Шатков Геннадий Иванович
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Шатков Геннадий Иванович. Знаменитые спортсмены.
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Shatkov Gennady Ivanovich is an outstanding Soviet boxer; the Olympic champion 1956; honored master of sport of the USSR; the champion of the USSR 1955, 1956, 1958; the champion of Europe 1955, 1959; the winner of the Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR 1956; awarded the order of Lenin in 1957, an Honorary Sign "For merits in development of physical culture and sports" in 2002
“The house in which my childhood spent , wasn’t the usual. If you went out of it in front of you there was the Nevsky prospect and calm expanse of the Fontanka river. Klodt's horses galloped on the Anichkov bridge” He returned to his native city after the evacuation in 1946. He studied at famous St. Petri- Schule , one of the oldest school of Russia, which was founded in 1709. At the same time he started boxing in the section of Leningrad Pioneer Palace. His first coach was legendary Osipov Ivan Pavlovich , who managed to train more than 20 sport masters Shatkov Gennady Ivanovich was born on the birthday of our city on 27 May in 1932 in Lenigrad
During his sport career he had 217 fights and he won 203 of them. His first important victory was in 1949 when he won the third place in the championship of the USSR Championship, held in Rostov-on-Don. In 1956 a 24-year-old Shatkov achieved the highest achievement for every amateur boxer he won the gold medal at the XVI Olympic Games in distant Melbourne, Australia.
His life closely related to Saint- Petersburg State University. He graduated from the law faculty of Leningrad state University with honours in 1956. He became the candidate of science of law in 1962. Then Gennady Shatkov was appointed a vice-rector of university and he always encouraged students’ sport spirit. He was an author more than 100 science works and several books such as "the Great ring", “Brutal rounds ”, ”Beyond the ring”
In 1969, he suffered a severe stroke, but due to the courage, the will to win, his wife’s devotion, and supporting his family was able to fully recover and returned to teaching . He has worked with young people up to the last day. His life is a shining example of the service to Motherland.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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