контрольные работы по английскому языку 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Эккерман Евгения Павловна

контроль знаний лексического, грамматического и страноведческого материала за курс 6 класса УМК Кузовлев В.П.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Unit VI




You’ll hear a radio weather forecast.

Listen to the forecast (прогноз) and complete the statements.

  1. It is about the weather in _____.
  2. The weather will be _____.
  3. There will be _____.
  4. It will be _____.


1. What is the information about?

Choose the correct answer

  1. How they forecast the weather in the USA.
  2. How they forecast the weather in the USA in November.
  3. The weather in the USA.


     Many Americans talk about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always tried to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or based it on what the weather was like in the past.

     Today people use radars, satellite (спутниковые) pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people try to forecast the weather for a whole (целый) year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Service forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year, THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes (публикует) a forecast for the whole year.

     Both the Weather Service and the Almanac use information about past years. They combine (соединяют) it with the information from satellites (спутников), balloons, radar stations and ships at sea. Then a computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many Americans.

     Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they certainly like to talk about it.

2. Write out the numbers of the correct statements.

  1. They use information from different sources (источников).
  2. Americans don’t mind what the weather is like.
  3. The OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC publishes forecasts for the year.
  4. Americans rarely talk about the weather.
  5. Only specialists give information for a full weather report.


  1. Jane will have her birthday in August.

What will she do on her birthday? Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

  1. If the weather (be) IS lovely Jane and her friends (swim) WILL SWIM in the river.
  2. If the weather (be) _____ fine Jane and her friends (have) _____ a picnic.
  3. If there (be) _____ fog Jane (invite) _____ her friends to the café.
  4. If her parents (agree) _____ they (take) _____ Jane and her friends to the countryside.
  5. If it (be) _____ very hot they (go) _____ to the beach.
  6. If there (be) _____ rain they (stay) _____ at home.

 2. What is the weather forecast?

Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

  1. It is raining all day today. It (be wet) IS GOING TO BE WET tomorrow.
  2. – Have you decided what to do in the evening?

- Yes, I (go) _____ to a birthday party.

      2.   – There are many dark clouds. It (snow) _____.

      3.   – Do you like the weather?

             - Not very much, and I (stay) _____ at home today.

      4.   – Do you have any plans for the weekend?

            - Yes, I (visit) _____ my grandparents.

      5.   – It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. What do you intend (намереваешься) to do              tomorrow?

             - I (ride) _____ a bike.

3. Jane wrote about her trip to Scotland in her diary.

What did she write about? Choose the correct word.

  1. It is raining today. The weather is lovely/AWFUL /good.

  1. It is cloudy and wet. It is going to be frosty/foggy/sunny.
  2. It’s 30° above zero. I am freezing/cold/hot.
  3. It is so cold. I am fine/freezing/hot.
  4. The spring is fine. It is sunny. It is going to melt/rain/snow.
  5. I don’t like this July. Do you know there will be snow/a storm/frost 



What do you know about the British culture?

Tick the correct statements.

1. a). Many British people spend their holidays in Brighton.

    b). Brighton can’t attract tourists.

2. a). The British start conversations by talking about the weather.

    b). The British never talk about the weather.

3. a). – It’s a lovely day. – Yes, it’s lovely.

    b). – It’s a lovely day. – Yes, it’s beautiful.

4. a). Lord Nelson traveled to the Caribbean Sea.

    b). Lord Nelson never visited the Caribbean Sea.

5. a). The weather in Britain can change during the day.

    b). The weather in Britain doesn’t change for days.


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