Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 9 класса по учебнику К.И. Кауфман
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Материал можно использовать для подготовки и проведения контрольной работы в 9 классе.
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Материалы для самостоятельной подготовки обучающихся к итоговой контрольной работе за курс 9 класса.
1. Употребление артикля с существительными bed, church, college, university, hospital, prison, school
В случае если эти существительные имеют значение конкретного места, здания или учреждения, они употребляются с артиклем the по общим правилам употребления исчисляемых существительных.
В случае если эти существительные обозначают процессы, которые в них происходят, артикль с этими существительными не употребляется. Например: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital (лечение), school (учеба), prison (лишение свободы), church (церковная служба).
I have missed a lot of classes this month. My parents have to go to the school. — Я пропустил много занятий в этом месяце. Моих родителей вызывают в школу. (Родители не учатся, а должны пойти в здание школы для разговора.)
Kathy is at school now. Call back later. — Кэти в школе сейчас. (Она там учится.) Позвоните позже.
Don't sit on the bed. — He сидите на кровати. (Речь идет о мебели.) My sister is still in bed. Should I wake her up? — Моя сестра все еще спит. (Речь идет не о месте, а о деятельности: она спит.) Разбудить ее?
1.1 Выберите верный вариант ответа.
1. Emily's grandmother Olga was in church.
a) She never misses a Sunday service, (воскресная служба) b) She works there.
2. Emily's cousin, Lucy, was at the school.
a) She is in Grade Six. b) She wanted to talk about her son's marks.
3. Diana's father, Kenneth, was at the hospital,
a) He's ill. b) He visited a friend.
4. Emily's uncle, Terry, was in prison.
a) He went there to visit a friend, b) He's there because he did horrible things.
5. Emily's youngest sister was in bed.
a) She was sleeping, b) She was sitting.
1.2 Вставьте артикль the где необходимо.
1. I live near ... church. ... church is very old.
2. Mr Smith is at... hospital now. He wants to talk to his son's doctor.
3. You should come to... school, Mrs Brown. We need to talk about your daughter.
4. The robber was caught and went to ... prison.
5. She was sitting on ... bed reading a book.
- My friend is lucky. She doesn't have to get up early because she lives near ... school.
7. I don't take a bus to get to ... school because I live near ... school.
8. - Where's Wendy?
— She is ... hospital. She's ill.
— How long has she been there?
— She's been ... hospital for a month now. Let's go to ... hospital and visit her.
9. Normally she goes to ... bed late, that's why I was very surprised when I saw her in ... bed at 8 o'clock.
10. Where shall we meet? Let's meet near ... church.
2. Употребление артикля с существительными breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner
Как правило, эти существительные употребляются без артикля.
Breakfast in this hotel is from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m.
Если перед этими существительными есть описательное определение, употребляется неопределенный артикль.
You can have a good dinner there.
Если имеется лимитирующее определение, то употребляется определенный артикль.
I'll never forget the dinner we had in that little cafe in Chelyabinsk. — Я никогда не забуду ужин в том маленьком кафе в Челябинске.
2.1 Заполните пропуски. используя the, a или без артикля.
1. ... dinner is served.
2. 1 never have ... breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning.
3. ... dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting.
4. Let's have ... lunch in the garden.
- It was ... best dinner I've ever had.
- I wasn't hungry because I had had ... big lunch.
3. Употребление артикля с названиями веществ
Неисчисляемые существительные, обозначающие названия веществ, употребляются без артикля, если в предложении это вещество только называется.
I don't like milk.— Я не люблю молоко.
Артикль the с названиями веществ употребляется, если речь идет о конкретном веществе, находящемся в поле зрения говорящего.
The meat they were eating was tasty.— Мясо, которое они ели, было вкусным.
3.1 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. He said that there was ... butter,... sugar,... salt, and ... water in the cake.
2. "I've never seen ... snow," he said.
3. ... snow round our house was dirty.
4. My friend doesn't eat... meat.
5. Children should drink ... milk in the morning.
6. At what temperature does ... ice melt?
- Pass me ... salt, please. There isn't enough salt in ... soup.
8. "Is there enough... sugar in ... tea?" he said.
9. ... coffee she made was tasteless.
10. There was ... butter in the cake.
11. There was no ... meat or ... fish in ... soup.
12. I drink ... coffee without ... milk.
13. ... juice I was drinking was very cold.
4. Употребление сложного дополнения после глаголов to make (заставлять) и to let (позволять)
После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.
She makes her son clean his room every day. — Она заставляет сына убирать комнату каждый день.
Don't let your daughter come home late.— He позволяйте Вашей дочери приходить поздно.
4.1 Вставьте частицу to где необходимо.
1. We expect you... come to his birthday.
2. She made him... promise to give the picture to her.
3. The teacher wanted me... read this book.
4. Who made your brother... do it?
5. I wouldn't like my friends... see me now.
6. Don't let them... upset you so much.
5. Условные предложения.
1 тип условных предложений.
В английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия для выражения будущих действий употребляетсяPresent Simple, а не Future Simple.
• Английские придаточные предложения времени присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов when (когда), till / until (до тех пор, пока), as soon as (как только), after (после того как).
Не will send an e-mail as soon as he gets the parcel. — Он отправит сообщение (когда?), как только получит посылку.
When they arrive,'III phone you.— Когда они приедут, я вам позвоню.
• Английские придаточные предложения условия присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if (если), unless (если не).
If he asks, she'll tell him the truth. — Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду.
Придаточное предложение может стоять как после главного предложения, так и перед ним. Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным предложением, оно отделяется запятой.
We'll go to the theatre if my friend phones me.
If my friend phones me, we'll go to the theatre.
2 тип условных предложений.
В этих предложениях содержится указание на нереальное условие, по причине которого осуществление действия главного предложения проблематично или невозможно. В таких предложениях действия могли бы произойти внастоящем или будущем, но это маловероятно. В главном предложении употребляется Future-in-the Past, в придаточном Past Simple.
She would go to the party if Mike invited her. — Она пошла бы на вечеринку, если бы Майк пригласил ее. (Это все еще возможно, поскольку вечеринка еще не состоялась, но это маловероятно.)
Обратите внимание! Сокращенная форма would = 'd
I'd help you today if I had time.
3 тип условных предложений.
В условных предложениях III типа действия могли бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошли. В главном предложении употребляется Future Perfect-in-the Past (would + have + глагол в III форме) в придаточном Past Perfect.
Jim would have finished his work yesterday if he had got this information in time. — Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он вовремя получил эту информацию.
Как вы видите, перевод на русский язык условных предложений II и III типа отличается лишь тем, что действия, описываемые в них, произошли бы в предложениях II типа в настоящем или в будущем, а в предложениях III типа — в прошлом. Однако английский вариант условных предложений II и III типа существенно отличается глагольными формами.
5.1 Поставьте предложения в 3 типа условных предложений.
1. If I (find out) something about him, I (phone) you.
2. She (not know) anything unless you (tell) her yourself.
3. He (pass the test) if you (help) him.
4. They (be) at home when the match (start).
- Granny (be happy) if I (go) to the country with her tomorrow.
6. If he (have) a toothache, he (go) to the dentist.
7. He (not go) to university unless he (work) hard.
8. They (wait) until he (come back).
9. She (not go) to the park if it (rain).
10. I (give) you the book if I (find) it.
11. You (have to) take a taxi if you (miss) the bus.
1. Соотнесите словосочетания с переводом.
1. to make up one's mind а) делать доклад
2. to make progress b) делать успехи
3. to make friends с) зарабатывать деньги
4. to make a report d) подружиться
5. to make noise е) шуметь
6. to make a decision f) принять решение
7. to make money g) сделать ошибку
8. to make a mistake h) принять решение
9. to do somebody a favour i) делать кому-то одолжение
10. to do a course j) учиться
11. to do housework, chores к)готовить
12. to do homework l) делать работу по дому
13. to do sports m) делать домашнюю работу
14. to do some shopping n) заниматься спортом
15. to do some cooking о)делать покупки
2. Вставьте глагол make или do.
1. I'm busy. Tomorrow I'm going to ... a report.
2. Why are you ... so much noise? What's the matter?
3. What does she ...? She is a doctor.
4. Kate must ... up her mind quickly. The train is leaving.
5. Do you ... any sports? Yes, I ... aerobics. And you?
6. Have you ... your homework? — Not yet.
7. Could you ... me a favour and ... the shopping for me?
8. I have ... the same mistake again. Mom is going to nag me for a week!
9. She ... up her mind to become a teacher.
10. He has ... a lot of mistakes in his test.
11. I always ... my homework in the evening.
12. Who ... the housework in your family?
13. Jeff ... friends with her son two years ago.
14. Finally, she ... him tell the truth.
15. Will you ... me a favour and invite my friend to the party?
16. Has he ... any progress in Maths?
3. Соотнесите слова с переводом.
a historical film | драма |
a fantasy film | Культовый фильм |
a horror film | Приключенческий фильм |
a science fiction film | Документальный фильм |
an animated film / cartoon | триллер |
a war film | блокбастер |
a western | боевик |
a children's film | сериал |
a soap opera | мюзикл |
a comedy | мультфильм |
a classic | Классический фильм |
a musical | Фильм о любви |
an action film | Фильм ужасов |
a romance | вестерн |
A thriller | Исторический фильм |
An adventure film | фэнтези |
A documentary | Фильм для детей |
A blockbuster | фантастика |
A cult film | Фильм о войне |
A drama | комедия |
Социокультурная информация.
1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. The official name of America is
a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK
2. The capital of America is
a) New York b) Boston c) Washington, DC
3. America was discovered by
a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus
4. The Native Americans were
a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans
5. American money is
a) euros and cents b) dollars and \ cents c) pounds and pennies
6. In America the official language(s) is / are
a) English b) English and French c) English and German
7. Hollywood is
a) a suburb of Los Angeles, b) a city in California, c) the name of a film studio.
2. Hollywood is
a) the capital of the USA. b) a world famous resort, c) the capital of world movie production.
3. Disney, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount, Columbia and MGM are the names of
a) the most successful companies in the world, b) famous people, c) the largest film studios.
4. An Oscar is
a) a man's name. b) the name of a famous film award, c) the name of a famous actor.
5. Most Hollywood stars live
a) in New York, b) in or near Los Angeles, c) in Hollywood.
6. Beverly Hills is famous for
a) its architecture, b) the celebrity homes found there. c)its shops and restaurants.
7. Hollywood Boulevard is famous for
a) its shops and restaurants, b) its movie theaters, c) its film studios.
8. The place where you can see a lot of stars is called
a) the Walk of Fame, b) the Great White Way. the red carpet.
2. Скажите верно утверждение или нет.
1. ESB stands for the Empire State Building.
2. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world.
3. It took less than two years to build it.
4. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by terrorists.
5. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be the tallest buildings in New York.
- The tickets for Emily, Misha, Rob and Mark will cost $36.
7. Washington stands on the River Thames.
8. Washington isn't in any state.
9. DC stands for the District of Columbia.
10. Washington is named after the second President of the USA.
11. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus.
12. The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington.
13. In the evening Washington can look like an outdoor fitness club.
14. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 is the address of every American president.
15. It's not possible for an ordinary person to go inside the White House.
16. The Jefferson Memorial can be seen from the White House.
17. The Washington Monument was brought from Egypt.
18. The FBI building is in New York.
19. Some foreign embassies are in Washington and some are in Los Angeles.
20. The first American flag was created by the Pilgrims.
21. The first American flag was designed by the author of the Declaration of Independence.
22. George Washington designed the first flag.
23. The story about Betsy Ross cannot be proved, but a lot of people believe it.
24. There were thirteen stars and thirteen stripes on the original US flag.
25. The stars and stripes used to symbolize the first thirteen states.
26. More stars and stripes used to be added to the flag when more states joined the Union.
27. Nowadays there are fifty stars and thirty-seven stripes on the flag.
28. The stripes on the flag stand for all the states that the USA consists of today.
29. If another state joins the USA one day, another star will be added to the flag.
Контрольная работа за курс 9 класса.
1 Выберите верный вариант ответа.
1. Emily's grandmother Olga was in church.
a) She never misses a Sunday service, (воскресная служба) b) She works there.
2. Emily's cousin, Lucy, was at the school.
a) She is in Grade Six. b) She wanted to talk about her son's marks.
3. Diana's father, Kenneth, was at the hospital,
a) He's ill. b) He visited a friend.
4. Emily's uncle, Terry, was in prison.
a) He went there to visit a friend, b) He's there because he did horrible things.
5. Emily's youngest sister was in bed.
a) She was sleeping, b) She was sitting.
2 Вставьте артикль the где необходимо.
1. I live near ... church. ... church is very old.
2. Mr Smith is at... hospital now. He wants to talk to his son's doctor.
3. You should come to... school, Mrs Brown. We need to talk about your daughter.
4. The robber was caught and went to ... prison.
5. She was sitting on ... bed reading a book.
6. ... dinner is served.
7. 1 never have ... breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning.
8. ... dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting.
9. Let's have ... lunch in the garden.
10. It was ... best dinner I've ever had.
11. "I've never seen ... snow," he said.
12. ... snow round our house was dirty.
13. My friend doesn't eat... meat.
14. At what temperature does ... ice melt?
15. Pass me ... salt, please. There isn't enough salt in ... soup.
16. ... coffee she made was tasteless.
17. There was ... butter in the cake.
18. There was no ... meat or ... fish in ... soup.
19. I drink ... coffee without ... milk.
20. ... juice I was drinking was very cold.
3. Вставьте частицу to где необходимо.
1. We expect you... come to his birthday.
2. She made him... promise to give the picture to her.
3. The teacher wanted me... read this book.
4. I wouldn't like my friends... see me now.
5. Don't let them... upset you so much.
4. Поставьте предложения в 3 типа условных предложений.
1. If he (have) a toothache, he (go) to the dentist.
2. They (wait) until he (come back).
3. I (give) you the book if I (find) it.
5. Соотнесите словосочетания с переводом.
1. to make up one's mind а) делать доклад
2. to make progress b) делать успехи
3. to make friends с) зарабатывать деньги
4. to make a report d) подружиться
5. to make noise е) шуметь
6. to make a decision f) принять решение
7. to make money g) сделать ошибку
8. to make a mistake h) принять решение
9. to do somebody a favour i) делать кому-то одолжение
10. to do a course j) учиться
11. to do housework, chores к)готовить
12. to do homework l) делать работу по дому
13. to do sports m) делать домашнюю работу
14. to do some shopping n) заниматься спортом
15. to do some cooking о)делать покупки
6. Вставьте глагол make или do.
1. I'm busy. Tomorrow I'm going to ... a report.
2. Why are you ... so much noise? What's the matter?
3. What does she ...? She is a doctor.
4. Kate must ... up her mind quickly. The train is leaving.
5. Do you ... any sports? Yes, I ... aerobics. And you?
6. Have you ... your homework? — Not yet.
7. Could you ... me a favour and ... the shopping for me?
8. I have ... the same mistake again. Mom is going to nag me for a week!
9. She ... up her mind to become a teacher.
10. He has ... a lot of mistakes in his test.
11. I always ... my homework in the evening.
12. Who ... the housework in your family?
13. Jeff ... friends with her son two years ago.
14. Finally, she ... him tell the truth.
15. Will you ... me a favour and invite my friend to the party?
7. Соотнесите слова с переводом.
1 a historical film | a) драма |
2 a fantasy film | b) Культовый фильм |
3 a horror film | c) Приключенческий фильм |
4 a science fiction film | d) Документальный фильм |
5 an animated film / cartoon | e) триллер |
6 a war film | f) блокбастер |
7 a western | g) боевик |
8 a children's film | h) сериал |
9 a soap opera | i) мюзикл |
10 a comedy | j) мультфильм |
11 a classic | k) Классический фильм |
12 a musical | l) Фильм о любви |
13 an action film | m) Фильм ужасов |
14 a romance | n) вестерн |
15 A thriller | o) Исторический фильм |
16 An adventure film | p) фэнтези |
17 A documentary | q) Фильм для детей |
18 A blockbuster | r) фантастика |
19 A cult film | s) Фильм о войне |
20 A drama | t) комедия |
8. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. The official name of America is
a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK
2. The capital of America is
a) New York b) Boston c) Washington, DC
3. America was discovered by
a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus
4. The Native Americans were
a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans
5. American money is
a) euros and cents b) dollars and \ cents c) pounds and pennies
6. In America the official language(s) is / are
a) English b) English and French c) English and German
7. Hollywood is
a) the capital of the USA. b) a world famous resort, c) the capital of world movie production.
8. Disney, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount, Columbia and MGM are the names of
a) the most successful companies in the world, b) famous people, c) the largest film studios.
9. Скажите верно утверждение или нет.
1. ESB stands for the Empire State Building.
2. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world.
3. It took less than two years to build the Empire State Building.
4. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by terrorists.
5. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be the tallest buildings in New York.
6. Washington stands on the River Thames.
7. DC stands for the District of Columbia.
8. Washington is named after the second President of the USA.
9. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 is the address of every American president.
10. It's not possible for an ordinary person to go inside the White House.
11. The FBI building is in New York.
12. The first American flag was created by the Pilgrims.
13. The first American flag was designed by the author of the Declaration of Independence.
14. George Washington designed the first flag.
15. There were thirteen stars and thirteen stripes on the original US flag.
16. The stars and stripes used to symbolize the first thirteen states.
Бланк ответов
Контрольная работа
за год
обучающегося 9__ класса
№ | a | b |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | ||
5 |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | 6 | 11 | 16 | ||||
2 | 7 | 12 | 17 | ||||
3 | 8 | 13 | 18 | ||||
4 | 9 | 14 | 19 | ||||
5 | 10 | 15 | 20 |
№ | Ответ |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
№ | Тип | Предложение |
1 | I | |
II | ||
III | ||
2 | I | |
II | ||
III | ||
3 | I | |
II | ||
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | 6 | 11 | |||
2 | 7 | 12 | |||
3 | 8 | 13 | |||
4 | 9 | 14 | |||
5 | 10 | 15 |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | 6 | 11 | |||
2 | 7 | 12 | |||
3 | 8 | 13 | |||
4 | 9 | 14 | |||
5 | 10 | 15 |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | 6 | 11 | 16 | ||||
2 | 7 | 12 | 17 | ||||
3 | 8 | 13 | 18 | ||||
4 | 9 | 14 | 19 | ||||
5 | 10 | 15 | 20 |
a | b | c | |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
4 | |||
5 | |||
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | 5 | 9 | 13 | 1 | |||||
2 | 6 | 10 | 14 | 2 | |||||
3 | 7 | 11 | 15 | 3 | |||||
4 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 4 |
Ответы к итоговой контрольной работе за курс 9 класса.
№ | a | b |
1 | + | |
2 | + | |
3 | + | |
4 | + | |
5 | + |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | The,the | 6 | - | 11 | - | 16 | the |
2 | the | 7 | - | 12 | the | 17 | - |
3 | the | 8 | the | 13 | - | 18 | -, -, the |
4 | - | 9 | - | 14 | - | 19 | -, - |
5 | the | 10 | the | 15 | The, the | 20 | the |
№ | Ответ |
1 | to |
2 | - |
3 | to |
4 | to |
5 | - |
№ | Тип | Предложение |
1 | I | If he has a toothache, he will go to the dentist. |
II | If he had a toothache, he would go to the dentist. | |
III | If he had had a toothache, he would have gone to the dentist. | |
2 | I | They will wait until he comes back. |
II | They would wait until he came back. | |
III | They would have waited until he had come back. | |
3 | I | I will give you the book if I find it. |
II | I would give you the book if I found it. | |
III | I would have given you the book if I had found it. |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | F,h | 6 | H,f | 11 | l |
2 | b | 7 | c | 12 | m |
3 | d | 8 | g | 13 | n |
4 | a | 9 | i | 14 | o |
5 | e | 10 | j | 15 | k |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | make | 6 | do | 11 | do |
2 | make | 7 | Do,do | 12 | do |
3 | do | 8 | make | 13 | make |
4 | make | 9 | make | 14 | make |
5 | Do,do | 10 | make | 15 | do |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | o | 6 | s | 11 | k | 16 | c |
2 | p | 7 | n | 12 | i | 17 | d |
3 | m | 8 | q | 13 | g | 18 | f |
4 | r | 9 | h | 14 | l | 19 | b |
5 | j | 10 | t | 15 | e | 20 | a |
a | b | c | |
1 | + | ||
2 | + | ||
3 | + | ||
4 | + | ||
5 | + | ||
6 | + | ||
7 | + | ||
8 | + |
№ | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ | № | Ответ |
1 | В | 5 | В | 9 | В | 13 | Н |
2 | Н | 6 | Н | 10 | Н | 14 | В |
3 | Н | 7 | В | 11 | В | 15 | В |
4 | В | 8 | Н | 12 | Н | 16 | Н |
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