Контрольная работа по грамматике "Reported speech"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Контрольная работа на закрепление грамматического материала по теме "Прямая и косвенная речь".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Card 1
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Мы вчера узнали, что она больна. 2. Он думал, что она не придет в школу. 3. Я знал, что моя сестра изучает французский язык, и думал, что она поедет в Париж. 4. Мне сказали, что ты мне звонил. 5. Я думал, что ты в Москве. 6. Я не знал, что ты уже вернулся в Санкт-Петербург.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Father said to Jane: "Show me your exercise-book." 2. "What are you doing here, boys?" said Kate. 3. "Don't make noise," said Tom's mother to him. 4. Helen said to Pete: "Did you play chess with your father yesterday?" 5. Kate said to her grandmother: "Help me to cook the soup, please." 6. Mike said to the teacher: "My sister knows two foreign languages." 7. "What have you prepared for today, children?" said the teacher. 8. She said to me: "Did you live in St. Petersburg ten years ago?" 9. She said to me: "Were you present at the meeting yesterday?" 10. She said to me: "Are you going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer?"
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thunderstorm. 2. He asked her if she had ever walked in rainy weather. 3. Mary told John that she preferred sunny days. 4. The woman asked her son if he was in a hurry. 5. Ann asked if they would go to the country the next day. 6. Kate asked her friend what she liked to do on her days off.
Card 2
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Она знала, что мы никогда не видели ее картины. 2. Ученый был уверен, что найдет решение проблемы. 3. Я знал, что ты приехал в Санкт-Петербург, и полагал, что ты навестишь меня. 4. Мы не думали, что он так рассердится. 5. Мы надеялись, что поедем в Лондон. 6. Учитель сказал, что наши друзья прислали письмо из Лондона.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Tom said to his sister: "I saw your friend at the library yesterday." 2. The teacher said to the pupils: "Don't open your books." 3. Mother said to me: "You will go to the cinema tomorrow." 4. "Tom, go to bed," said his mother. 5. "I have never seen your toys," said Nellie to Pete. 6. "Give me your record-book, Nick," said the teacher. 7. Ann said to Lena: "Look at my nice kitten." 8. "Whom are you waiting for, boys?" asked the man. 9. "I shall not go to the party tomorrow because I don't feel well," said Mary. 10. "We saw a lot of places of interest when we were travelling around Europe last summer," said Walter.
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. Nick wanted to know if Helen would give him her book. 2. Mary wondered if Jane would be busy the next day. 3. George said it was very difficult to play that role. 4. He asked why there were so few people in the street. 5. The man asked the boy if he knew where he lived. 6. The woman told him not to worry and go home quietly.
Card 3
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Мы боялись, что не купим билеты в театр. 2. Мы увидели, что дети играют в песке. 3. Она сказала, что больше не будет купаться, потому что вода холодная. 4. Мой дедушка сказал, что в молодости он любил кататься на коньках. 5. Все были уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст экзамены. 6. Он говорил, что Лев Толстой его любимый писатель.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "We shall go to the zoo tomorrow," said our grandmother. 2. Mother said to Pete: "Don't forget to wash your hands." 3. Nick said to his mother: "I am doing my homework." 4. "I have learnt a long poem," said Mike to the teacher. 5. "Don't play in the street," said the man to the boys. 6. "Why don't you drink your tea?" said my mother to me. 7. "When did you receive this letter?" my friend said to me. 8. "Do you often meet my sister at the library?" he asked me. 9. Не said: "I am sure she will come in time." 10. She said: "I shall be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary next year."
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. She wondered if I was going to leave St. Petersburg the next day. 2. He told me that he had bought that watch the day before. 3. Ann said that she had just had a telephone call from home. 4. My neighbour asked me to leave the key at my sister's. 5. He said he could not understand the rule. 6. He told me he had bought a ticket the day before.
Card 4
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Он сказал, что бросит курить. 2. Все знали, что она поедет в Рим. 3. Простите, мы не думали, что вы ждете нас. 4. Я не знал, что вы тоже любите футбол. 5. Я был уверен, что он будет выдающимся артистом. 6. Я боялся, что вы не последуете моему совету.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "I saw my friend at the stadium yesterday," said Johnny to his mother. 2."Will you play football with us?" said the boys to Peter. 3. "Don't cross the street under the red light," said the man to Nick. 4. "I took a very good book from our library yesterday," said Mike to his father. 5. "Come to my house tomorrow, Jane," said Lena. 6. "Where are your books, Betsy?" said her mother. 7. "Do you like my pies, Ann?" asked her grandmother. 8. They said: "We shall not go to school on Sunday." 9. Mr. Dickson said: "I shall have to pay a lot of money for the car." 10. Peter said to me: I'll be waiting for you at the station."
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. He said that he studied at Moscow University. 2. She said that her brother was playing chess with her grandfather. 3. Mike said he liked Dickens' novels very much. 4. He told me he had read "Dombey and Son" the year before. 5. The teacher said that the pupils would read the text the next day. 6. She asked me to buy some bread on my way home.
Card 5
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Сестра сказала, что хочет приехать к нам сама. 2. Я знала, что она очень занята. 3. Я не знал, что ты будешь работать в читальном зале. 4. Он боялся, что ему будет трудно сделать доклад. 5. Мы надеялись, что она скоро придет. 6. Он сказал, что не знает, когда начнется конференция.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "Sit down at the table and do your homework," said Tom's mother to him. 2. "What did you do at school yesterday, John?" said his father. 3. "Will you play the piano today, Helen?" asked her aunt. 4. My uncle said: "We shall visit you next week." 5. "I shall buy some new stamps for you if you give me this one," said Mike to Kate. 6. "Will you bring your sister to the party with you, Boris?" asked Mary. 7. "Please don't touch me," he said to me. 8. She said to me: "How long are you going to stay in the country?" 9. He said to me: "I like to go to the canteen during the break." 10. He asked me: "When will you go to the canteen?"
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. I asked Mike if he had "Gulliver's Travels." 2. Mike asked me if I had read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. 3. I asked John if he would be at home at three o'clock. 4. The teacher asked who was ill. 5. Nick asked Pete what he had seen at the museum. 6. Annie said that she had seen the film several months before.
Card 6
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Гид предупредил нас, что в этой части города движение довольно сильное. 2. Секретарь не заметил, что директор с кем-то разговаривает. 3. Все мы знали, что ее семья опять в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. Лена сказала, что она дарит нам эту картину. 5. Она сказала, что ее коллеги всегда дают ей прекрасные советы. 6. Он сказал, что любит эту пьесу.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. My father said: "I think I shall not go to the beach with you today because I am very busy." 2. "I am very thirsty. Please give me some lemonade, Ann," said Tom. 3. Nellie asked me: "Did you see 'Hamlet' last night?" 4. I asked Helen: "Shall we go to the theatre together?" 5. One of the pupils asked the teacher of literature: "What novels shall we read next year?" 6. "Is the river Volga in Russia?" asked the Frenchman. 7. "How did you manage to solve this difficult problem in such a short time?" said my friend to me. 8. Mother said to us: "Don't go out before I return." 9. My sister said: "I shall be neither hungry nor thirsty if I have a cup of tea with a sandwich." 10. Mary said: "Don't switch on TV, Fred, I am working."
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. Jack said that he often went to see Bob. 2. She said she had seen Mary that day. 3. Не asked me if I had taken part in the football match. 4. She asked me where I lived. 5. He said that he had joined a sports society. 6. He told me that he had seen my brother the day before.
Card 7
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Мы надеялись, что Виктор примет участие в конференции. 2.Мы не знали, что она отказалась от работы. 3. Доктор сказал, что я должен побыть дома несколько дней. 4. Он сказал, что его брат пробудет в Москве еще 2 дня. 5. Я уверена, что она все приготовила. 6. Аня сказала, что она хорошо играет на пианино.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Mary said: "I'll be back soon." 2. She said to me: "What are you going to do when you come home?" 3. She said: "I hope I'll soon speak English well." 4. He said: "I am sure it will rain tomorrow." 5. They said: "We shall go to the river tomorrow if it is hot." 6. She said: "I am busy today and I shall be busier tomorrow." 7. Jane said: "I shall come to school early tomorrow." 8. My friend said: "We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around the city." 9. My friend said to me: "The discussion will still be going on when you return." 10. He said: "I am proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition."
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. She asked her friend if the rain had stopped. 2. He answered that it was still raining. 3. My sister told me that she had found the book I was looking for. 4. He said that he didn't like the main character of the book but he could not explain why. 5. He asked his brother what he would do if he did not find the book he needed. 6. I asked my aunt if she was going to her home town for the holidays.
Card 8
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Он сказал, что никогда не был в Париже. 2. Я слышал, что вы уезжаете из Москвы. 3. Он сказал, что будет очень занят сегодня. 4. Он сказал, что знает 3 иностранных языка. 5. Я спросил нашего гида, был ли он когда-либо в Японии. 6. Я боялся, что заблужусь в лесу.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "I want to sit in the armchair," said the boy. 2. The secretary said to me: "The delegation arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday." 3. "Open the window, please," she said to me. 4. He said: "I shall light a fire and make myself breakfast." 5. "Don't run to the door when you hear the bell," said the woman to her little daughter. 6. She asked me: "How long are you going to stay here?" 7. Mary asked me: "Will you spend your vacation in Moscow?" 8. "When does your mother go shopping?" asked the neighbour. 9. "Do you know where the Browns live?" we asked a passer-by. 10. "Don't forget to bring your exercise-books tomorrow," said the teacher to us.
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. He asked his classmates to wait for him. 2. He asked her if anyone else knew about his arrival. 3. I asked him when he would take his last examination. 4. He told us to pass up the gangway. 5. He said we would find our luggage on deck. 6. He said he was a bad sailor and could not stay on deck.
Card 9
- Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Она сказала, что ее подруга пригласила ее в театр. 2. Я знал, что вы живете в Москве, но не знал вашего адреса. 3. Я думал, что он подождет меня. 4. Я был уверен, что если мы поспешим, мы не опоздаем на поезд. 5. Мы решили на прошлой неделе, что будущим летом мы все поедем в Италию. 6. Учитель сказал, что мы будем писать диктант на следующей неделе.
2. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "Lock the door when you leave the house," said my elder sister to me. 2. "Have you received a telegram from your wife?" she asked Robert. 3. Mabel said: "Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town tonight." 4. "Please don't smoke in the room," said the old woman to her nephew. 5. "I am shivering with cold," said the girl. 6. Не said: "I haven't seen the film you are talking about." 7. He said: "I seldom went to see my friend in May as I was very busy." 8. Nina asked her friend: "What did the professor speak about in his lecture?" 9. Ann said: "He is one of the best speakers I have ever heard." 10. She asked me: "How long have you been living in St. Petersburg?"
3. Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях.
1. I asked my friend if he would go down to his cabin or stay up on deck. 2. I asked the secretary if I might speak to the headmistress. 3. When I came home, my mother told me that a friend of mine had called on me half an hour before. 4. Boris told me that he wanted to make a radio-set. 5. She said that she would sleep in the open air. 6. The man told us to have our passports ready.
Card 10
- Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. "Are you playing volley-ball, girls?" said Ann. "I did not know that you liked it." 2. "Don't touch these photographs," said Peter to us. "They are still wet, and you may spoil them." 3. "Does your friend often come here, boys?" said Fred. "I want to speak to him." 4. The teacher said to us: "You will write a test-paper tomorrow." 5. "I saw a new film yesterday," said Kate to Nick. "Did you like it?" asked Nick. 6. "Why are you shouting, man?" said Prince John to Locksiey. "What is your name?" 7. "Who has read 'Ivanhoe'?" asked the teacher. "Whom was it written by?" 8. "Will the teacher return our exercise-books today?" asked Nick. 9. "My nephew is a very capable young man," said the woman. "He has just graduated from college, but he is already a very skilful specialist." 10. "Sit still and don't move your head," said the doctor to me. 11. "How can I get to the circus?" asked the girl. "Take tram number five," said the man. 12. "I am very sorry, Kate," said Mike, "I have forgotten to bring your dictionary." 13. "There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday," said Andrew to us. "You will have no problems getting to my country-place." 14. "Please don't take the books from my table," said Lena to me. "I have specially prepared them for working at my report." 15. "Don't be afraid, Nick," said his grandfather. "This dog is very clever and it won't do you any harm."
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