О, счастливчик! Урок-викторина
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Данный урок поможет повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка, углубить и расширить знания, умения и навыки в овладении иноязычной речью. Воспитывается умение работать в команде. Совершенствуются навыки аудирования.
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Предварительный просмотр:
О, счастливчик!
(урок-викторина, 6–7 классы)
Данное мероприятие проводится с целью привития интереса к изучению английского языка. Эта викторина способствует закреплению лексического материала по темам “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; England” и “Health аnd body Care”. Викторина проводится между двумя командами по 5 участников в каждой.
Ученики по очереди подбрасывают кубик и выбирают вопрос в зависимости от выпавшего цвета. Если ученик не может ответить на вопрос, учитель спрашивает остальных учащихся. За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает один балл. Правильный ответ также даёт шанс отвечать дальше. В конце игры баллы подсчитываются, и называется победитель.
– повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка;
– углубление и расширение знаний, умений и навыков в овладении иноязычной речью;
– воспитание умения работать в команде.
– совершенствовать навыки аудирования;
– повторить изученный материал по темам “The UK”, “Health аnd body Care”.
Оборудование: разноцветный кубик, карточки разного цвета с вопросами (каждому цвету соответствует определённая тематика вопросов), 80 жетонов, карта мира, плакат с изображением частей тела человека.
Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент и речевая разминка.
– Good morning, friends! (Good morning, teacher!)
– I’m glad to meet you. (We’re glad to meet you, too.)
– Are you OK today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)
– Fine, thanks. Is the weather fine today? (Yes, it is. It’s not very cold.)
II. Объяснение правил викторины.
– Today you will have a quiz. You have to answer as many questions as you can to be a winner.
Учитель показывает разноцветный кубик и карточки разного цвета с вопросами.
– You will toss this coloured brick and choose questions. The red questions and tasks are about geographical position of the UK. The green colour means the questions on the British political system. The blue questions are about the British way of life. The yellow questions are about health. The white questions are about keeping fit. The pink colour is for joking questions. If you answer them уou will have a chance to toss the brick once more.
III. Проведение викторины.
Вопросы по теме “The UK (geographical position)” (красные карточки).
1. Where is the UK situated? Point it on the map.
2. What is the official name of Great Britain?
3. Why do you think the UK is called “an island state”?
4. What other country is situated on the British Isles? Point it on the map.
5. How many parts are there in the UK?
6. Name the parts of the UK and point them on the map.
7. What is the capital of Great Britain? Point it on the map.
8. What is the capital of Scotland? Point it on the map.
9. What is the capital of Wales? Point it on the map.
10. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Point it on the map.
11. What sea separates Ireland from Great Britain? Point it on the map.
12. What is the UK separated from the continent by? Point it on the map.
13. What is the UK washed by in the west? Point it on the map.
14. What is the UK washed by in the east? Point it on the map.
15. What big industrial cities in the UK do you know? Point them on the map.
Вопросы по теме “The UK (political system)” (зеленые карточки).
1. What is the Union Jack?
2. Who is the Head of State in Britain?
3. Does the Queen rule the country?
4. What does the British Queen do?
5. Where do the Queen and her family live?
6. What do you know about the Royal family?
7. Is the British Queen also the queen of Canada?
8. Who does the real power in Britain belong to?
9. What part does the British Parliament consist of?
10. Why is the House of Lords very important?
11. Who makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things?
12. How often do the British people elect members of the House of Commons?
13. Do the former British colonies belong to the UK now?
14. What countries does the Commonwealth include?
15. When was the Commonwealth founded?
Вопросы по теме “The British Way of Life” (голубые карточки).
1. What languages are spoken in the UK?
2. What do the English people like to talk about?
3. What phrase do the English often repeat?
4. When do Sunday newspapers appear in England?
5. What animals are special in Britain?
6. Do the English like to show off their knowledge?
7. What is the favourite game in Britain?
8. How should you answer the usual question: “How are you?”
9. Are people really interested in your health when they ask you “How are you? ”
10. What is a well-known national drink of Great Britain?
11. What tea do the English like?
12. How often do the English drink tea?
13. What languages are spoken in the UK?
14. What good table manners do you know?
15. Who wrote the book “How to Be an Alien”?
Вопросы по теме “Health” (желтые карточки).
1. Look at the picture and name the parts of the human’s body?
На доске картинка.
2. Name the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man and animals.
3. Name the front of the neck.
4. Name an organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing or speaking.
5. What food is bad for your teeth?
6. Where do you go when you have a toothache?
7. What should you drink when you have a cold?
8. What proverbs about health do you know?
9. What person is healthy?
10. Where can you buy medicines?
11. What is healthy food?
12. When do you often sneeze and cough?
13. What is the colour of blood?
14. When is it difficult to swallow?
15. Can you eat ice-cream if you suffer from a sore throat?
Вопросы по теме “Keeping Fit” (белые карточки).
1. When should you get up and go to bed to keep fit?
2. What healthy food should you eat to keep fit?
3. Is smoking good for your health?
4. Is drinking alcohol useful for your health?
5. How many times a day should you clean teeth?
6. What should you do before eating to keep fit?
7. What dairy products do you know?
8. Is strong coffee useful for your health?
9. Can you eat a lot of fried food if you are on a diet?
10. What food should you eat if you keep a diet?
11. What summer sports do you know?
12. What winter sports do you know?
13. Regularly exercises help you to keep fit, don’t they?
14. Is it necessary to be on a diet to keep fit?
15. Is riding a bike good for your health?
Вопросы-шутки (розовые карточки).
1. What do cats have that no other animals have?
2. What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still is not a cat?
3. When is cook bad?
4. There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town, what are we?
5. What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue?
6. How can you divide six apples among seven hungry people?
7. Why can’t it rain for two days without stopping?
8. How many lions can enter an empty cage?
9. What kinds of animals can jump higher than a house?
10. What can play but cannot walk?
11. Why can’t the world ever come to an end?
12. Why do birds fly to the south?
13. Who speaks English, Russian, German and other languages?
14. What gets larger as more of it is taken away?
15. Why did the little boy cut a hole in his new umbrella?
IV. Итоги викторины.
По итогам награждается команда-победитель.
– Thank you. It was outstanding. You’ve shown excellent knowledge
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