6-й класс. Итоговое тестирование в формате экзамена.
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
6-й класс. Итоговое тестирование в формате экзамена
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Тест для 6 класса 2010
Вы прочитаете рассказ "Корабль-призрак". Пять предложений убраны из рассказа. Выберите из предложений A—F то предложение, которое подходит каждому пропуску 1 —5. Есть одно лишнее предложение, которое вам не надо использовать. Занесите ответы в таблицу.
Ghost Ship
A. They called this dream route the Northwest Passage.
B. The ship was named after the Roman Emperor.
C. What we do know is that the entire crew was dead.
D. It was a strange journey.
E. No one heard from them or saw them until 1775.
F. That's a long trip — especially if you live in New York and want to sail to San Francisco.
For a long time the only way to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific was to the south, around the tip of South America. (1) So queens, captains and merchants dreamed of finding a shortcut through the northern part of Canada. (2)
The first ship to make the voyage through the Northwest Passage was the Octavius. (3)
In 1762 the Octavius and her crew got iced in off the northern coast of Alaska. They were stuck. (4) The ship was spotted off the coast of Greenland by a whaling boat.
How could the Octavius have sailed for 13 summers and 13 freezing winters, from the Pacific to the Atlantic?
No one knows. (5) They had frozen or starved that first winter in 1762, and the ship had drifted for 13 years on its own — with a crew of the dead.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Прочитайте рассказ и отметьте в таблице подходящий ответ. А, В, С или D для каждого пропуска.
On the Way to the Cave
For (1) ___ days we were delayed before we actually set off for the mines, firstly because the king was (2) ____ taking control of his new kingdom, and secondly because Sir Henry was recovering from the wounds that the former king had given him. We walked (3) ____ three days before we reached the caves which formed the entrance to King Solomon's mines. As we walked across the plains Gagool was silent, she did not even (4) ____ when we stopped to eat; put when we started to (5) _____ up into the mountains she seemed to come alive. She was the only one who knew the exact location of the mines, and she got more and more (6) ______ the closer we got to our destination. In the evening of the third day we arrived and set up camp to wait for the next day.
In the light of the (7) ____ we could see that the mouth of the cave was a short way up a steep cliff. Until we reached the (8) ____ of the cliff we could see that there was an easy route up to the cave, and that it had been worn smooth by (9) ____ over hundreds of years.
As we walked into the cave it became darker and darker. Sir Henry held a (10) _____ torch above his head, and by its light we could make out white shapes in the distance. As we came closer we could see that they seemed to be shaped like men.
1. | A much | В several | С little | D lots |
2. | A lazy | В funny | С interesting | D busy |
3. | A during | В within | С for | D along |
4. | A speak | В sing | С laugh | D smile |
5- | A dig | В slide | С scratch | D climb |
6. | A tired | В excited | С dull | D bored |
7. | A day | В dawn | С morning | D sunset |
8. | A head | В side | С foot | D slope |
9. | A floods | В animals | С winds | D people |
10. | A ancient | В burning | С heavy | D smoking |
Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные заглавными буквами в конце некоторых строк, для образования слов, которые подходят для пропусков в этих же строках.
In the Desert
As the sun was setting we set off into the desert
Following the (1) ______ that the warrior had DIRECT
shown us. Towards the middle of the (2) _____ TWO
night we saw a light in the distance and walked
towards it. We approached (3) ______ . We saw QUIET
a figure with his back to us, sitting by the fire.
Slowly we (4) ______ round until we could see CIRCLE
him from the front. Suddenly Sir Henry jumped up
and called out, "George!" He ran to the fire.
The man by the fire also jumped up and stood
staring in (5) ______. Then they both ran AMAZE
forward and held each (6) ______ by the ANOTHER
shoulders. We all ran up and shook George by
the hand. "How did you come to be beside
(7) ______ fire in an oasis in the middle THESE
of the desert?" I asked. "I went to look for King
Solomon's mines. (8) ______ FORTUNE
I didn't find (9) ______ , but on the way back THING
across the desert I broke my leg. My guide brought
me here, there is water and plenty to eat.
But my leg is not (10) ______ enough to get GOOD
me across the desert. I have been here for two years now."
We took George back with (11) ______ , firstly WE
to Durban, then home to England. We all travelled
first class, we were all (12) ______ men. WEALTH
1 – F
2 – A
3 – D
4 – E
5 - C
1 – B
2 – D
3 – C
4 – A
5 – D
6 – B
7 – A
8 –C
9 – D
10 – B
1 – Direction
2 – Second
3 – Quietly
4 – Circled
5 – Amazement
6 – Other
7 – This
8 – Unfortunately
9 – Anything
10 – Well
11 – Us
12 – Wealthy
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