"Great people"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Актуализация знаний по теме "Профессии выдающихся людей"
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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе
Тема: Great people
Цели урока:
1) образовательные - создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в говорении, чтении с извлечением необходимой информации, восприятии речи на слух; актуализировать знания по теме «Выдающиеся люди»; расширить кругозор учащихся.
2) развивающие - развивать коммуникативные навыки через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности (монологическая, диалогическая речь); развивать умение анализировать, сопоставлять, обобщать, делать выводы; создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения; содействовать формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности.
3) воспитательные - способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах; содействовать формированию толерантности; содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка; повышать уровень мотивации на уроках через средства обучения.
Доска, магнитофон, компьютер
Ход урока
1.Орг. момент
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls.
Students: Hello, Victoria Aleksandrovna.
Teacher: Glad to see you.
Students: Glad to see you, too.
Teacher: Who’s absent today?
Students: … is absent/Everybody is here/Nobody.
Teacher: What date is it today?
S: It’s ….
T: And what day is it?
S: It’s ….
2. Фонетическая разминка
T: What’s the weather like today?
S: It’s cold/windy/snowy…It’s winter.
T: Let’s recite a poem about winter. Remember about the sounds [w] and [ ] .
In the winter time we go
Walking in the fields of snow,
Where there is no grass at all,
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree
Is as white as white can be.
3. Основная часть
1) сообщение темы урока
T: Look at the picture. What season is it in the picture?
S: It’s winter.
T: Yes, you’re right. Can you guess the name of the picture?
S: I think it’s “Winter”.
T: That’s correct. And do you know who the author is?
S: No, we don’t.
T: The author is a Russian landscape painter Vasily Polenov. Do you think he was talented?
S 1: If you ask me, I think yes.
T: Do you think he was great?
S 2: In my opinion, he was great.
T: Today we're going to talk about great people of the world. Who are great people? Look at the slide and choose the appropriate definition. (Несколько учеников читают вслух все варианты.)
Great people are:
a) people you know very well.
b) people that can buy everything they want.
c) talented people who are admired by a lot of people who made something special in their lives.
(variant c)
T: Look at the blackboard and complete the spidergram.
(На доске spidergram “great people”, к ней записываем ответы.)
(ответы: singers, composers, travellers, kings and queens, poets, writers, scientists, etc.)
2) проверка домашнего задания
T: Your homework was to prepare short oral reports or to make a project about a person you admire the most. I know that one of you even prepared a presentation.
(Ученики рассказывают свои доклады о великих людях – Александре Пушкине, Исааке Ньютоне, остальные слушают и заполняют таблицы с заданием)
name | why he/she is great (invented/wrote …) |
3) работа с диалогом
T: Open your books at page 54 and look at the pictures. Do you know these people? Match the people (1-7) to the professions (A-G). Then listen and check.
(ученики выполняют задание, соединяя людей и профессии.)
Salvador Dali | Spanish artist |
Albert Einstein | British nurse |
Marie Curie | British writer |
Florence Nightingale | American pop singer |
Michael Jackson | American president |
Charles Dickens | Polish scientist |
Abraham Lincoln | German physicist |
(слушаем и проверяем.)
T: Before you start doing the next task remember how to read years correctly. In English we read the years as two sets of two-digit numbers. (на экране слайд с примерами чтения дат).
1652 = sixteen fifty-two
1804 = eighteen oh four
1938= nineteen thirty-eight BUT 2006= two thousand and six
T: In ex. 2 ask and answer the questions about the people in ex. 1, as in the example.
(сначала читаем пример, затем ученики составляют свои диалоги.)
A: Who was Salvador Dali?
B: He was a Spanish artist.
A: Where was he born?
B: He was born in Catalonia, Spain.
A: When was he born?
B: In 1904.
A: When did he die?
B: In 1989.
*** T: Do you know why Florence Nightingale was a great person? She was the first nurse who came to help wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. She was known as “The Lady with the Lamp” because she helped people even at night (she made rounds at night)
4) физминутка
T: Now, let's have a little rest. Do you want to dance?
S: Yes!!
T: Then, come here and dance! (музыка Michael Jackson «Billy Jean” , на экране видео с песней, дети двигаются в стиле Майкла Джексона)
5) работа с текстом
T: Now we're going to read a text about a great man. Look at the picture. Do you know who it is? ( на слайде фото Джона Кабота).
John Cabot was an Italian explorer like Christopher Columbus, he also wanted to find a shorter trade route to Asia, a land believed to be rich in gold and spices .
Cabot moved to England to find money for his exploration. King Henry VII agreed to help pay for his voyage . The King gave him supplies and a ship. Cabot set sail from Bristol, England in May, 1497 with his ship The Mathew and travelled west across the Atlantic. After a month, he reached an unknown land. He called it “new found land”. Today, it is still known as Newfoundland and is a part of Canada.
This will help you understand the text:
trade = the activities of buying and selling goods or services
route = a way that buses, trains, ships or planes travel regularly
exploration = a journey around an area to learn about it or to search for something valuable
supplies = things such as food, medicine and equipment that you need to live or to perform a particular activities
Read the text and mark the sentences as True or False.
- John Cabot was a British sailor.
- He wanted to explore Asia.
- He received help from the King of England.
- He sailed on the Mathew.
- He went North across the Atlantic.
- The journey took six months.
- He discovered a new land.
(ответы F, F, T, T, F, F, T дети работают самостоятельно.)
T: Now we’re going to work in groups. I’ll give you cards with questions. Read them and try to find the correct answers. Be tolerant and tactful while discussing, please. Then choose a speaker who will answer.
Why did Cabot set sail across the Atlantic?
- He wanted to travel around the world.
- He wanted to become famous.
- He wanted to find a shorter way to Asia.
Why did Cabot move to England?
- He wanted to get married there.
- He wanted to find money for his voyage.
- He wanted to explore England.
T: Now look at the slide, complete the sentences and then speak about John Cabot ( на слайде начало предложений, задание выполняют ученики, затем один из учеников читает готовый рассказ)
John Cabot was…
He wanted…
He moved …
The King …
Cabot set sail…
He reached … and called it…
4. подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание
T: So, what great people did we mention today?
S: Yury Gagarin, Alexander Pushkin, …
T: Who are great people? (Слайд Great people повторяем ещё раз).
Did you like the lesson? How do you feel now?
S: …
T: O’k, guys, you worked hard today and I'll give you good marks for the lesson. Your homework is to speak about John Cabot.
5. Oрг. момент
T: The lesson is over, good bye!
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