Рождество в 6 классе
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Презентация к проведению Рождества на английском языке в 6 классе.
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Christmas in the U.S. According to the established tradition of Christmas for centuries in the United States ( and in many other countries where a large part of the population are Catholics ) is a holiday more popular and important than the New Year. Christmas, the birth of Christ , celebrated on December 25 , and for most Americans, this day is a holiday . Christmas is probably one of the most international festivals in America. Indeed , the tradition of singing Christmas carols came from England, and the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree - from Germany. It's also one of the most beautiful festivals of the country. Regardless of the amount of snow on the streets of a festive Christmas spirit prevails throughout the country, the streets and houses are decorated with various symbols of the holiday.
The first information about Santa ( Santa Claus ) , we find approximately the 4th century - then the territory of what is now Turkey, lived St. Nicholas , renowned for his generosity and kindness. After his death, the remains of an old man allegedly smuggled to Europe , which boosted his popularity among the European population , and the Catholic Church established December 6th day of St. Nicholas . In Holland, his popularity only grew , and eventually it turned into Sinterklaas ( Sinterklaas ). It was the Dutch settlers and introduced in the 17th century, the New World with St. Nicholas , who in America was transformed into Santa Claus.
Furry Christmas tree decorated with toys and colorful garlands. Shops, trees, houses and streets sparkle in millions of tiny lights. In the courtyards of houses, where there are snow with special diligence fashioned snowmen. This is the symptoms or even signs of Christmas in America today.
It is believed that Santa Claus sneaks into the house through the chimney to leave gifts to children . But even in the absence of the house chimney should not be an obstacle to finding a home of another mandatory attribute of Christmas - stockings for gifts. According to legend, St. Nicholas , passing by the house of an impoverished nobleman noticed hung by the fireplace to dry stockings his daughters , and threw it into the chimney small bags of gold , which fell right in stockings , girls become dowry .
Merry Christmas
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