Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике на II ступени обучения
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Газитдинова Марина Сергеевна

Задания по грамматике и словообразованию для учащихся 6-8 классов


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Упражнения по словообразованию и грамматике на II ступени обучения

6 класс

  1. Составьте пары слов:        


Win     gymnast    cyclist    football    finishing   champion   winner    footballer    cycling    player    championship   gym   finish   play

  1. Составьте слова и заполните ими пропуски в предложениях:
  1. Deco            sents
  2. Stoc             cker
  3. Tin               ration
  4. Christ           place
  5. Pre               sel
  6. Fire              king
  7. Cra               mas

Christmas and the New Year are the best festivals of the year. Before Christmas, people decorate their houses with lights and (1)_________ . People decorate the (2) _________ tree with toys, (3) __________ and lights. They put (4) ___________  for all the family under the tree. Children hang (5) __________ for Father (6) ____________ near the fireplace.

7 класс

           Task 1.Make up new words from the verbs in the box and fill in the gaps.      


Sing      drum    guitar    play    dance   compose


 A pop group can have many forms, but a traditional one has a single lead singer. There is nearly always a (1) ____________ sitting behind his drams and two or three (2) ___________ playing electric guitars. Nowadays there is always a keyboard (3) ________________ .

     Finally some groups have a saxophone player and might even have one or two (4) ______________ .

Some groups have their own songwriter and (5) ___________ who write the lyrics and music for them.

Task 2. Complete the lines with the adjectives from the list:

There are some extra words in the box.

Adventurous    artistic    bossy    bubbly    caring    chatty    cheerful    confident    dreamy      fun-loving    happy    hard-working    home-loving    outgoing    romantic    secretive    selfish    sensitive    shy    unselfish    cheerful

  1. – ive:    secretive ______________________________________________
  2. – y:       dreamy _______________________________________________
  3. – ic:      romantic _____________________________________________
  4. – ing:    caring _______________________________________________
  5. – ish:     selfish _______________________________________________

Describe these people with adjectives from the box:

Example: Peter likes doing sport. – Peter is sporty.

  1.  Andrew likes dreaming.
  2.  Boris never stops chatting.
  3.  Kate always does her homework and she works hard at school.
  4.  I always talk to Jane about my problems and feelings. Jane can always understand me.
  5.  Max is always nervous when he meets new people.
  6.  Ann always feels sure that she is doing the right thing.
  7.  Bob is always thinks only about herself and never about other people.

Task 4. Read the sentences and write noun or verb for the words in CAPITALS.

Example: What’s the MATTER?   Noun

  1. In this café you can TASTE very delicious ice cream.
  2. House RHYMES with mouse.
  3. “There’s somebody in the room,” he said in a WISPER.
  4. The LAUNCH of the spaceship is planned for Friday.
  5. Whom do you SUSPECT?
  6. The astronauts worked in ORBIT for forty days.

8 класс

Task 1.Choose the best word to make up a sentence.         


Example: He speaks German very well/ very good.

  1. Can I have a quick / quickly word with you?
  2. The teacher explained the task clear / clearly.
  3. I usually spell the words correct / correctly.
  4. My dad drives his car careful / carefully.
  5. My neighbor have a beautiful / beautifully cat.
  6. Tom’s uncle has travelled a lot and always tells interesting / interestingly stories.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the word from the box.

  1. Widely (1) rely  (2) confidence  (3) create  (4) care  (5) ambition  (6) excellence

Change the form of the word if necessary.

A broad hand with a wide palm and chunky fingers shows that this person is (1) _______ and very (2) _________ . She /He can get bored easily and often comes up with (3) _________ ideas. She / He is (4) _________ to make the ideas work, but likes to make people agree to do everything the way that she /he likes. These people are quite (5) __________ and can make an (6) ___________ career as firefighters, photographers or new reporters.

Task 3. Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using one of the words in the box in the right form.

  • There is one extra word.

Find out   examine    investigate    commit   suspect

  1. The police looked at the doctor’s surgery and the area around it carefully because they wanted to find out more about it.
  2. Inspector Morse was appointed to try to find out the truth about the case of the robbery at the bank.
  3. Miss Marple by chance got the information that Mr Smith had not been at home on the day of the crime.
  4. Nobody thought that it could be true that Miss Springwood had stolen the coin collection.

Task 5. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Make any necessary changes.

  1. We tried to make her change her mind, but we failure.
  2. It’s a difficult test, but she seems quite confidence.
  3. My little brother has won the music contest – I am pride of him.
  4. She had a lot of fail before she found the right way to do it.
  5. When you have had more experience, you become more self-confidence speaking in front of groups of people.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the right form.

  • There is one extra word.

Regret    proud    gain    fail    self-confident    cause

  1. They lost the game, but they ________ a lot of new experience.
  2. I decided to give up my piano lessons – a decision I later _____ .
  3. Nightmares are often _________ by stress.
  4. We got excellent results in the test and our teacher was ______ of us.
  5. Sometimes we all _________ but we should not give up.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Теоретические сведения и тренировочные упражнения по словообразованию

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