Записи учителя по занятию: Чем будут заниматься ученики и чем будет заниматься учитель Вызов. Мозговой штурм. 1. Организационный момент. Учитель приветствует учащихся: - Good morning children! I am glad to see you. Let's start our lesson. - ( На доске - тематические картинки «Транспорт. Путешествие.» Учащиеся формулируют тему, которой будет посвящен урок.) - Look at the pictures on the blackboard. - What do you think is the topic of our lesson? - What we are going to speak about? - Yes, that’s right. The topic of our lesson is “Travelling”. - Today we’ll speak about travelling. Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme. 2. Warm up. Now let’s remember the English poems. What poems about travelling do you know? (Учащиеся рассказывают стихи о путешествиях) We go by car and we go by train We go by boat and we go by plane We go by land and sea and air We go, go, go from here to there 3 Checking homework. What was your home task? Words. Осмысление. 4. (прием «Тонкий и толстый вопрос») Basic part of the lesson. - What do you think about travelling?
- Do you like to travel?
- Why do you travel?
- Do you believe that travelling is dangerous?
- Is it expensive?
- Is it your hobby?
Writing. Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see the pictures on it. Tell me, please. How can we travel? ( На доске тематические картинки «Транспорт». Учащиеся отвечают на поставленный вопрос)
by bus by plane by car ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sO5OMhD1_qfTtYcc_6djVfQ&rev=1&h=37&w=52&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sVQ7OlZAd7QoUiMd5K0Ss0w&rev=1&h=36&w=1&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sey9KHj8Q_MeN6ut5H1PB5g&rev=1&h=37&w=56&ac=1)
by train We can travel by boat![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sDQWUJhbo4AHpAZyBAX2xgA&rev=1&h=1&w=36&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=svjsZcZGmjiJ3AwAn1sDHUw&rev=1&h=1&w=36&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=shrMFuaktSaI1F10bsH1wXg&rev=1&h=41&w=70&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=sh0kkSK4v-t_uYuht_epCNg&rev=1&h=36&w=2&ac=1) ![](https://docs.google.com/drawings/image?id=s-XryMzBX7ao_aWPnXrEP8Q&rev=1&h=36&w=57&ac=1)
by bike by ship on foot
5. Now, tell me please, which kinds of transports are public, and which are private? (На доске картинки по теме “транспорт”) Public: bus, train, plane, taxi Private: bike, motorbike, car, boat 6. Speaking (на чем мы можем добираться до школы, а на чем не можем добраться. Учащиеся составляют свои собственные предложения, дополняя уже готовое начало. ) T. – How can we get to school? P. – We can get to school by bus, by car, by taxi, by bike, by motorbike. P. – We can’t get to school by train, by plane, by boat. 7. Listening. (Учащиеся прослушав предложения, и услышав в нем наречие и вид транспорта, должны написать в тетрадь), но для начала запишем слова на тему наречия. - Always [‘ɔ:lweiz]
- Never [‘nevә]
- Sometimes [’sʌmtaɪmz]
- Usually [’ju:ʒu:əlɪ]
- Often [ɔ:fn]
1. Sam usually gets to school by bus. 2. Sam never gets to school by boat. 3. Sam often gets to school with father by car. 4. Sam sometimes goes on holiday by plane. 5. Sam always goes to grandmother by taxi. 6. Sam usually rides his bike. 7. Sam often goes out to the country side by train. Рефлексия. What did you like most at the lesson? Was the lesson difficult for you? Your marks for the lesson are … (Итоги урока, выставление оценок за урок) Homework: Open your diaries and write down your home task-where I would like to go Now our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. My dear friends, you are the smartest, the nicest, the merriest. You are the best. Анализ занятия Рассуждения по следующим вопросам: Как проходило занятие? Что было удачно? Что было неудачно? Что Вы могли бы развивать? Что Вы хотите изменить? Оценивание практического занятия: Мотивация учителя к ученикам для поиски информации. Факторы которые влияли на учеников. |