Контрольная работа по теме "Danger" 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Кузнецова Анна Андреевна

Контрольная работа в 11 классе разработана для итогового контроля знаний  Module 4 в учебнике Spotlight 11 Эванс В., Дули Д. Работа состоит из 7 заданий. Задания различаются по типу и относятся к xtnshtv уровням: аудирование, лексика, грамматика, разговорный английский.

Система оценивания работы:

50-53 балла - 5

41-49 балла - 4

32-40 балла -3

>32 баллов - 2


Файл kontrolnaya_rabota_module_4_11_klass.docx633.76 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа Module 4 по теме: “Danger!”.

  1. Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges: dizzy, down, under, ankle, hoarse, pain, back, rash, nose, finger.
  1. A: What’s wrong Julie? You don’t look very well.

B: I’m feeling a bit _____ the weather.

  1. A: Before Francine fainted, she felt _____ all of a sudden.

B: Poor thing.

  1. A: I have to get better before the weekend. We have a very important game at the college.

B: Don’t worry. If you take care of you cold, you’ll be _____ on your feet in no time.

  1. A: I’m feeling a bit run _____ .

B: I feel the same way too. It must be the weather.

  1. A: Why is your hand red?

B: I don’t know. I’ve had a terrible ____ since this morning.

  1. A: John’s voice is so ____ .

B: I know. I barely recognize him this morning on the phone.

  1. A: I need to blow my _____ again.

B: You really have a bad cold, don’t you?

  1. A: I cut my _____ as I always chopping some onions earlier today.

B: Ouch! That must have hurt.

  1. A: Oh no, I think I’ve sprained my _____ again.

B: Be careful!

  1. A: What’s wrong Tom?

B: I’ve got an excruciating _____ in my stomach. I should go see a doctor.

  1. Match the words to form phrases:

        A                                        B

1  splitting                      a  infection

2  runny                          b  cough

3  eye                              c  headache

4  bad                             d  temperature

5  stomach                    e  ache

6  high                            f  pain

7  sharp                         g  nose

8  dry                             h  cold

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive:
  1. They will build a new hospital next month.

Example: A new hospital will be built next month.

  1. They cleaned the room this morning.
  2. She didn’t invite us to the wedding.
  3. You can’t use cameras inside the museum.
  4. The Prime Minister will be opening the new hospital on Monday at 5 o’clock.
  5. Careless drivers can cause the accidents.
  6. A loud noise woke them up last night.
  7. In the USA they hold the Presidential elections every four years.
  8. They won’t translate his books into Portuguese.
  9. A nurse is taking Annabel’s temperature.
  10. The rescuers  have carried the victims to safety.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
  1. The wound must ____ (clean) before you put a plaster on it.
  2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ____ (write) by Mark Twain.
  3. Jane ____ (see) by the doctor right now.
  4. Luckily, the driver of the car ____ (not/injure) in the accident.
  5. One day a cure ____ (find) for cancer.

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