Infinitive of Purpose
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Infinitive of Purpose
Exercise 1
Complete with TO or NOT TO:
1. Trees were planted……………….(reduce)traffic noise.
2. This is good………………(get) rid (избавляться) of headaches.
3. We crept up (красться) the stairs……………….. (not wake) granny.
4. A mouse is a devise………………….(move) the cursor around the computer screen
5. I swept (подметать) the broken glass……………….(prevent) (предотвращать)an accident.
6. The new paint is excellent…………………… (cover) walls with cracks (трещины) in.
7. We will write Claire’s name in the calendar………………. (not forget) her birthday.
8. We spent the summer in London……………… (improve) our English.
9. I didn’t say anything about Claude’s hair………………. (not embarrass) (смущать)her.
10. She bought a cage (клетка) ……………….. (keep) her hamster in.
Exercise 2
Match the action with the purpose.
1. I bought a dictionary… A. to buy some stamps.
2. We went to the art gallery… B. to ask about the train times.
3. I sent an email to Helen… C. to pass my exams next month.
4. I went to the information desk… D. to look at the pictures.
5. I want to buy a swimming costume… E. to help with my vocabulary.
6. I’m studying very hard at the moment… F. to fill up with petrol and to buy some cigarettes.
7. He stopped the car at the petrol station… G. to take with me on my beach holiday next week.
8. I went to the post office… H. to ask about her holiday in Mexico.
Exercise 3
Join together the following sentences by using infinitives.
1. He did not have even a penny with him. He could not buy a loaf of bread.
2. He went to the market. He wanted to buy some vegetables.
3. The robber wielded (иметь при себе) a knife. He intended (намереваться) to frighten the poor traveler.
4. I speak the truth. I am not afraid of it.
5. The officials sold the insolvent’s property (собственность банкротов). The insolvent’s creditors had to be paid.
6. He wants to be rich. He works hard for that reason.
7. He has five children. He must provide (обеспечивать) for them.
8. Everyone should do his duty (долг). The nation expects this of every man.
9. She helps the poor. She is eager (стремиться) to relieve(облегчать) them of their suffering (страдание).
10. He collects old stamps. It is his hobby.
11. She wanted to impress (производить впечатление) her host (хозяин). So she conducted (проводить) herself gracefully.
12. That young man has squandered away (тратить) all his wealth. He must have been very foolish (глупый).
13. She quit (бросать, уходить) the job. She wanted to pursue (заниматься) higher education.
14. The boy was happy. He received (получать) the prize.
15. Byron awoke one morning. He found himself famous.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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