Grammar Time: Prepositions
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Grammar Time: Prepositions
Учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москвы
Акмаева Елена Олеговна
What do these sentences have in common? Each of them lacks a preposition. At, by, in or on? There are 5 Ats, 5 Bys , 5 Ons and 5 Ins in the preposition bank. Complete the sentences.
- Who are you looking …?
- There is a cat … the armchair.
- We usually travel … train.
- The moon appeared … midnight.
- How are going to travel? … plane.
- As for me, staying … home is a pleasant thing.
- Traffic jams are usual … our street.
- There is nothing like travelling … bike.
- Who is the woman … the photo?
- What rivers … the river Volga do you know?
- When your bus arrives, you get …it. If you want to leave it, you get off it.
- Some my friends are not good … English.
- They did not arrive at the station … time.
- He did it … mistake.
- The room is often cleaned … my wife.
- The café … the corner of the street was owned by Mr Brown.
- … Sunday we have dinner together.
- It’s much expensive than going … taxi.
- The city is situated … the west coast of the country.
- It is a good habit doing exercises … the morning.
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