задания по английскому языку к интеллектуальному марафону
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

задания по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                            Задания 5-6 классы.

1. The name of the country, which language we learn is ... 

2. The Thames is a ....

3. The author of the book about Winni - the - Pooth is... 

4. What is the capital of Britain?

5. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?

6. What`s the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

7. What is soccer?

8. The holiday with pumpkins and scary costumes?

9.For Christmas dinner the English usually have ... 

10.The capital of the USA is ....

11.The British money is ....

12. The most famous American cartoon family is....

13. Alaska is in ...

14.Hamleys is a world famous ...... shop.

15. What is the capital of our country?

16.The American money is...

 Подберите имена знаменитостей к фото


A. Charlie Chaplin


B. Winston Churchill


C. John Lennon


D. Agatha Christie


1. Great Britain (Britain, England, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland )

2. river

3. A. Miln

4. London

5. Christmas

6. Big Ben

7. football

8. Halloween

9. turkey

10. Washington

11. pounds

12. the Simpsons

13. the USA ( America)

14. toy

15. Russia

16. dollars

17. D. Agatha Christie

18. C. John Lennon

19. A. Charlie Chaplin

20. B. Winston Churchill

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Задание 7 класс

1. The capital of the United Kingdom is … .

A) Glasgow B) London C) Edinburgh

2. On this day children dress up as ghosts and witches because it's

A) Valentine's Day B) Christmas C) Halloween

3. Agatha Christie is the "queen” of … stories.

A) "ghost” B) adventure C) detective

4. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to … .

A) Nelson B) Henry VIII C) William the Conqueror

5. Which are two main university towns in England?

A) Bath B) Oxford C) Cambridge

6. Shakespeare was born in … .

A) London B) Stratford-on-Avon C) Oxford

7. Which is the symbol of the republic of   Ireland ?

A) The rose B) The daffodil C) The shamrock

8.  There are stripes and … on the American flag. 

9. The Statue of Liberty (USA) is situated on …

10. Which country is not a part of the UK?

A) Scotland B) Wales C) Iceland

11. London Zoo is situated in … Park.

A) Hyde B) Regent’s C) St. James’s

12. Many famous people are buried there.

A) Buckingham Palace

B) Westminster Palace

C) Westminster Abbey

13. It has been a fortress, a palace, a zoo, a treasury.

A) Big Ben B) Buckingham Palace C) The Tower

14. The building is the seat of the Parliament.

A) Buckingham Palace

B) Westminster Palace

C) Westminster Abbey

15. It is the work of the architect Christopher


A) Buckingham Palace

B) Westminster Abbey

C) St. Paul’s Cathedral

16. “Alice in Wonderland” was written by … .

A) Lewis Carroll B) Alexander Milne C) Walter Scott

17. Hamlet was the Prince of … .

A) England B) Denmark C) Great Britain

2. Guess who

1. She comes here in the morning to tidy up the place.

A) cleaner B) tutor C) librarian

2. He designs roads and bridges.

A) builder B) engineer C) mechanic

3. He writes articles for newspapers and magazines.

A) journalist B) newsreader C) butler

4. He cries ‘Cut!’ when shooting a film.

A) film director B) cameraman C) actor

5. He operates on people to save their lives.

A) psychologist B) surgeon C) vet

6. This person makes bread and cakes for sale.

A) butcher B) baker C) cashier

7. This person helps people with mental disorders

and human problems.

  1. teacher B) porter C) psychologist

Ответы 7 класс

1 задание:

  1. B,  

2. C,  

3. C,

4. A,

5. B,C,

6. B,

7. C ,

8. Stars,

9. The Manhattan Island,

10. C,

11. B ,

12. C,

13. C,

14. B,

15. C,

16. A,

17. B.  

2 задание:

  1. A, 2.
  2. B,
  3. 3. A,
  4. 4. B,
  5. 5. B,
  6. 6. B,
  7. 7. C

Предварительный просмотр:

Quiz: “Do you know Britain?” ( 8 класс)

1. What are the colours of the British flag?

a) blue, red and white b) blue and red c) blue and white

2. How many pence are there in one pound?

a) 100 b) 90 c) 10

3. What do the English often put in their tea?

a) jam b) milk c) lemon

4. Which holiday is on December 25?

a) St. Valentine’s Day b) Easter c) Christmas

5. Where can you always see ravens in London?

a) near the Thames b) near the Houses of Parliament c) near the Tower of London

6. In what city were the famous “Beatles” born?

a) London b) Glasgow c) Liverpool

7. What place was built by King Arthur and the wizard Merlin?

  1. Stonehenge b) The Tower of London c) Camelot

Quiz ”Do you know the USA?”

8. How many states are there in the USA?

a) 50 b) 52 c) 49

9. Who was the first President of the USA?

a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) John Kennedy

10. What is the biggest state in the USA?

a) Texas b) Alaska c) California

11. What city is the Statue of Liberty in?

a) Miami b) Washington D.C. c) New York

12. What American holiday is on the fourth Thursday in November?

a) Halloween b) Independence Day c) Thanksgiving Day

13. What is a very famous amusement park near Los Angeles?

a) Marine World b) Malibu c) Disneyland

14. What is the most popular sport in the USA?

a) tennis b) baseball c) basketball

15. What is the nickname of British flag?

16. What is the national Scottish costume called?

17. What is the nickname of a guest who comes on New Year’s morning first?

18. What’s the colour of London taxies?

19. Who can you see on the top of the column on Trafalgar Square in London?

20. Who lived in Sherwood Forest?

21. What do many children usually say when they knock on their neighbours’ door on Halloween?

22. What’s the colour of double-deckers in London?

23. What is the nickname of the American flag?

24. What person in London has the address 10, Downing Street?

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