Лексико-грамматическая работа по теме "The Printed Page"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Сигитова Елена Станиславовна

Данная работа составлена по УМК  "Английский язык" - 5-й год обучения под редакцией О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой для  учащихся 9-х классов. Цель работы - проверить сформированность лексических и грамматических навыков по теме "Пресса".


Предварительный просмотр:


№ 1.

Complete the sentences using the new words.

1. Can you … my bag for a moment?  2. The book is …on good quality paper. 3. Can you finish the job…? 4. Stephen was such a …child. 5. This thing is very… for me.

Published, hold, printed, alone, lonely, cheerful, useful.

№ 2.

Answer the questions using the new words.

1. Would you mind entering a college after leaving school?

2. What do you prefer doing in evenings?

3. What can a reader find in a local newspaper?

4. In what do you have trouble?

№ 3.

Use the prepositions.

1. The car was sold… 10 000 dollars.   2. Are you… with your work yet? 3. She types … a computer well. 4. It is hard work looking … children.

Away, on, into, after, for, through, to.

№ 4.

Use the right variant. Translate the sentences.

1. eaten -eating

- This soup … with meat  is tasty.

- This fruit… in the evening was not fresh.

2. played - playing

- This game… on Sunday was very popular.

- I love to look at … children.

3. speaking – spoken

- German…in West Germany differs greatly.

- People…German were my friends.

2 variant

№ 1.

Complete the sentences using the  new words.

1. What is the …noise? 2. He does not think it is … to go to Egypt now. 3. She lived…  . 4. She visits a … school in Moscow. 5. It took Sam a lot of … not to agree.

Rewarding, wise, evidence, strange, private, courage, alone.

№ 2.

Answer the questions using the new words.

1. What is Anton van Leeuwenhoek famous for? ( …the microscope)

2. What newspapers are published in your town?

3.Have you ever earned the money?

4. Would you mind staying after classes today?

№ 3.

Use the prepositions.

1.The girl was pushing a trolley … the shop. 2. She realized that something was wrong… her car. 3. This library is situated … the capital. 4. Would you like to type this article… me?

At, around, for, with, after, in, by.

№ 4.

Use the right variant. Translate the sentences.

1. reading – played

- The newspaper… by millions of people is very popular.

- The face of the actor… in the film is not familiar to me/

2. prepared – preparing

- The books… for the lesson we did not use.

- My brother is… for his exam.

3. drawn – drawing

- The picture… by my little brother is nice.

- The girl… trees is very talented.                              

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