Конспект урока английского языка для 10 класса по теме "Деньги: как получить и как потратить"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме
Конспект урока английского языка с презентацией и рабочей тетрадью
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Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе
Тема урока: Where to get and How to spend?
Проблема урока: What can money give? Что могут дать деньги?
Автор урока: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №5 г.Шахты
Калинина Марина Валерьевна
Цель урока: дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции при обсуждении проблемы «Что могут деньги дать человеку?».
- Речевая компетенция: тренировка навыков говорения (диалогическая речь, монологические высказывания) о способах получения денег и возможностях их потратить, автоматизация навыков аудирования (при прослушивании песни «Если бы у меня был миллион долларов…»), чтения с пониманием основной мысли и поиском нужной информации о роли денег в жизни подростков.
- Языковая: активизация лексики по теме «Деньги», грамматических навыков (употребление сослагательного наклонения).
- Социокультурная: реализация диалога культур на материале по теме «Деньги в жизни подростков», ознакомление с отношением к деньгам в Британии и Америке, реалиями повседневной жизни; расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие интереса к изучаемому предмету.
- Компенсаторная: совершенствование умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств в ситуации обмена мнениями о способах получения денег и возможностях их потратить, о роли денег в жизни подростка.
- Учебно-познавательная: содействовать развитию критического мышления учащихся, умению выделять главное в потоке информации, анализировать и обобщать, развитию долговременной памяти учащихся, внимания, умения высказывать свои суждения об отношении к деньгам; способствовать совершенствованию умений и навыков в использовании компьютерной программы Microsoft Power Point при создании презентаций и текстовым редактором, воспитание толерантности к обычаям и традициям других стран, любви и уважения к родной стране.
Учебник, компьютеры, проектор, раздаточный материал с планом работы и заданиями на урок, презентация на тему «Деньги в жизни человека».
Ход урока
Ι. Организационный момент. Введение в проблему урока.
T – Hello, my friends!
S – Hello!
T - I’m very glad to see you today. I hope you are all OK and ready to continue working with our unit “The Root of All Evil?”. And we again will be talking about money.
ΙΙ.Речевая зарядка. Активизация лексического материала по теме.
T – But first let us warm up a little bit. Remember the meaning of the words connected with money and group them into 2 categories: those that refer to getting money and those that refer to giving it. (двое ребят работают со стикерами на доске, остальные в рабочих листах)
To pay, bill, to spend, to borrow, fine, to earn, to lend, debts, grant, to save, to waste, currency, cash, to economise
IN | OUT |
T – All right, your time is up. Now check yourself with the key and put “a smile” that you deserve.
T – Well, now the work that you have done is closely connected with the problem of our lesson. Can you guess what it is?
S – Where people get their money and how they spend it.
T – Right you are.
ΙΙΙ.Развитие навыков чтения.
T – There are many ways for people to get money and even more ways to spend it. Read the texts in your worksheets to find it out. Fill in the table according to the information given by your heroes. Pay attention to what you are to find out. Then you should report your results to other groups.
Групповая работа. Учащиеся читают тексты и заполняют таблицы в соответствии с полученной информацией (чтение с поиском определенной информации).
While-reading activity
Name | gets money | spends money | Attitude to money |
Post-reading activity
Аудирование с извлечением определенной информации
T – Are you done? Now report the results of your investigation for the whole group for everybody to know the opinions of your heroes, fill in the table according to what you hear.
(один спикер от группы сообщает итоги их поисковой деятельности, ребята из других групп заполняют свои таблицы)
IV. Развитие навыка диалогической речи
T – Thank you for your work. Now let’s look at the statistics data which show the ways of getting money among the British teenagers.
The ways to earn money | Britain |
Being a waiter or a waitress | |
Working at a store | |
Being a baby-sitter | |
Saturday jobs | |
Taking money from relatives | |
Birthday money and Christmas presents | |
Taking care of old people | |
Washing cars | |
Helping parents | |
Selling self-made things | |
Walking dogs and cats | |
Selling newspapers | |
Working in gardens and lawns |
T - What are the most popular ways? What are the least popular ones? Do they differ much from Russian teenagers? Ask the members of your group to find it out. (group interview)
What was the most popular answer? So do we differ much from the British teenagers?
And now I suggest you to look at the ways of spending money in Britain
The ways to spend money | Britain |
Cinema | |
Expensive things | |
Eating out | |
Amusement parks, fairs, festivals | |
Car insurance | |
Books | |
CDs | |
Clothes | |
Magazines and newspapers | |
Going out | |
Food | |
Sport | |
Girl/boyfriends | |
Summer trips | |
College |
Well, are there any points which surprise you? Do your ways of spending money differ much from these answers? Let us find it out in one more interview.
What are three most popular points of spending that you’ve found out?
- Аудирование
T - There is a saying that the more money you have the more difficult it is to spend it. Let’s see what ideas of spending really big money the American singers have. But first we will work with exercise in your handouts.
(If I had a million dollars… by Barenaked Ladies)
- Pre-listening. Match the pictures and the words
- While-listening. Listen to the song and do exercises while you listen to the song.
- After-listening.
Answer the questions:
What attitude to money do the singers show?
Do you think the ideas of the song are good?
Do you think the author of the song would really buy love of his sweetheart?
Do you think Russian people would share these ideas and support them?
- Письмо.
T – Well, I see this topic is really interesting for you. That’s why I ‘d like you to help me with one problem. My pen pal Alice wrote an e-mail asking for advice. She is of your age so I hope your ideas will be useful for me. Take the seats at the computers and write a short message for Alice. Remember the peculiarities of electronic messages.
- Рефлексия
T – My friends, you have done a great work today. You’ve got much information about attitude to money in Britain, America and Russia. To draw a conclusion I’d like you to think about this problem and put down your opinion or feelings in the form of a cinquain. The theme is money, of course.
(правила синквейна на слайде)
Now be critical to yourself and choose the idea which suits you best.
(На карточках высказывания, ребята выбирают то, что ближе их взгляду на роль денег в их жизни
- Money rules the world. I need money to do anything in my life.
- Money is very important for me but my life is not centred around it.
- Money is not happiness. I can give it up for more important things in my life: family, love, friendship.
Let me see your cards.
Подведение итогов урока
T - I would like to thank you once again for your work today. I think the home task will be interesting and challenging for you. You are to write a composition “If I had a million dollars…”. And one more thing. In the clip you saw some world celebrities who are well known for their wealth. Do a quest about Bill Gates or Donald Trump. The Bookmarks on my site will be useful for you.
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