Either...or / neither....... nor
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
A either ...or
В neither... nor
1. — Did anybody come to see you last week?
- Nobody did.... Julia... John was there.
2. — Have they arrived yet?
- No, they haven’t. But I expect them… today… tomorrow.
3. Borrow some money from your friends.... Ann... Mary will help you.
4. ... my words... Dad’s arguments had any effect on him.
5. It’s getting dark. You must... go at once ... wait till tomorrow.
6. What’s happened to Jim? He has... written... phoned.
7. Inside the examination room we could ... smoke ... talk.
8. Charles lives ... in Camberley ... in Guildford, doesn’t he?
9. The room was ... comfortable ... clean, was it?
10. If you do any more housework tonight, we’ll be able ... to attend the concert... to go to the cinema.
11. Haven’t you heard that Sally lives not far from us? She has ... bought a new flat... rented it.
12. I’d like to help you a little. I can... walk the dog... go shopping.
13. Some verbs can be followed by ... an ing-form ... an infinitive, usually with a different meaning.
1. You haven't any choice, ………… you win or you lose.
2. ……… your cries nor your tears can stop him.
3. When I go to the pub ………… I drink orange juice or I have a cup of tea.
4. …………… his parents nor his friends can make him change his mind.
5. He said that …………. you give him some money or he will send the file to the police.
6…………. expensive or cheap, I will buy this car.
7. The policeman believed ………..the boy nor the woman.
8. ……………. Jack nor my brother can win.
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