Текст для чтения "Agatha Christie"
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Морозова Юлия Вячеславовна

Текст для чтения с заданиями.


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Read A. Christie’s biography and say, what the following dates are for.

Read A. Christie’s biography and say, what the following dates are for.

Agatha Christie was born in Devon on 15 September 1890, the daughter of Frederick and Clarissa Miller. Like many children of the times, her early education took place at home and at the age of 16 she went to a school in Paris and completed her education. Amongst other subjects, she studied singing and the piano. She enjoyed writing, from an early age her mother encouraged her in the use of her unusual imagination. At the age of 24, Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. Five years later in 1919, a daughter Rosalind was born and nine years later, in 1928 the couple divorced. By this time Agatha had become a writer of murder, mystery and suspense. Her first novel 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ was published in 1920.

Agatha Christie married for a second time and in 1938 the family moved to Greenway House, a handsome residence on the River Dart in the West Country.

In her lifetime, she wrote 66 detective stories. Seventeen Miss Marple, over 40 Hercule Poirot. Agatha also wrote plays. Over two billion copies of her books have been sold and her work has been translated into more languages than Shakespeare’s.

Agatha Christie was invested as a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1971. She died on 12 January, 1976.

What the following dates are for:


1890 –

16 –

24 –

1919 –

1928 –

66 –

1976 –

Use the verbs in the box to make up questions on the text about A.

be born; go;  study;  enjoy; write; die

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