Итоговая контрольная работа для 5 класса
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Работа позволяет определить уровень сфомированности знаний за курс 5 класса.


Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для V (гимназического) класса.

I.   Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Who you (to like) to speak to?

  1. He can (not to do) it well.

  1. My friend (to run) at the stadium now.

  1. My cousin (to skip) with me yesterday.

  1. She (not to have got) many toys in her room.

  1. What language you (to speak) at the meeting next month?
  1. Find mistakes in the following sentences.
  1. John    know   how   to make  a  Christmas pudding.
  2. He    plays   and   runs   now.
  3. They open usually the presents in the morning.
  4. Look! Your   mother    cooks     dinner.
  5. He  can  to  read  English  well.
  6. My mother  is  usually  giving  me an apple for lunch.
  1. Use the noun in the plural number. Don’t forget to change the pronoun and the verb.
  1. This businessman is clever.
  2. The housewife is busy.
  3. That monkey is funny.
  4. This puppy likes to run.
  5. The child runs fast.
  6. This is Ann’s toys.
  7. That sheep is in the field.
  8. The mouse is white.
  9. My left foot hurts.

IV. Read the sentences and put the prepositions in the gaps.

1. Don’t invite Tim  …  supper

2. The kitten jumps  …  … the box.

3. Look … the picture.

4. He always looks  …  his brother.

5. He doesn’t have fish  …  dinner.

6. The book fell  …  … the bag.

7. I’m looking …

V.  Put “some, somebody, something, any, anybody, anything, no, nobody, nothing” where necessary.

                 1.  The boy didn’t ask __________ to help him with his homework.

                 2.  Did you see ______________ in the field? No, I saw ________ there.

                 3.  Is there ______ coffee in the cup? No, there isn’t. There is _______ milk in it.

                 4.  There are ________ books on the table. Give me one of them, please.

                 5.  It was night and she could see _________.

                 6.  There was _________ bread on the table.

                 7.  Were there _______ toys in the box? Yes, there were ________.

                 8.  Was there ________ in the room? Yes, there was __________.

VI. Form ordinal numerals out of cardinal ones.

  • five
  • six
  • eight
  • nine
  • fifteen
  • twelve
  • two
  • thirty
  • twenty – three

VII. Write in words the numerals and the dates.

                 - 800 people

                 - 219 books

                 - September, 1st,

VIII. Translate these sentences into English.

  1. Зимой много снега.
  2. Осенью часто идет снег, не так ли?
  3. В сумке есть что-нибудь?
  4. Мама попросила меня позаботиться о брате.
  5. Я вывожу свою собаку на прогулку каждый день, а ты?
  6. Было пора ехать, но я не был готов.
  7. Сколько друзей ты пригласишь на день рождения?
  8. На стадионе было полно людей.
  9. Ты выглядишь ужасно. Что случилось?

   10.  Я был занят и не помог вам по дому.

   11.  Пора ложиться спать.

   12. На столе нет книг.


  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following sentences.

1.  East or West home is best.

            2.  There’s no place like home.

            3.  The Englishman's house is his castle.

                  4.  That’s another pair of shoes.

                  5.   Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

                  6.   You must always keep the right thing in the right place.

                  7.   What size do you want to buy?

                   8.  Can I try this pair of shoes on?

  1. Ask questions to the following sentences.
  1. People live on the earth.  (Where)

2.   I can see beautiful lakes and rivers. (Yes/No)

3.   He came up to the tree and helped the cat.  (…or…)

4    He did homework very well. ( How well )

  1. We are reading the book now. (Who)

  1. We shall learn German next year.

  1. Put an article “a”, “an” or “the” where necessary.
  1. Yesterday I got ___ present. ___ present was funny and nice.
  2. ___ Moon goes round ___ earth.
  3. ___ Ann Brown had ___ birthday party yesterday.
  4. There is __ interesting New Year tradition in ___ Scotland. ___ tradition goes back to ancient times.
  5. ___ sky is usually ___ blue in ___ May.
  6. I like ___ apples. Give me  ___ apples which are in ___ basket.


               XII    Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives.

1. a friendly child -

                           2. an expensive car -

                           3. a bad film –

                           4. quick sportsmen -

                           5. good trousers –

                           6. a difficult lesson –

                           7. an easy test –

                           8. many students –

     XIII. Write the following in English.                       


                             1.  сёстры моих друзей

                             2.  учитель моих сестёр

                             3.  сын учительницы

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для V (гимназического) класса.

I.   Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Who you usually (to play) chess with?

  1. She can (not to sing) English songs well.

  1. My Granny (to cook) in the kitchen now.

  1. My friend (to go shopping) with me yesterday.

  1. Lucy (not to have got) many friends in her form.

  1. What language you (to speak) at the conference next month?

  1. Find mistakes in the following sentences.

1. He play football every day.

2. Jack    has English lesson   now.

3. They talk never at the lesson at school.

4. Listen! Kate sings in the next room.

5. We  can  to  speak  English  well.

6. Why are you always helping me?

III Use the noun in the plural number. Don’t forget to change the pronoun and the verb.

1. This sportsman is fast.

2. The wolf is a wild animal.

3. That boy is funny.

4. This pony likes to run.

5. The child speaks English well.

6. This is Bob’s toy goose.

7. That sheep is in the field.

8. There is a mouse on the floor.

9.  My left foot hurts.

IV. Read the sentences and put the prepositions in the gaps.

1. Do you like to read … bed?

2. Put these flowers … the windowsill.

3. I like to sit … the sofa … the living- room.

4. There is a lot … snow … the ground … winter.

5. My birthday is … the 9th of March.

6. I began writing my letter … seven o’clock and finished only … midnight.

7. Where’s my pen? I can’t find it anywhere. I’m looking … it everywhere.

V.  Put “some, somebody, something, any, anybody, anything, no, nobody, nothing” where necessary.

                 1. I saw ____________ I knew at the party..

                 2.  There were ________ of my friends there.

                 3.  Where is the book? – It’s on the table – No, there is __________ there.

                 4.  There are ________ bottles on the table. Give me ________ to drink, please.

                 5.  Is there _________ interesting in the programme of the concert?

                 6.  I don’t know __________ about your town.

                 7.  Don’t tell __________ about it. It’s a secret.

                 8.  Was there ________ in the classroom? No, there was __________ there.

VI. Form ordinal numerals out of cardinal ones.

  • three
  • one
  • eight
  • nine
  • seventeen
  • twelve
  • two
  • twenty
  • fifty – five

VII. Write in words the numerals and the dates.

                 - 300 people

                 - 428 books

                 - March, 8th,

VIII. Translate these sentences into English.

  1. Вчера они были в библиотеке.
  2. Осенью часто идет снег, не так ли?
  3. В сумке есть что-нибудь?
  4. Завтра они будут в театре.
  5. Бабушка и дедушка сидят в гостиной и разговаривают о внуках.
  6. Погода сегодня хуже, чем вчера. Сегодня холоднее и идёт дождь.
  7. В прошлом году февраль был холоднее января.
  8. В лесу было полно грибов.

                  9.   Почему он не пришёл? Что случилось?

                 10.  В доме никого не было.

                 11.  Кто-нибудь знает ответ?.

                 12. В магазине нет сока.


  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following sentences.

1.  East or West home is best.

            2.  There’s no place like home.

            3.  The Englishman's house is his castle.

                  4.  That’s another pair of shoes.

                  5.   Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

                  6.   You must always keep the right thing in the right place.

                  7.   An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

                   8.  A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  1. Ask questions to the following sentences.
  1. People wear shamrocks in Ireland.  (Where)

2.   I must do exercises every day. (Yes/No)

3.   He looked after his brother when he was three years old.  (…or…)

4    He spoke English very well. ( How well )

  1. We are writing a test now. (Who)

  1. We shall do homework at two o’clock (Yes/No).

  1. Put an article “a”, “an” or “the” where necessary.
  1. ____Chicago is on____ Lake Michigan.
  2. ___ Moon goes round ___ Earth.
  3. ___ Bill Robins was ____ very rich man. He was ____ richest man in ____village.
  4. In ____May ____ days are ____ longer than in ____ April.
  5. ____ Volga runs into ____ Caspian Sea.
  6. Is ____Australia ____ island or _____ continent?


               XII    Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives.

1. a careful child -

                           2. an angry dog -

                           3. a bad book –

                           4. strong sportsmen -

                           5. good shorts–

                           6. a comfortable room–

                           7. an exciting film –

                           8. dangerous sport –

     XIII. Write the following in English.                       


                             1.  друзья моих братьев

                             2.  доктор моих двоюродных сестёр

                             3.  дочь старого человека

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