календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Альбакасова Акманчак Азымовна

Календарно –тематическое планирование

по английскому языку для  5 класса

по УМК «English 5» Т.Т.Аяпова, Д.Укбаев,  «Атамұра» , 2010





Language structures



Home task


I  четверть


I and my family (7 hours)



02.09 – 07.09



My name is Omar.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- What’s your name?

- My name is…

Present Tense of “to be” –3rd person singular “is”.

Possessive adjectives: my, your. Question: what?

hello, name, my, your, what, is, and





Good morning!

- Good morning! (afternoon, evening).

I’m Mr. Evans. Good-bye!

Present Tense of “to be” –1st person singular “am”. Pronouns: I, I am

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Good bye!





09.09 – 14.09



Where are you from?

- Where are you from?

- I’m from…

Numbers 1-10


Present Tense of “to be” –2nd  person. Pronoun: you. Prepositions: from, in.

Question: where?

where ,you,  from, in,?

- I’m from…



Q-Z Numbers




How are you?  How old are you?

- Hello. How are you?

- I’m OK. Thank you.

- Which class are you in?

- I’m in 5 A.

- How old are you?  - I’m 10

Questions: How are you?

Which? To be – are.

How old are you?

how, fine, OK, thank you, class,  which, well, very well, all right, so-so, not bad.

How old?

Ex. 13-14 p 30-31



16.09 – 21.09



What’s your address?

- What’s your address?

- It’s Flat 8, 23 Baker Street.

- What’s your phone number? -It’s 6709384.  Numbers 11-20

Pronoun: it.

 Imperative: Say it again. Spell the word.

Verb “to be” – is.

address, telephone number, say, again, flat, street.


Ex. 14-15 p 36



I’m Colin’s  sister

- Who’s Carol?

- She’s Andy’s cousin.

-Who’re Colin and Carol?

-They are Mr. and Mrs. Evans’ children.

Possessive: “s. Pronouns: he, she, they.

Verb “to be” – is, are.

grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, children, parents, he, she, they.

Ex. 13-14 p 39




23.09 – 28.0


A Family Tree



He is my father/brother.

 She is my mother  /sister.

Pronouns: he/she/they.

Verb “to be” – is, are.

cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew.

Project “A Family Tree”


My friends (6 hours)



23.09 – 28.09



This is my friend

This is Carol. She’s my sister. What’s your father’s name? His name is …What’s your sister’s name? Her name is … Numbers 21-100

Possessive adjectives: his, her.

dad, mum, friend,


Ex.2,13 p 40,42



30.09 – 05.10


How do you spell you name?

-Is it your  first name (surname)? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. –What’s your surname? – How do you spell it?

Verb “to be” – is.

Questions: What, how?

first name, surname,

yes, no.

Ex.13 p45



He’s from Kazakhstan.

-Where’s he/she from?

-He /she  is from …

-Where’s London?

- It’s in England.

Verb “to be” – is.

Questions: Where?

Demonstrative pronoun: that.

a boy, a girl, a man, a woman

Ex.11,12 p. 42




07.10 – 12.10



Have you got a camera?

-Have you got a camera?

-Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. –Can I borrow your camera? –Sure./OK.-Yes, you can.

No, you can’t.

Verb “to have got” in the affirmative. Negative and interrogative forms. Modal verb: “can”.

a camera, a bike, a watch, a radio, a television, a walkman, to borrow.

Ex.2 p.52



How many stamps have you got?

-How many stamps have you got? – Thirty. – How many postcards has she got? – About fifty.

Plural of nouns (-s, -es, ies). Determiner: any.

Question: How many?

a stamp, a box, a badge, a postcard, a shell, a pop star, a coin, a photo, a model car, an apple, an orange.

Ex.14 p.57





My English Friend.

His /her name is …

He /she is ten. He/she is from England.

He/ she is…

He /she has…

First name, surname, address, telephone number, his, her.

Project “My English Friend.”


My flat and my house (5 hours)

14.10 – 19.10





My flat.


My flat/ house is big.

 It has two rooms.

They are ….

There is / isn’t …

There are / aren’t …

Corridor, living room, bedroom, study, rug, dining room, bathroom, toilet, plant, sofa

Ex.6 p.117




21.10 – 26.10



Carol’s kitchen

 (p. 120-122)

It is small, but nice.

It has one window.

Are there…?

Is there …?

cooker, sink, fridge, dish-washer, washing machine, cupboard, a lot of,bowl, plate, jug,  wardrobe

Ex.12,15 p.122



Which room do you like ?

(p. 123-125)

I like my bedroom, because it is….

I want to buy a brown desk.

It is my favourite color.

There is a table in the middle of the room.

read, watch TV, listen to music, play chess, talk to, wash up the dishes, relax, learn English. Prepositions: in, on, next to, over, under, near, in the middle of ...

Ex.7,13 p.125




28.10 – 2.11




What’s your/his/her name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

Have you got a camera?

I like my room, because it is….

It has…

It is….

My family.

My friends.

My flat

To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections




What’s your/his/her name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

Have you got a camera?

I like my room, because it is….

It has…

It is….

My family.

My friends.

My flat

To do corrections



II четверть


Healthy way of  life (5 hours)



12.11 – 16.11



My body  (p. 59)

This is my head.

These are my hands.

Demonstrative pronouns: this, these.

a head – heads, an arm – arms, a hand-hands, a foot- feet, an eye-eyes, an ear-ears.

Ex.13 p.59



What time is it?

-What time is it?

-It’s 2 o’clock.

Prepositions of time: at, to, past, about

past, to, at, quarter, half, o’clock, a clock.

Ex.10 p.67



18.11 – 23.11



When is your birthday? (p.77)

-When is your birthday?

- It’s on the 13th of January.

 -What month  is it now?

- It’s September now. -What day is it today? - It’s Monday. What date is it today? - It’s  the 10th of May.

Conjunctions of time: before, after, when. Prepositions of time:

in – month, on – day. Question: Which?

Ordinal numbers.

spring, summer, autumn, winter, January – December, Monday – Sunday, date, day, month, week, before, after.

Ordinal numbers.

Ex.16,17 p.80



Healthy food

(p. 144)

What do you eat for breakfast?

I eat…for breakfast

tomato, egg, water, potato, cheese, bread, banana, milk, lemon, cabbage, carrot, meat, sugar, apple.

To write an essay “Healthy food.”



25.11 – 30.11



Can you swim? (p. 73)

I can ride a bike

I can’t swim.

Can you….?

I can/can’t.

ride a bike, swim, ride a horse, run fast, play

Ex.13,14 p.73




25.11 – 30.11



What’s this?

( p. 49-50)

-What’s this (that)?

- It’s a pen.

-Is it a pencil? – Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.

Articles: a / an.

Demonstrative pronouns: this / that.

a pen, a pencil, a bag, a book, a notebook, a computer, a ruler, a calculator, a rubber, a table, a chair, to go

Ex.4,8.p. 50-51



02.12 – 07. 12



Can you play the guitar?

(p. 70-72)

Can you play the piano? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.- What instrument can you play? -I can play the guitar. Who can play the guitar?-I can.

Modal verb: “can”, “can’t”

recorder, dombyra, guitar, piano, violin, cello, to play, to use, to swim, to make, can 

Ex.2 p. 71