Тест для 7 класса "Чтение" 2 варианта
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Это тест для контроля умений чтения для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательной школы, занимающихся по УМК М.З. Биболетовой
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Variant I
Summer schools in England for foreigners have become quite popular and there are many of them all over England. Why? Because England is a very good place to learn English. When the students leave the classroom they have many opportunities to practice the English they have learnt.
One of these schools is Stamford Summer School, situated 90 miles north of London.
The students live at the school or with a family in the town. Most students over 14 prefer to stay with a family.
Students going to the Summer School should have been learning* English for at least* one year. At the beginning of each course every student does a test. The result of this test determines what class the student will be in.
There are three lessons (50 minutes each) every morning. The aim* of these lessons is to improve the students’ English. At the same time the lessons try to give the students some knowledge of Britain, its people and history – and knowledge of daily life in Britain.
Stamford Summer School is especially for boys and girls who are interested in sport.
Other activities are: discos, table tennis, competitions and films (video). During the course there are excursions to London, Cambridge and other places.
Students come from all over Europe. They have two things in common*. They are interested in sport and they want to improve their English.
* * *
*In common – общие; * The aim – цель;
*Should have been learning –должны были изучать; * At least – по меньшей мере
1.Here are some statements. Are they True or False ?
1.Students are at school 150 minutes every morning.
2.Competitions are other activities.
3.Summer schools in England are for local (местный) people.
4.During the course there are different excursions.
5.At the beginning of each course not every student does a test.
2Find in the text.
1. Знания
2. Улучшать английский
3. Много возможностей
4. Со всей Европы
5. Класс (кабинет; классная комната)
Variant II
Summer schools in England for foreigners have become quite popular and there are many of them all over England. Why? Because England is a very good place to learn English. When the students leave the classroom they have many opportunities to practice the English they have learnt.
One of these schools is Stamford Summer School, situated 90 miles north of London.
The students live at the school or with a family in the town. Most students over 14 prefer to stay with a family.
Students going to the Summer School should have been learning* English for at least* one year. At the beginning of each course every student does a test. The result of this test determines what class the student will be in.
There are three lessons (50 minutes each) every morning. The aim* of these lessons is to improve the students’ English. At the same time the lessons try to give the students some knowledge of Britain, its people and history – and knowledge of daily life in Britain.
Stamford Summer School is especially for boys and girls who are interested in sport.
Other activities are: discos, table tennis, competitions and films (video). During the course there are excursions to London, Cambridge and other places.
Students come from all over Europe. They have two things in common*. They are interested in sport and they want to improve their English.
* * *
*In common – общие; * The aim – цель;
*Should have been learning –должны были изучать; * At least – по меньшей мере
1.Here are some statements. Are they True or False ?
1.The lessons try to give the students knowledge of Britain’s people and history.
2.Stamford Summer School is south of London.
3.Students come from all over the world.
4.The aim of the lessons is to improve students’ English.
5.At the beginning of each course not every student does a test.
2Find in the text.
1. Результат этой контрольной работы определяет (решает)
2. Другие занятия
3. Для иностранцев
4. Повседневная жизнь
5. Соревнования
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