Олимпиадное задание 9 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
по английскому языку
(заочный тур)
9 класс
- Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets (30 points).
A friend of mine and her husband were enjoying a romantic evening at a restaurant. They still 1 ---- (be) in love and 2 ---- (sit) looking into each other’s eyes. But soon they noticed an old lady 3 ---- (dine) alone at the opposite table. She 4 ---- (gaze) at them with love and admiration. They smiled back politely and the old dear 5 ---- (come up) to their table. “I’m sorry to trouble you,” she 6 ---- (begin) sadly, “I never 7 ---- (see) such a beautiful couple in my life. I 8 ---- (watch) you all the evening. You know, my dear, your wife 9 ---- (look) so much like my daughter. She 10 ----- (kill) last year and I 11 ---- (be) so miserable ever since. I 12 ---- (miss) her terribly. I wonder if you 13 ---- (be able) 14 ---- (do) me great favour?” The couple 15 ---- (say) that they 16 ---- (do) so. “It 17 ---- (give) me such a joy, if just as I 18 ---- (leave), you 19 ---- (say) “Goodbye, Mum!” Certainly they 20 ---- (not can) 21 ---- (refuse) her this. A few minutes later the old lady 22 ---- (stand up) to leave and the two diners 23 ---- (do) as she 24 ---- (ask) them. Soon their bill 25 ---- (bring). They checked and rechecked it and finally 26 ----- (make) the manager 27 ---- (explain) why it was so massive. “Your bill 28 ---- (include) the old lady’s meal,” was the answer. “She 29 ---- (expect) her daughter 30 ---- (pay) for her. Isn’t that natural?”
2. Read the text and answer the questions (6 points).
Some time had passed after his wife’s death and my father decided to take a holiday and travel back to his own country, Norway.
Over in Norway, during the summer of 1911, he met a young lady called Sophie Magdalene Hesselberg. Being a fellow who knew a good thing when he saw one, he proposed to her within a week and married her soon after that. Papa took his young wife to Wales. The two of them were deeply in love and blissfully happy, and during the next six years she bore him four children, a girl, another girl, a boy (me) and one more girl. There were six children in the family, a boy and a girl by my father’s first wife and four by his second. A larger and grander house was needed and the money was there to buy it.
- How much time had passed after his wife’s death?
A several months
B some years
C the time is not exactly stated in the text
2. When did he propose to Sophie?
A in two weeks
B in a week
C in less than a week
3. After their marriage they left for -----
A Wales
B Norway
C England
4. Sophie bore him four children of -----
A both sexes
B the same sex
C the female sex
5. How many children were there in the family?
A no more than seven
B no less than five
C no more than seven and no less than five
6. How could they get another house?
A They couldn’t get another house. There was no money to buy it.
B They got a new house by right of succession.
C They could buy a new house. There was enough money to buy it.
3. Form nouns from the following adjectives (13 points).
- patient -----
- indifferent -----
- brave -----
- slim -----
- proud -----
- clever -----
- wise -----
- original -----
- disappointed -----
- intelligent -----
- thirsty -----
- bored -----
- delighted ------
4. Change the following statements into questions (5 points).
1. I was surprised at the poverty of his family. (General)
2. The policeman laid his hand upon the man’s shoulder. (Alternative)
3. The children observed the pictures in the gallery. (To the subject)
4. He left the room without saying a word. (Special)
5. There are not many buildings in my town famous for their architecture. (Disjunctive)
5. Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms (11 points).
1. Realize a) fine
2. Wealth b) riches
3. Announce c) offer
4. Immediately d) pick up
5. Talk e) understand
6. Suggest f) at once
7. Lift g) point
8. Spot h) declare
9. Excellent i) chat
10. Memorial j) monument
11. Question k) place
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