Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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Lovecraft was born in Providence in 1890. He was the only child of Winfield Scott Lovecraft. He started writing at 7 years. Sins his childhood nightmares visited him. Creatures with membranous wings, which he called "night abominations" lifted him into the air and attributed to the "nasty plateau Lang." These experiences are used in the work of a writer.

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Dagon (1917) Music of Erich Tsanna (1921) Herbert West - Re-Animator (1922) Call of Cthulhu (1926) The Colour Out of Space (1927) Ridges of Madness (1931) The Shadow over Innsmouth (1931) Shadow of the timeless (1935) Rats in the Walls (1923) Servant of Evil (1933) The Alchemist (1908)

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Listening to the experiences of an old man by the name of Ammi Pierce, the narrator discovers that many years ago a meteorite crashed into lands then-owned by a farmer by the name of Nahum Gardner. Scientists were unable to determine its origins and the rock eventually shrank into nothingness, leaving something that is described "only by analogy", as a "colour". This "colour" infects the farmstead and drains the life force from anything living nearby; vegetation grows large, but tasteless, animals are driven mad and deformed into grotesque shapes, and the Gardner family members go insane or die one by one. After two weeks of no contact from the family, Pierce visits the site to find that the horror has destroyed the family and the house.