Контрольная работа по чтению 6 класс
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Данный материал будет полезен при проведении контрольных работ по чтению. Учащиеся читают текст, пытаются осмыслить его, и затем выполнить задания после текста.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по чтению. 6 класс.
Spring and summer are very sunny in the south. The sun shines brightly and it is usually very hot. The temperature in summer is about thirty-thirty five degrees above zero and even more in many places. But when the sky becomes cloudy and a strong wind begins to blow from the sea, it is cool. In late autumn and in winter the weather is usually rainy. In winter it doesn’t often snow and the snow doesn’t lie on the ground for a long time. Grass, trees, flowers and vegetables grow very well in the south. The swimming season on The Black Sea coast lasts from the end of May to November.
1. Find in the text. 1) лежать на земле
2) прохладно 3) с конца
4) и даже больше 5) дождливая 6) выше нуля
2. Here are some statements. Are they TRUE or FALSE?
1) The temperature in summer is about 40-45 degrees above zero.
2) In late autumn the weather is usually rainy.
3) The swimming season on the Black Sea coast lasts from the end of November to May.
4) There is little snow in winter.
5) Vegetables don’t grow well in the south.
3. Make up sentences from these words.
/ we/ to/ south/ go/ the/ summer/ in/
*strong wind- сильный ветер
*coast- побережье
*snowball- снежок
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по чтению. 6 класс.
My friend.
Tanya is my classmate. She is a Russian girl. She is in the fifth form. She is a student of School Number 44. Tanya is young, she is twelve years old. She is a bit taller than me. She looks like her mother. She is pretty. Tanya is a thin girl with large brown eyes. Her hair is fair, long and straight. Her face is oval and her nose is turned-up. She wants to look like all the models. Tanya likes wearing smart things: bright blouses and skirts. She is always well dressed. She doesn't like jeans. Tanya is a good friend. She never gossips. Everyone loves her. She is clever, honest and kind. She always tells the truth. She has a good sense of humour. She knows a lot of interesting and funny stories. She does well at school. She always does her homework. She is very good at English and math. Tanya plays the piano very well. I think she is very talented. I am happy to have such a friend as Tanya.
1. Here are some statements. Are they TRUE or FALSE?
1) Tanya is in the 5 form.
2) She is a student of School Number thirty four.
3) She likes wearing bright blouses and trousers.
4) She likes jeans.
5) She is a good student.
6) Tanya is 12.
2. Ask questions to this sentence.
Tanya likes wearing smart things.
3. Translate from Russian into English.
Немного выше; она похожа; она всегда хорошо одета; все любят ее; она никогда не сплетничает; правда; я думаю, что она...; хорошее чувство юмора; двенадцать;' худенькая.
4. Which word doesn't belong according to the meaning?
1)Pretty, clever, homework, honest
2)Jeans, blouses, skirts, thin
3)Face, nose, hair, large, eyes
4)Kind, straight, turned-up, long, oval
5)Classmate, school, form, number
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