Урок-игра английского языка в 9 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Цель урока: проверить в игровой форме уровень знаний учащихся по лексике, грамматике и страноведению.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Сообщение темы урока. Определение названий и девизов команд.
T: Today we’ll have a quiz which will show how well you know English vocabulary, grammar and Britain’s history and culture. Before we start let’s divide in three teams. The first task for each team is to choose a name and a motto.
Команды получают три минуты, чтобы выбрать название и девиз, затем каждая команда представляет себя.
3. Конкурс “Grammar questions”.
T: Now let’s begin. In the first contest you should take turns and answer the questions on English grammar. You will get one point for each correct answer.
Команды устно отвечают на вопросы по очереди.
1) What verb is used to form questions in the past indefinite tense? (did)
2) Is the verb split regular or irregular? (irregular)
3) Give the past participle form of the verb swear. (sworn)
4) In what tense is the following sentence formed “Is your car being washed?”? (present continuous)
5) Is the word “money” singular or plural?
6) Give the plural form of the word “ox”.
7) Find a mistake in the following sentence “Can you help me carry my luggages?”
8) Which one of these words can be both adjective and adverb: clever, good, bright, fast, polite, clean?
9) “Peter used to play football every day”. What does this sentence mean?
a) It is usual for Peter to play football every day.
b) Peter played football every day in the past.
4. Конкурс “True or false?”
T: In this contest you should show some knowledge of English history and culture. I will read some sentences to each team. Your task is to say whether the statement is true or false. If the statement is false, you should correct it. Each correct answer will bring you two points. If you can’t give the full answer, you will get only one point.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по страноведению (верно/неверно). Вопросы:
1) William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in London. (False. He was born in 1564 in Stratford- upon- Avon)
2) Winston Churchill was a president of the USA. (False. He was the Prime- minister of Great Britain during the second World War.)
3) Admiral Nelson won victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. (true)
4) Benjamin Britten and Henry Purcell were famous English painters. (False, they were famous composers)
5) There were two Bronte sisters who are famous as British writers. (False, there were three of them: Ann, Charlotte and Emily.)
6) “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” was written by Oscar Wild. (False. It was written by Lewis Carroll)
7) There were two catastrophes in London in the 17th century: the Great Plague in 1666 and the Great Fire in 1665. (true)
8) The home town of the group “Beatles” was Manchester. (False. It was Liverpool)
9) The favourite food of English people during Christmas is roast turkey and pudding. (True)
10) Halloween is celebrated on the fifth of November. (False. It is celebrated on the 31st of October)
11) “Washington Post” is a newspaper printed in London. (False. It is a serious American newspaper printed in Washington, D.C.)
12) Robert Burns is a famous Scottish poet. (true)
5. Конкурс “Do you know English proverbs?”
Учитель раздает каждой команде карточки с пословицами (у всех команд карточки разные). Учащиеся должны выбрать правильный ответ и объяснить значение пословицы.
A. 1) All work and no … makes Jack a dull boy.
a) game b) fun c) play
2) Birds of a feather … together.
a) flock b) fly c) sit
3) It’s no use crying over spilt … .
a) tea b) milk c) water
B. 1) A tree is known by its … .
a) leaves b) fruit c) trunk
2) All that … is not gold.
a) glitters b) shimmers c) shines
3) An Englishmen’s home is his ….
a) castle b) fortress c) palace
C. 1) An … a day keeps the doctor away.
a) orange b) apple c) onion
2) Out of sight, out of ….
a) heart b) soul c) mind
3) Where there’s a …, there’s a way.
a) will b) wish c) hope
6. Конкурс “Words in plural”
Каждая команда получает карточки с предложениями. Учащиеся должны заполнить пропуски словами во множественном числе, начинающимися на букву s.
- Our city has a lot of beautiful s… .
- Do you go in for s….?
- In winter all the children take their s…. . and go to the skating- rinks.
- I like to walk along Sait-Petersburg S…..
- I like sugar and s…...
- You can see s …. in the sky at night.
- Put your books on the s…….
- There are many lakes, rivers and s….. in Russia.
- April flowers follow after March s…..
- Where are my brown s….?
7. Подведение итогов.
Подсчет баллов. Выявление команды-победителя.
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