Викторина на тему "Great Britain"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Братышев Михаил Евгеньевич



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Предварительный просмотр:

“The Geographical Position”

1. Name the sea between the island Great Britain and Ireland?
2. On what continent are the British Isles situated?
3. What is the official name of the Great Britain?
4. What is the largest island of the British Isles?
5. How many people live in the Great Britain?

“This is London”

1. What is the population of London?
2. How old is London?
3. What is the official residence of the Royal Family?
4. Name the castle, which now is a prison.
5. What is the other name of the Houses of Parliament?

“The Famous People and Traditions”

1. Where was the great Shakespeare born?
2. What is the name of the popular Scottish poet? 
3. What is the favorite holiday of English children?
4. What is the favorite flower of Englishmen? 
5. What is Union Jack?

“The Language”

1. What language do they speak in the U.K.?
2. In what countries is English used as the native language?
3. Do you like to speak English?















2)The Englishmen's favourite drink

4).Something that the English put into the tea

6)The political centre of London

8)The theatre where W.Shakespeare worked as an actor

10)Thе nickname of London in England

12)Thе colour of taxis in London


1)Thе birds living in the Tower o London

3).Thе  most popular activity of English people

5).Thе river on which London is situated

6).Thе large bag of wool on which the Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords

7).100 pence equal  one …

9).Thе  major spectator sport in Britain

11)Thе  national emblem of  England

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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