слайд 30

SPRING FOR SOMETHING pay for it; pay it's cost

Слайд 31

SPRING SOMETHING ON SOMEONE to surprise someone with something

Слайд 32

SPRING-CLEAN to clean a house, room, etc. thoroughly, including the parts you do not usually clean .

Слайд 33

Translate into English

Слайд 34

Светится от счастья Совсем малыш Платить Весенняя лихорадка Источник вдохновения Ошарашить кого-то новостью Весенняя уборка - убирать дом, комнату и т.д. тщательно, включая те части, которые обычно не убирают Старый человек Be full of the joys of spring Spring chicken Spring for something Spring fever The Pierian spring Spring something on someone Spring-clean No spring chicken

Слайд 35

Fill in the gaps using new idioms

Слайд 36

The students couldn't pay any attention to what I was saying. They were obviously suffering from spring fever . The sun was shining, and even though it was October, I was full of the joys of spring. I'll spring for dinner tonight. I want to spring the news on him tomorrow Take it easy. You're no spring chicken yourself, you know. Fran decided to spring-clean the apartment. He’s so naughty!-Don’t pay attention. He’s only a spring chicken!

Слайд 37

Describe the pictures using new idioms

Слайд 46

Work in pairs. Each pair of students gets an idiom to work with. Write a conversation and use this idiom in it. Act out the conversation you wrote.

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