Учебно-методическое пособие по теме «Английский театр»
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку по теме
Учебно-методическое пособие
По теме «Английский театр»
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Учебно-методическое пособие
По теме «Английский театр»
для учащихся средней школы (10-11 кл)
(на английском языке)
Учитель английского языка
Лунева Лилия Николаевна
Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой лексическую разработку темы «Английский театр» и предназначено для учащихся 10-11 классов.
Учебное пособие имеет своей целью помочь им совершенствовать свои навыки устной и письменной речи, а таже расширить и систематизировать свой словарный запас на указанную тему
В задании собран материал, который может быть использован, как на занятиях, так и внеаудиторно.
Учебное пособие состоит из вводного текста информативного, описательного характера и серии коротких диалогов, включающих наиболее употребительные фразы, которые встречаются в разговоре на данную тему и с помощью которых можно вести несложные беседы. Вводный текст и микродиалоги сопровождаются списком слов и словосочетаний, подлежащих активизации.
Затем идут упражнения, предполагающие обработку вокабуляра, которые носят разъяснительный характер, помогают разобраться в значении тех или иных слов и система речевых упражнений.
Активизирующие упражнения обеспечивают активное овладение изучаемой лексикой. Основная часть упражнений связана непосредственно с учебным текстом. В системе творческих упражнений предусмотрен ряд заданий по развитию навыков письменной речи/ Topics for Oral and Written Composition/.
Introductory text
London Theatre
Going to the theatre is a
way of spending an evening
which may be most entertaining.
The theatre plays an important part in the life of an Englishman. Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere else. The chief theatres are in the West End. if you are standing in London for a few days you will have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend an enjoyable evening. You will find opera, ballet, comedy, drama, musical comedy and variety. Performances start at about eight or half past and run for some three hours including intervals.
At the West End theatres you can see most of the famous English actors and actresses, and a well-dressed audience. As a rule, the plays are staged well. Choose a good play and you will enjoy yourself from the moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act.
Some theatres stage modern plays, Shakespeare and other classics are mostly played at “Old Vic” opera and ballet are staged at the Royal Opera House, formerly Covent Garden. You ought to go there at least once during the season if you can.
Get your seat beforehand either at the box-office of the theatre itself or at one of the agenoies. Sometimes you can get tickets just before the show begins, otherwise – if there are no tickets left – the ‘Sold Out’ sign is posted over the box-office.
Seats in the theatres are expensive. This makes the theatrical art in Britain more or less the privilege of the rich.
When you go to a theatre, you will probably want to sit as near to the stage as possible, but in the orchestra-stalls, in the dress-circle and in the upper circle. Then comes the pit where the view is not so good, and last of all the gallery, where the seats are cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the most expensive.
At the entrance to the theatre an attendant in uniform tears your theatre ticket in half. He gives you your half back so that you can find you seat by its number.
Inside the theatre you leave your overcoat in the cloak-room, where the attendant can also provide you with opera glasses.
In fact, not all London theatres have got cloak-rooms. What is to be done with a coat on a cold night then? You simply throw it over the back of your seat, the same as everybody else does.
Another attendant (usher) shows you to your seat and sells you a programme that will tell you the cast, which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there are in the play. Then you take your seat. All around you people are setting down into their seats talking, reading their programmes, passing chocolates. Everybody is excited looking forward to the play. The warning bell rings to tell everyone that the play is about to begin. Slowly the lights begin to come up on the stage.
Additional vocabulary
Visiting the Theatre
Discussing Plays
- Study the following short conversations and see how the topical vocabulary is used.
- Have you got any seats for tomorrow?
- Matinee or evening performance?
- Matinee, please. I want two stalls if you’re got any and near the aisle, please.
- Yes, you can have two in the middle of Row F.
- They will do very well, thank you. How much are they?
- £5 each.
- How about going to the theatre tonight?
- I would rather have a quiet evening at home.
- The lights are going down. I’ll go to my seat. See you in the foyer after this act.
- All right.
- Well, what do you think of the play?
- I enjoyed every minute of it.
- It was good, wasn’t it?
- I think, the acting and the scenery were splendid.
- So do I. the actors were at their best. The whole thing was first-rate from beginning to end.
- Did you go to the theatre last night?
- Yes, we did. We saw “Vanity Fair” by W.M.Thackeray.
- It was a first-night, wasn’t it?
- Yes, it was.
- Well, how was it?
- The play was a great success. The spectators were carried away by the performance. There were many curtain calls and a lot of flowers.
- How did you like the acting?
- Too lovely for words. Nobody believed it was an amateur performance.
- I was sure you would enjoy it.
- Where is the scene laid?
- In England, at the end of the last century.
- Who’s the dramatist?
- Oh, I forgot the name.
- That is on at the musical comedy tonight?
- I think, it is some show by the touring company.
- Are they worth seeing?
- Well, yesterday the house was so full that there was even no standing room.
- I’ve got an extra ticket for the matinee tomorrow. Would you care to come along with me?
- What theatre and what is on?
- It is a ticket to the Bolshoi Theatre for the ballet “Giselle”.
- Why, I’d love to see it. Where do we meet?
- At the entrance to the theatre at 5.30.
- That suits me perfectly.
- Did you enjoy the play?
- Very much, indeed.
- And who played the part of the doctor?
- Michael Caine, a well-known actor.
- Did you enjoy the play?
- Not very much.
- Why ever so?
- The action is slow; some scenes are dull.
- Well, that is the last curtain. Did you like the play?
- Yes, I did. I always enjoy a good laugh.
- Next time we shall go to see something serious.
- Oh, no, I don’t feel like seeing a tragedy.
- Vocabulary Notes:
Act, n.v. – действие, акт
e.g. “Pygmalion” is a play in three acts.
«Пигмалион» - пьеса в 3-х действиях.
I doubt anyone could act the part better.
Сомневаюсь, что кто-нибудь мог бы сыграть эту роль лучше.
Actor, actress, n. – актер, актриса
(famous, popular, talented, favourite - )
Acting – игра, исполнение, мастерство
e.g. The acting was excellent.
Исполнение было отличное.
Aisle, n. – проход между рядами
e.g. I like my seat off the aisle.
Я не люблю сидеть у прохода
Attendant, n. – служащий
e.g. cloak-room attendant
служащий в гардеробе
Audience, n. – зрители, аудитория
e.g. The young dancer moved the audience to tears.
Молодая танцовщица растрогала зрителей до слез
Ballet, n. – балет
Box-office – театральная касса
Cast, n. – состав исполнителей
e.g. The cast was excellent.
All-star cast – первый состав
Company of actors – театральный коллектив
Cloak-room – гардероб.
e.g. We checked our coats in the cloak-room.
Comedy, n. – комедия
(musical comedy – музыкальная комедия)
Curtain call – вызов актера на сцену аплодисментами
e.g. The actors got many curtain calls.
Актеров долго не отпускали со сцены
Drama, n. – драма
Dramatic society – драмкружок
Dramatist, n. – драматург (Syn. Playwright)
Dress-circle – бельэтаж
e.g. The seats in the dress-circle for Saturday please.
Пожалуйста, два билета в бельэтаж на субботу.
Enjoy, v.t. – получать удовольствие
e.g. I enjoyed every bit of the performance.
Мне все понравилось в спектакле.
To enjoy smth/ doing smth
e.g. I enjoyed the book (-reading the book).
Мне понравилась книга.
Enjoyment, n. Удовольствие, наслаждение
Enjoyable, adj. – приятный (-evening)
Foyer, n. – фойэ (зд. Театра.) (Syn. Lobby)
First-night (-performance) – премьера
e.g. It is rather a problem to get tickets for a first-night.
Довольно трудно доставать билеты на премьеру.
Interval, n. – антракт (Syn. Intermission)
e.g. An interval is a break between acts.
Антракт – это перерыв между действиями.
Opera, n. – опера
( opera theatre, opera house – оперный театр)
Opera-glasses – бинокль
Pit, n. – амфитеатр
e.g. Don’t forget your opera-glasses. We have seats in the pit.
Не забудь свой бинокль. У нас места в амфитеатре.
Part, n. – роль, партия, текст роли
Leading part (role) – главная роль
Leading man – актер, выступающий в главной роли
Leading lady – актриса, выступающая в главной роли
Title role – заглавная роль
e.g. He played the part of Higgins with great feeling.
Он сыграл роль Хиггинса с большим чувством.
e.g. Vladimir Vysotskiy in the part of Hamlet was superb.
В. Высоцкий в роли Гамлета был великолепен.
Perform, v. – играть, исполнять
Performance, n. – спектакль, исполнение
e.g. That was one of the best performances I have seen this season.
Это был один из лучших спектаклей, которые я видел в этом (театральном) сезоне.
Programme, n. – программа
Theatre programme – театральная программа
Play, n., v. – пьеса, играть
e.g. If the play is poor, no acting will save it.
Если пьеса плохая, ее не спасет никакая игра.
Run n., v. – идти, длиться
(Syn. To last)
e.g. The play had a long run.
Пьеса долго не сходила со сцены.
e.g. The performance runs for 3 hours.
Спектакль идет 3 часа.
Scene, n. – явление, сцена, место действия
e.g. The play is in 3 acts, 5 scenes.
Пьеса состоит из 3-х действий, 5 сцен.
Scenery, n. – декорации (used only in the singular Syn. decor)
e.g. The scenery was beautiful.
Декорации были прекрасны.
Seat, n. – место в театре, кресло, стул
e.g. I have bought 3 seats to the theatre.
Я купил 3 билета в театр.
Seat in the stalls – место в партере
In the pin – в амфитеатре
(on) in the balcony – в ложе
In the box – в ложе
In the gallery – на галерке
Spectator – зритель
Standing room – входной билет
e.g. The house was so full that there was no standing room.
Театр был так полон, что не было входных билетов (приставных мест)
Stage, n. v. – сцена, ставить на сцене
e.g. When the singer came on to the stage, there was a storm of applause.
Когда певец вышел на сцену, раздались бурные аплодисменты.
e.g. This play was staged by G. Tovstonogov.
Эта пьеса была поставлена Г. Товстоноговым.
Back stage (in the wings, behind the wings – pl.) –за кулисами, за кулисы
e.g. I went to congratulate her on her success.
Я пошел за кулисы поздравить ее с успехом.
Usher, n. – билетер
e.g. The usher showed us to our seats.
Билетер провел нас на места.
Ticket, n. – билет
A ticket to a theatre – билет в театр
A ticket for a show – билет на спектакль
Extra (spare) ticket – лишний билет
e.g. I’ve got an extra ticket to the Play House. Could you come along with me?
У меня есть лишний билет в драмтеатр. Не могли бы вы пойти со мной?
Tour, n., v. – поездка, турне(to tour some place – совершать поездку по …)
A touring company of actors – гастролирующая труппа
Rehearse, v –репетировать
Rehearsal, n. – репетиция (dress rehearsal - генеральная репетиция)
At the rehearsal – на репетиции
A “Sold Out” sign – аншлаг (= все билеты проданы)
Variety, n. – эстрада
Variety show – эстрадное представление)
Variety Theatre – Театр Эстрады
Phrases and Sentences to remember:
- To be a (great) success – иметь (большой) успех
e.g. She felt she could never be a success on the stage again.
Она чувствовала, что никогда больше не будет иметь успеха на сцене.
- To be carried away by smth – быть увлеченным, захваченным (игрой)
e.g. The audience was carried away by her acting.
Публика была захвачена ее игрой.
- To be on – идти (зд. о пьесе)
e.g. What is on at the Bolshoi this weekend?
Что на этой неделе в большом театре?
- To be too lovely for words – быть вне всяких похвал
- To be worth seeing –
e.g. The play is worth seeing.
Пьеса стоит того, чтобы ее посмотреть.
- The curtain goes up (rises) – занавес поднимается
Opp. The curtain falls – занавес опускается
- The house was full (packed) – театр был полон
- The house was sold out – билеты были распроданы
- To be at one’s best – быть в отличной форме (в ударе)
- The lights go down – свет гаснет
- To be in the part (role) – быть в роли кого-либо
To play (perform) the part of – исполнять роль
- To be on the programme – быть в программе
e.g. My favourite songs were on the programme.
В программе были мои любимые песни.
- The scene is land in – действие происходит
- To reserve (book) a seat beforehand (well in advance) – забронировать билеты
- That suits me perfectly – это меня очень устраивает
- To come on tour to some place – приехать на гастроли в …
- To come onto the stage – выйти на сцену
Recommended List
Repertoire, n – репертуар
To be in the repertoire – в репертуаре
The Puppet Theatre – кукольный театр
The Theatre for Young Spectators – ТЮЗ
The Comedy Theatre – театр комедии
The “Sold Out” sign – аншлаг
Theatre-goer – театрал
Poster, n. – афиша (Syn.play-bill)
Dressing-room – гримерная, артистическая
Prompter, n. – суфлер
Director, n. – режиссер
Producer, n. – постановщик
To star in the performance – выступать в главной роли
To pick up a ticket – достать билет
Word Study
- Transcribe the following words and give their Russian equivalents:
Drama, orchestra, audience, company, performance, opera, superb, famous, circle, variety, matinee, aisle, foyer, tour, scenery
- Give the principal forms of the following verbs:
To run to sell to leave to begin
To prefer to show to find to give
To enjoy to see to rise to fall
To choose to throw to let to tour
- Give the comparative or superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
Splendid lovely enjoyable
Modern little quiet
Serious important few
Good simple rich
Near close clear
- Choose the needed adjectives to each of the nouns listed below:
Nouns: evening, actor, comedy, audience, play, view, seat, scenery, acting, performance, company, ticket, dramatist, scene, action.
Adjectives: expensive, dull, first-rate, extra, enjoyable, splendid, amateur, touring, well-known, famous, modern, chief, musical, well-dressed.
- Give nouns that correspond to the following:
- Verbs: tour, play, run, rehearse, act, show, end, sit, perform, choose, stage, enter, begin, attend, call, applaud, laugh.
- Adjectives: important, chief, difficult, musical, possible, enjoyable, dramatic, classical, expensive.
- Give the English Equivalents of:
Зрители, декорации, действие происходит, партер, бинокль, аншлаг, гардероб, играть на сцене, лишний билет, антракт, заказать билеты по телефону, провести на место, проход между рядами, приехать на гастроли, сдать пальто в гардероб, билет на спектакль, билет в театр, любительский спектакль, ложа, действие развивается медленно, скучный.
- Think and Say What You Call:
(Give a full answer)
- The set of actors in the play;
- A call, usually by a continued applause, for a performer to return to the stage;
- The sign hung up to indicate that the tickets are all booked;
- A final rehearsal performed in exactly the manner in which it is to take place on the opening night;
- A list with the names of the performers;
- A raised platform or floor in a theatre on which a performance takes place;
- A woman actor;
- A number of spectators;
- A person who represents a character in a performance;
- A handing screen in a theatre;
- A small compartment in a theatre with chairs for several people;
- The topmost balcony in a theatre with the cheapest seats possible;
- Seats on the ground floor near the stage;
- The cheapest part of the theatre behind the stalls;
- A performance shown for the first time;
- A person who shows spectators to their seats;
- The day-time performance;
- The place in the theatre where tickets are sold;
- A person who writes plays.
- Give English Equivalents for the Russian words and Insert them Below as Required:
- The bell rang and (зрители) went back to their (места)
- They were sitting in (партер)
- We could get a good view of (сцена) from our (места)
- I am an actress and the job of an actress is (играть на сцене)
- When we arrived at the theatre, we saw (аншлаг) posted over (касса)
- This is the best scene in (акт) one.
- When I go to the Bolshoi, I like to have my seat in (бельэтаж)
- We (купили) our seats at the box-office of the theatre
- He always plays (прагматические) roles
- The curtain went up and the audience watched (спектакль) with keen interest, trying not to miss a thing going on on (сцене)
- When does the (театральный сезон) begins in Moscow?
- Let’s go and have some refreshment at the buffet; (антракт) will last another ten minutes.
- We managed to get two stalls for (дневной спектакль)
- The (театр) was full; there wan not an empty seat
- Make up Sentences of your own using:
- Phrases listed below:
To be worth seeing; to come on tour to; to enjoy smth; to get many curtain calls; to play the part of; a first-night performance; to be carried away by; to be at one’s best; to care for.
- using models:
she is fond of reading (to go to matinees; to watch performances on TV; to go to the Puppet Theatre, etc.)
Note: pupils may advance the exercise on their own. Do you mind closing the window? (to get tickets to the theatre; to buy tickets for the premiere; to give me your opera-glasses for a while; to exchange seats with me)
He enjoyed reading the book (to watch the performance; to listen to that aria; to watch Pavlova dance).
- Activise the vocabulary using
Substitution Patterns.
Model 1
- What kind of theatre do you like most?
- It’s a drama theatre
Model 2
- Who is performing the leading part?
- The leading part is performed by the well-known actor X.
Model 3
- In what part of the theatre do you like to sit?
- I usually book seats in the orchestra-stalls
On(in) the balcony
In the gallery, etc.
Model 4
- How do you find the play?
- Oh, it’s (simply) wonderful
A great success
Too lovely for words
Answer Questions to the Introductory Text
- Does the theatre play an important part in the life of an Englishman?
- Theatres are very much the same in London as anywhere else, aren’t they?
- Are there many theatres in London to go to?
- What theatres are especially popular with Englishman?
- Do you care for musical comedy or do you prefer variety?
- At what time do performances in Britain start, as a rule? Is it the same way with our theatres?
- How long do they last?
- At what theatres can you see most of the famous English actors and actresses?
- Do English theatres stage only modern plays?
- What theatre usually stages Shakespeare and other classics?
- Is Shakespeare performed in Russia?
- What plays by Shakespeare are staged and produced in our country?
- Are seats in theatres cheap or expensive?
- What do we call the break between acts?
- Explain the meaning of the word “matinee”.
- What performances do spectators usually prefer? Why?
- Do you prefer matinee or evening performance?
- Do you buy tickets at the box-office or do you reserve seats by phone?
- Is it possible to get tickets just before the show begins?
- What sign is posted over the box-office if there are no tickets left?
- What are the names of all the parts in the theatre?
- What seats are the best and most expensive ones?
- Can you get a clear view of the stage from the balcony (pit, etc.)?
- What seats do you prefer when at the theatre?
- How much is a seat for the orchestra-stalls?
- Who lets you in when you are arrive the theatre?
- Where do you check your hat and coat?
- Who takes your things in the cloak-room?
- The cloak-room attendant can also provide you with opera-glasses, can’t he?
- Who shows you to your seat?
- What else do ushers do?
- What do you learn from the programme?
Give the Following in English.
Make Wide Use of the Active Vocabulary
- Кто будет играть главную роль?
- Как вам понравились декорации
- Декорации прекрасны.
- Возьмите билеты на утренний спектакль.
- Я бы предпочел взять билеты на вечерний спектакль.
- Театр полон.
- Я очень люблю любительские спектакли.
- Вы можете купить билеты в любой театральной кассе.
- Эта комедия пользуется успехом у зрителей.
- О чем эта песня?
- Где происходит действие?
- Как вы находите спектакль?
- Где бы я мог достать программу (where could I possibly…)
- Кто играл роль Гамлета?
- Как вам понравился состав действующих лиц и исполнителей?
– Состав был великолепный.
- Эту пьесу смотреть не стоит.
- Вы забронировали места?
- В каком ряду мы будем сидеть?
- Дать вам бинокль?
- Где гардероб?
- Что идет сегодня вечером в драмтеатре?
- В этом театре вы можете увидеть лучших актеров Санкт-Петербурга.
- Когда начнется спектакль?
- Занавес поднимается с минуты на минуту.
- Занавес медленно поднялся и на сцену вышла высокая стройная женщина. Зал разразился бурными аплодисментами, приветствуя одну из талантливейших артисток мира – Марлен Дитрих.
- Какую из пьес А.П.Чехова вы любите больше всего?
- Я давно не был в театре комедии.
– И я тоже.
- Мне нравится репертуар ТЮЗа.
– И мне тоже.
Free Speech
- Think of situations describing any of your visits to the theatre. Use key-words.
- A first night
To invite
Tickets for
To accept
In the stalls
To be at one’s best
To enjoy
- To be on at …
To care for
A storm of applause
Too lovely for words
To be carried away
By …
A fine cast
- To be late for the show
To have seats in
Audience, cast
The house was full
The leading actress (actor)
- Develop the following sentences into situations:
- In our country there are theatres not only for grown-ups, but quite a few children’s theatres, too.
- Thousands upon thousands of grown-ups and children alike go in for amateur theatrical activities.
- I’ve just seen a poster announcing the coming of an English company of actors.
- I like ballet performances where she stars.
- Her acting leaves an unforgettable impression.
- I must admit, the performance was first-rate from beginning to end.
- I shall be looking forward to seeing the new staging of this company of actors.
- It is a pleasure to watch a play with a fine cast.
- Hold a discussion on the suggested topics
(strike up dialogues)
- You tell your pal about your visit to the theatre. Your friend has seen the very performance on TV. You discuss both the production.
- Two persons express their opinion of a play or variety show they have watched. Use (choosing what suits the occasion):
What’s your opinion of …?
It was most exciting;
It is not worth talking about;
It is too lovely for words;
The role was beautifully sung and admirably acted;
It was a most moving performance.
- You meet a friend of yours who has an extra ticket and invites you to go to the theatre.
- Invite your friend to a theatre having learnt beforehand what kind of show he would like to go to and when. Make arrangements about your meeting.
- The scene is laid in the foyer of a theatre. During the interval you come across an acquaintance of yours. Share your impressions of the show. You find it to your liking, but it is otherwise with your acquaintance.
- You discuss with your friend what to see next.
- You describe to your little brother the interior of a theatre.
- You talk with your friend about the repertoire and the quality of productions of a particular theatre.
- You describe to a visitor to your city its theatrical life and strongly recommend that he (she) should see some particular performances.
Topics for Oral and Written Composition
- Write an essay illustrating the saying: “Art is long, life is short”.
- My last visit to theatre.
- Write a story describing a performance given by a touring company in your home town.
- Recall a play (a ballet, musical, etc.) you enjoyed watching.
- Speak on your favourite actor (actress).
- Write a story which may be titled “One of My Best Memories”.
- Write short paragraphs or make up short stories around the given sentences:
- This theatrical company is so popular that even non-theatre-goers in our city are anxious to see the actors.
- The ‘Old Vic’ is one of the most popular theatres of the capital.
- I must admit, the performance was first-rate from beginning to end.
Используемая литература:
- Лапидус Б.А., Так говорят по-английски. (для развития навыков устной речи у учащихся 9-10 кл. средней школы)
- Сборник тематических текстов для изучающих разговорную речь (на английском языке)
- Ступин Л.П., I can speak English. (пособие) Издательство «Международные Отношения»
- Учись говорить по-английски (пособие для учащихся 9-10 кл. средней школы) «Просвещение»
- Цесарский Л.Д., пособие для учителей по развитию навыков устной речи у учащихся. «Просвещение».
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