Reflexive Pronouns
тест по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
1.In the end you will have to do it .......
2.He ....... wasn’t glad to hear that, but he decided to keep silent.
3.If I were you, I would do it ....... already.
4.Alice saw ....... in the mirror.
5.John doesn't know what to do with .........
1.We had to explain ........ to the teacher.
2.She ...... admitted her mistake.
3.The manager spoke to me .......
4.I ....... cleaned the house.
5. He bought ............ a car
1.I can take care of ...........
2.It speaks for ..........
3. I will ask him ....
4. She will answer the letter.......
5. We'll do it....
1. Did you invite him ... ?
2. He wants to do it ... .
3. Be careful. You will hurt....
4.1 looked at... in the mirror.
5. They told me the news ....
1. They built their house ....
2. Go and wash ... .
3. Be carefull with the knife, you may cut... .
4. He thinks too much of ... .
5. Sit down and make ... at home.
1. She looked in the mirror and couldn't recognise....
2. We introduced... as journalists.
3 I can't explain it ... .
4.1 bought ... a new coat yesterday.
5. We prepared the design ....
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Reflexive pronouns
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