Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике на II ступени обучения
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Задания по грамматике и словообразованию для учащихся 6-8 классов
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Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике на II ступени обучения
6 класс
- Составьте пары слов:
Win gymnast cyclist football finishing champion winner footballer cycling player championship gym finish play |
- Составьте слова и заполните ими пропуски в предложениях:
- Deco sents
- Stoc cker
- Tin ration
- Christ place
- Pre sel
- Fire king
- Cra mas
Christmas and the New Year are the best festivals of the year. Before Christmas, people decorate their houses with lights and (1)_________ . People decorate the (2) _________ tree with toys, (3) __________ and lights. They put (4) ___________ for all the family under the tree. Children hang (5) __________ for Father (6) ____________ near the fireplace.
7 класс
Task 1.Make up new words from the verbs in the box and fill in the gaps.
Sing drum guitar play dance compose |
A pop group can have many forms, but a traditional one has a single lead singer. There is nearly always a (1) ____________ sitting behind his drams and two or three (2) ___________ playing electric guitars. Nowadays there is always a keyboard (3) ________________ .
Finally some groups have a saxophone player and might even have one or two (4) ______________ .
Some groups have their own songwriter and (5) ___________ who write the lyrics and music for them.
Task 2. Complete the lines with the adjectives from the list:
There are some extra words in the box.
Adventurous artistic bossy bubbly caring chatty cheerful confident dreamy fun-loving happy hard-working home-loving outgoing romantic secretive selfish sensitive shy unselfish cheerful |
- – ive: secretive ______________________________________________
- – y: dreamy _______________________________________________
- – ic: romantic _____________________________________________
- – ing: caring _______________________________________________
- – ish: selfish _______________________________________________
Describe these people with adjectives from the box:
Example: Peter likes doing sport. – Peter is sporty.
- Andrew likes dreaming.
- Boris never stops chatting.
- Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.
- I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.
- Max is always nervous when he meets new people.
- Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.
- Bob is always thinks only about herself and never about other people.
Task 4. Read the sentences and write noun or verb for the words in CAPITALS.
Example: What’s the MATTER? Noun
- In this café you can TASTE very delicious ice cream.
- House RHYMES with mouse.
- “There’s somebody in the room,” he said in a WISPER.
- The LAUNCH of the spaceship is planned for Friday.
- Whom do you SUSPECT?
- The astronauts worked in ORBIT for forty days.
8 класс
Task 1.Choose the best word to make up a sentence.
Example: He speaks German very well/ very good.
- Can I have a quick / quickly word with you?
- The teacher explained the task clear / clearly.
- I usually spell the words correct / correctly.
- My dad drives his car careful / carefully.
- My neighbor have a beautiful / beautifully cat.
- Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word from the box.
Change the form of the word if necessary.
A broad hand with a wide palm and chunky fingers shows that this person is (1) _______ and very (2) _________ . She /He can get bored easily and often comes up with (3) _________ ideas. She / He is (4) _________ to make the ideas work, but likes to make people agree to do everything the way that she /he likes. These people are quite (5) __________ and can make an (6) ___________ career as firefighters, photographers or new reporters.
Task 3. Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using one of the words in the box in the right form.
- There is one extra word.
Find out examine investigate commit suspect |
- The police looked at the doctor’s surgery and the area around it carefully because they wanted to find out more about it.
- Inspector Morse was appointed to try to find out the truth about the case of the robbery at the bank.
- Miss Marple by chance got the information that Mr Smith had not been at home on the day of the crime.
- Nobody thought that it could be true that Miss Springwood had stolen the coin collection.
Task 5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Make any necessary changes.
- We tried to make her change her mind, but we failure.
- It’s a difficult test, but she seems quite confidence.
- My little brother has won the music contest – I am pride of him.
- She had a lot of fail before she found the right way to do it.
- When you have had more experience, you become more self-confidence speaking in front of groups of people.
Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the right form.
- There is one extra word.
Regret proud gain fail self-confident cause |
- They lost the game, but they ________ a lot of new experience.
- I decided to give up my piano lessons – a decision I later _____ .
- Nightmares are often _________ by stress.
- We got excellent results in the test and our teacher was ______ of us.
- Sometimes we all _________ but we should not give up.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Теоретические сведения и тренировочные упражнения по словообразованию
Автор: Зайцева Ираида Вениаминовна, учитель русского языка и литературы МБОУ "Байгильдинская СОШ"...

Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике английского языка на II ступени обучения.
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