тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
- Reading
- Read the text and choose the right item.
Surfing is unusual and difficult, it`s more an art than a sport. It`s not one of the sports where you meet your friends or you may depend on their help. In surfing you are absolutely on your own with something very fast and complicated.
A great number of people don`t understand this sport. For them surfing is climbing a board and riding a wave into the beach. In fact, one fights with a wave and controls it. To achieve this control one needs some special techniques. You should be able to turn at a proper angle, to slow down, etc. it`s important to move around the board, to use your body weight to make the board work for you. All the time you should face the wave thinking over what you are going to do next.
Speed is the most exciting thing in surfing. In the fastest part of the wave the board moves at nearly 45 kilometres an hour.
Nowadays surfboards are light and made of modern materials. They are different from old long, narrow and heavy boards of the past when Captain Cook first saw them in Hawaii in 1778.
Choose the right item.
- In surfing you ____________ your friends.
- meet; b) don`t meet; c) sometimes meet
- ______________ understands surfing.
- everyone; b) every child; c) not everyone
- You need special techniques to ____________ the wave
- control; b) stop; c) turn
- A surfboard rider users his ____________ to ride waves.
- hands; b) shoulders; c) body weight
- In surfing speed is ______________.
- exciting; b)dangerous) c) unpleasant
- The original surfboards were used by _____________
- Captain Cook ; b) individuals; c)Hawaiians;
- Surfing is a sport for _______________.
- individuals; b) companies; c) friends
- Use of English
- Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
- If you`ve got some problems with your video, I`ll ask my brother to (repair/mend) it.
- Mr Been (greeted/said goodbye to) us with a nod and passed by.
- I`ll choose that (gold/golden) colour for the wallpaper in my sitting room.
- When you play bowling, you (throw/drop ) the ball at some wooden objects.
- The berries are (sour/sweet), don`t eat them without sugar.
- He came at a very (fortunate/unfortunate) time and stopped the thieves from stealing his car.
- Put in the missing words to complete the sentences with the verb to set.
- The director set the designer ___________ a new type of scenery.
- The company got bankrupt and set _________all the property for sale.
- They set __________rehearsing the last scene of the play, as it was the most difficult part.
- The ballet company set __________on their tour of the province.
- We are setting __________making a new horror film.
- New books are set ___________in the foyer.
- Grammar
- Change the following active constructions into passive ones.
- The teacher had to explain this difficult rule twice.
- They don`t grow fruit in this part of the country.
- They are performing a new piece of jazz.
- They have designed new scenery for the play.
- The actor was ready for the scene as the assistants had made him up.
- Open the brackets to make the story complete.
Mrs Pack`s intention was to shoot a tiger. She (arrange)__________ already in her mind the lunch she would give with the tiger skin occupying all the conversations.
Circumstances (turn) __________ out to be favourable. It (happen) _________ so that an ald tiger (be)______________in the habit of coming to a neighbouring village. As Mrs Pack (offer)___________ a large sum of money the children of the village (put)____________ in the jungle (watch)____________ the tiger (approach)____________. The cheapest goats (leave)____________ to attract him. A special platform (construct)__________ in the jungle, in a comfortable tree.
- Reading
1)b; 2)c; 3)a; 4)c; 5)a; 6)c; 7)a
- Use of English
2. 1) repair; 2)greeted; 3)golden; 4)throw; 5)sour; 6) fortunate
3. 1) to; 2) out; 3) about; 4) off; 5) about; 6) out.
- Grammar.
- The difficult rule had to be explained twice.
- Fruit isn`t grown in this part of the country.
- A new piece of jazz is being performed.
- New scenery has been designed for the play.
- The actor had been made up and was ready for the scene.
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