Фрагмент урока английского языка и урока историии
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
В нашей школе есть замечательный музей "Непобежденный Гангут". И в этом году мы отмечали 300-летие Гангутского сражения. Без преувеличения надо сказать, что победа русского молодого флота под руководством Петра Великого имела огромное значение для России, для укрепления ее на Балтийском море, для победы в Северной войне.
Учителя нашей школы стараются привить любовь к истории, развивать дух патриотизма как на уроках истории, так и на уроках английского языка.
Данный материал был подготовлен учителями английского языка Ворониной А.Б. и Брухис М.А.
Учащиеся, котрые приняли участие в данном мероприятии отозвались положительно о такого рода необычном уроке, и отметили его полезность.
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Фрагмент урока «Великие имена – великие события»
- Good afternoon, dear friends. We are glad to see you here. Today we would like to remember some significant facts in the history of our country and they are tightly connected with our school museum. Look at the board, please. You can see two dates. What do you associate them with?
(1974 – is the date of the foundation of our museum “Undefeated Gangut”
1714 – is the date of the battle of Gangut)
- Yes, you are right and this battle is the main topic of our today’s meeting.
First, look through the list of the useful vocabulary. It may help you in speaking.
possess [pə'zes]- own something
fleet [fliːt] – a group of ships sailing together
tsar [zɑː]- an emperor of Russia before
galley['gælɪ] - a low, flat ship with one or more sails and up to three banks of oars
craft [krɑːft]- a boat or ship
duke [djuːk] - a man with a very high social rank
de facto [ˌdeɪ'fæktəu]- in fact
troops [truːps] - soldiers or armed forces
inflict [ɪn'flɪkt] - make someone suffer
squadron ['skwɔdr(ə)n] - a section of one of the armed forces
- Now give short answers to the following questions.
1) Who do these words belong to? “The state which possesses only land forces, has only one hand, the state which also possesses a fleet, — has both hands”.
- These words belong to Peter I
2) What did he mean by saying this?
- He meant that it was impossible to be a powerful state when the water borders of the country are not defended properly, so it was necessary to build up a fleet.
3) What date or event is considered to be the beginning of the Russian Baltic Fleet?
- It was 1714 after the victory of Gangut during the great Northern War.
4) Who was the commander of the Russians during the battle?
- It was General Admiral Apraksin.
5) What happened six years later?
- There was a great battle at Grengam which speeded the ending of the great Northern War.
6) Who was the commander of the Russians during that battle?
- It was General Admiral Golitsin.
- Very good answers. As you know, great events are held by great people. Let’s look at the screen and listen to some historical reference about them.
- Peter the Great was born in 1672 and died in 1725. He was a tsar of Russia. He transformed Russia into a superpower. He also built the city of St. Petersburg which became the capital of Russia in 1711. He changed Russia's society, by making it modern like the European countries of the time. Peter I is mostly famous for his heroic battles with the Swedes. During his first battle at Poltava Peter took personal command. It was the greatest Russian military victory over the western army. He created three powerful fleets: the Baltic, the Azov, and the Caspian. The Baltic was the biggest one and at the end of the Great Northern war it included 124 crafts and 416 galleys. In 1721, Peter proclaimed Russia an empire and he was given the title of Emperor of All Russia, Great Father of the Fatherland, and "the Great." Although he was an effective leader, Peter was also known to be cruel and tyrannical. All in all, he was really one of the greatest leaders of our country.
- Your story is great. Thank you very much. It goes without saying that even the greatest leader needs someone who can help and support him in failures and success. Peter I had such people. One of them was Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov. Listen to some information about him.
- Prince Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov was a Russian statesman, whose official titles included Generalissimo, Prince of the Russian Empire and Duke of Izhora. His fine appearance and witty character made him a favourite of Peter I. Later he became his friend because Aleksandr Menshikov was loyal to the tsar and supported him in all his ideas. He took part in many military campaigns. After the death of Peter I he was the de facto ruler of Russia for two years. Although he was Peter’s friend, it didn’t prevent him from being mean, greedy and self-interested. Two large buildings in St-Petersburg are constructed in his honour: the Menshikov Palace which is situated on Universitetskaya Embankment and Grand Menshikov Palace in Lomonosov.
- Thank you very much. We go on further. This person took personal command in the battle of Gangut. It was Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin. Some words about him.
- Count Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin was one of the first Russian admirals. When he was young, he took part in military amusements of the young tsar Peter I and helped to build a toy flotilla for him. As a result they became good friends. Later he was appointed president of the Russian Admiralty and defended the new capital St-Petersburg against the Swedes.
Along with Golitsyn he took active part in constructing the Baltic fleet. The great battle of Gangut was won under his command. Since 1723 he commanded the Baltic fleet.
There is a monument to Apraksin in Vyborg which was established only in 2010.
- Thank you very much. And one more person took part in those historical events. He was Mikhail Golitsyn. Some words about him.
- Prince Mikhail Mikhailovitch Golitsyn was a Russian field marshal but he started his military career as a private soldier of the Semenovsky Regiment. During the Great Northern War he participated in the capture of Nyenschantz and the foundation of St. Petersburg. From 1714 he was a commander of troops in Finland, inflicted a number of defeats on the Swedish army and conquered the entire territory of Finland. The galley fleet under his command defeated Swedish squadron during the battle at Grengam in 1720. Then he commanded troops in St-Petersburg, and since 1728 in the Ukraine.
- Thank you for your brief but interesting stories. We can see that the main idea of that time was constructing and organizing powerful fleet to defend the borders of Russia. The most important event which is considered to be the beginning of the Russian fleet was the battle of Gangut. Let’s remember some facts. You’ve got the cards. think and decide whether they are true or false. Then we’ll check up.
- Let’s check up.
1) The battle took place on the 7 of August.
- This statement is true.
2) The Russian galley fleet under the command of General Admiral Apraksin went from Vyborg to the Aland Skerries.
- It’s false. They went from Kronstadt.
3) The Swedish fleet was more powerful that the Russian one.
-It’s true. They had sixteen battleships and a great number of smaller ships, including galleys.
4) Peter I was ready to risk his fleet.
- It’s false. He didn’t want to risk his fleet because it was new and not ready for massive attacks.
5) The Russian party decided to pull a part of the ships over the widest part of the peninsula.
- It’s false. They decided to do it over the narrowest part but the Swedes were informed about that plan.
6) Having taken the advantage of the calm weather, a part of Russian fleet broke along the coast and blocked the Swedes in the Fjord.
- It’s true. The Swedes refused to surrender and the Russians attacked them.
Ok. Your answers were correct. What did the victory in this battle show?
- It showed that the Swedes could be beaten not only on the land, but also at the sea.
- Russia strengthened its position in Finland. Fighting was transferred to the Swedish territory.
- Now watch a video about the battle.
- We conclude our lesson and would like to stress the idea that great deeds are created by great people. We should never forget the history of our country, should be proud of our ancestors and respect our past. Thank you very much.
Useful vocabulary
possess [pə'zes]- own something
fleet [fliːt] – a group of ships sailing together
tsar [zɑː]- an emperor of Russia before
galley['gælɪ] - a low, flat ship with one or more sails and up to three banks of oars
craft [krɑːft]- a boat or ship
duke [djuːk] - a man with a very high social rank
de facto [ˌdeɪ'fæktəu]- in fact
troops [truːps] - soldiers or armed forces
inflict [ɪn'flɪkt] - make someone suffer
squadron ['skwɔdr(ə)n] - a section of one of the armed forces
Useful vocabulary
possess [pə'zes]- own something
fleet [fliːt] – a group of ships sailing together
tsar [zɑː]- an emperor of Russia before
galley['gælɪ] - a low, flat ship with one or more sails and up to three banks of oars
craft [krɑːft]- a boat or ship
duke [djuːk] - a man with a very high social rank
de facto [ˌdeɪ'fæktəu]- in fact
troops [truːps] - soldiers or armed forces
inflict [ɪn'flɪkt] - make someone suffer
squadron ['skwɔdr(ə)n] - a section of one of the armed forces
Useful vocabulary
possess [pə'zes]- own something
fleet [fliːt] – a group of ships sailing together
tsar [zɑː]- an emperor of Russia before
galley['gælɪ] - a low, flat ship with one or more sails and up to three banks of oars
craft [krɑːft]- a boat or ship
duke [djuːk] - a man with a very high social rank
de facto [ˌdeɪ'fæktəu]- in fact
troops [truːps] - soldiers or armed forces
inflict [ɪn'flɪkt] - make someone suffer
squadron ['skwɔdr(ə)n] - a section of one of the armed forces
Answer the question:
1) Who do these words belong to? “The state which possesses only land forces, has only one hand, the state which also possesses a fleet, — has both hands”.
- These words belong to Peter I
2) What did he mean by saying this?
- He meant that it was impossible to be a powerful state when the water borders of the country are not defended properly, so it was necessary to build up a fleet.
3) What date or event is considered to be the beginning of the Russian Baltic Fleet?
- It was 1714 after the victory of Gangut during the great Northern War.
4) Who was the commander of the Russians during the battle?
- It was General Admiral Apraksin.
5) What happened six years later?
- There was a great battle at Grengam which speeded the ending of the great Northern War.
6) Who was the commander of the Russians during that battle?
- It was General Admiral Golitsin.
Answer the question:
1) Who do these words belong to? “The state which possesses only land forces, has only one hand, the state which also possesses a fleet, — has both hands”.
- These words belong to Peter I
2) What did he mean by saying this?
- He meant that it was impossible to be a powerful state when the water borders of the country are not defended properly, so it was necessary to build up a fleet.
3) What date or event is considered to be the beginning of the Russian Baltic Fleet?
- It was 1714 after the victory of Gangut during the great Northern War.
4) Who was the commander of the Russians during the battle?
- It was General Admiral Apraksin.
5) What happened six years later?
- There was a great battle at Grengam which speeded the ending of the great Northern War.
6) Who was the commander of the Russians during that battle?
- It was General Admiral Golitsin.
Answer the question:
1) Who do these words belong to? “The state which possesses only land forces, has only one hand, the state which also possesses a fleet, — has both hands”.
- These words belong to Peter I
2) What did he mean by saying this?
- He meant that it was impossible to be a powerful state when the water borders of the country are not defended properly, so it was necessary to build up a fleet.
3) What date or event is considered to be the beginning of the Russian Baltic Fleet?
- It was 1714 after the victory of Gangut during the great Northern War.
4) Who was the commander of the Russians during the battle?
- It was General Admiral Apraksin.
5) What happened six years later?
- There was a great battle at Grengam which speeded the ending of the great Northern War.
6) Who was the commander of the Russians during that battle?
- It was General Admiral Golitsin.
True or false:
1) The battle took place on the 7 of August.
2) The Russian galley fleet under the command of General Admiral Apraksin went from Vyborg to the Aland Skerries.
3) The Swedish fleet was more powerful that the Russian one.
4) Peter I was ready to risk his fleet.
5) The Russian party decided to pull a part of the ships over the widest part of the peninsula.
6) Having taken the advantage of the calm weather, a part of Russian fleet broke along the coast and blocked the Swedes in the Fjord.
True or false:
1) The battle took place on the 7 of August.
2) The Russian galley fleet under the command of General Admiral Apraksin went from Vyborg to the Aland Skerries.
3) The Swedish fleet was more powerful that the Russian one.
4) Peter I was ready to risk his fleet.
5) The Russian party decided to pull a part of the ships over the widest part of the peninsula.
6) Having taken the advantage of the calm weather, a part of Russian fleet broke along the coast and blocked the Swedes in the Fjord.
What did the victory in this battle show?
- It showed that the Swedes could be beaten not only on the land, but also at the sea.
- Russia strengthened its position in Finland. Fighting was transferred to the Swedish territory.
Peter the Great was born in 1672 and died in 1725. He was a tsar of Russia. He transformed Russia into a superpower. He also built the city of St. Petersburg which became the capital of Russia in 1711. He changed Russia's society, by making it modern like the European countries of the time. Peter I is mostly famous for his heroic battles with the Swedes. During his first battle at Poltava Peter took personal command. It was the greatest Russian military victory over the western army. He created three powerful fleets: the Baltic, the Azov, and the Caspian. The Baltic was the biggest one and at the end of the Great Northern war it included 124 crafts and 416 galleys. In 1721, Peter proclaimed Russia an empire and he was given the title of Emperor of All Russia, Great Father of the Fatherland, and "the Great." Although he was an effective leader, Peter was also known to be cruel and tyrannical. All in all, he was really one of the greatest leaders of our country.
Prince Aleksandr Danilovich Menshikov was a Russian statesman, whose official titles included Generalissimo, Prince of the Russian Empire and Duke of Izhora. His fine appearance and witty character made him a favourite of Peter I. Later he became his friend because Aleksandr Menshikov was loyal to the tsar and supported him in all his ideas. He took part in many military campaigns. After the death of Peter I he was the de facto ruler of Russia for two years. Although he was Peter’s friend, it didn’t prevent him from being mean, greedy and self-interested. Two large buildings in St-Petersburg are constructed in his honour: the Menshikov Palace which is situated on Universitetskaya Embankment and Grand Menshikov Palace in Lomonosov.
Count Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin was one of the first Russian admirals. When he was young, he took part in military amusements of the young tsar Peter I and helped to build a toy flotilla for him. As a result they became good friends. Later he was appointed president of the Russian Admiralty and defended the new capital St-Petersburg against the Swedes.
Along with Golitsyn he took active part in constructing the Baltic fleet. The great battle of Gangut was won under his command. Since 1723 he commanded the Baltic fleet. There is a monument to Apraksin in Vyborg which was established only in 2010.
Prince Mikhail Mikhailovitch Golitsyn was a Russian field marshal but he started his military career as a private soldier of the Semenovsky Regiment. During the Great Northern War he participated in the capture of Nyenschantz and the foundation of St. Petersburg. From 1714 he was a commander of troops in Finland, inflicted a number of defeats on the Swedish army and conquered the entire territory of Finland. The galley fleet under his command defeated Swedish squadron during the battle at Grengam in 1720. Then he commanded troops in St-Petersburg, and since 1728 in the Ukraine.
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