Modal Verbs of Deduction
материал (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Modal Verbs of Deduction
1. They (may/must)________________ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
2. He (can/could)________________ be French, judging by his accent.
3. They (can't/may)________________ still be out!
4. With luck, tomorrow (can't/could)________________ be a sunny day.
5. You (can/might)________________ be right but I'm going to check anyway.
6. The exam (can't/might)________________ be easy. You never know.
7. It (may/can't)________________ be true about a sauropod dinosaur living in Lake Telé in the Congo. It's impossible.
8. Dave reckons she's from The States but I think she (can't/might)________________ be from Scandinavia.
9. I(can't/might)________________ go to the party but I'm not sure yet.
10. This (must/could)________________ be the right answer but we'll have to check with your teacher to make sure.
11. She (can't/could)________________ steal things from shops. She's rich and famous.
12. I really think Real Madrid (can't/could)________________ lose the final of the King's Cup.
13. She's been revising 10 hours a day for 3 weeks. She (could/must)________________ be exhausted.
14. Nobody's answering. They (can't/must)________________ be out.
15. He (can't/may)________________ be from the USA. He doesn't speak English.
Choose one word to complete each sentence - must, might or can't.
1. Sarah never stops talking about Steve. She be in love with him!
2. You hate English food - it's delicious!
3. Tom be working today - I just saw him at the gym.
4. Tom be working today, but I can't remember.
5. Frank's quite good at grammar. He know the answer for this question.
6. You studied this for 3 years at university! You know the answer!
7. You just slept for 12 hours! You be tired again already!
8. She always gets me a present, but this year she didn't. She have forgotten that it's my birthday.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Modal Verbs

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