презентаци 7 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Петрова Татьяна Александровна

Презентации к урам в 7 классе Биботетова


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Meet our guests Go streigt Tern lef Andeground Akros the roud On the coner Trafic laights Doun the strit Thrugh the toun Go straight Turn left Underground Across the road On the corner Traffic lights Down the street Through the town

Слайд 2

The way from….. to……. From your school to the park From the main square to the café From your house to the hospital Fro the museum to the skating rink From the swimming pool to the bus stop From the bridge to the monument

Слайд 3

Questions Answer Where is she\he from? How did she\he get to Russia? How long did it take her Him to get there?

Слайд 4

Interview your partner from any English-speaking countries. Topics Answers Subjects Timetable Teachers Hobbies Classmates Problems Activities Getting to school

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

Homework SB Ex. 15 p. 93 WB Ex. 3 p. 48-49

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

On the way to school

Слайд 2

Read the words and find the odd words in each list Independent Young Unhappy Teenager Comfortable Upset Honest Argument Troublemaker Luckily Problem Disagreement Difficulty Computer Feel Look Argue Worry Invite Allow energetic

Слайд 3

Asking the way Asking for help : Excuse me, could you tell me where…… is, please? the way to….., please? h ow to get to….., please? If you can help and know the way : Well,….; OK….; no problem….. If you can’t help: No, I’m afraid I can’t; I’m afraid I don’t know

Слайд 4

Task Listen and read the dialogs in Ex. 15, 16 p. 65 and act them out.

Слайд 5

Prepositions of the direction up\down – Go up this street, then turn left. along – There are flowers along the road. (a)round – We walked around the house. through – You should drive through the city. across – The children ran across the road. at the end of – My house is at the and of the street at\on the corner of – I’ll wait for you at the corner of our street. at the traffic light – The cars have stopped at the traffic light.

Слайд 6

Find the opposites and write them down in pairs. Example: to turn right-to turn left to get on, to go straight, to turn right, often, far from, up, across, seldom, to turn left, in front of, on the left, down, never, to get off, to turn, always, along, behind, on the right, next to

Слайд 7

Check to get on- to get off to turn right- to turn left far from- next to across- along Always- never to go straight- to turn Often- seldom Up- down on the right- on the left in front of- behind

Слайд 8

Make up word combinations with verbs to get, to have, to make Out Mistakes An opinion Pocket money Friends A problem An interview Bad marks Angry A job Along with faces

Слайд 9

Homework SB Ex. 10, 11 p. 93 Make up your dialog using Ex. 16 p. 65

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Show the way i + gh = [ai] – l igh t, h igh , f igh t, n igh t, m igh t, r igh t, ton igh t, br igh t ou + gh = [ ɔ: ] - br ough t, b ough t, th oug ht, ough t But: through [ Ɵru:], through [ðǝu], although [ɔ:l’ ðǝu] au + gh = [ ɔ: ] – n augh ty, d augh ter ai \ ei + gh = [ei] - str aigh t, eigh t, n eigh bour

Слайд 2

Make up the word combinations Turn Right Left Get On Off Far From Go Up Down Traffic Light Straight Along The street Through Around The city Across The road

Слайд 3

Check To turn right To turn left To get on To get off Far from Go up Go down Traffic light To go straight To go along the street Around the city Across the road

Слайд 4

Choose the place you want to get to and ask for direction. Your classmate should tell you the way.

Слайд 5

It takes me……. It usually takes me you us him her them an hour half an hour 10 minutes not so long A few minutes 30 minutes hours to clean the room to do shopping to do homework to phone friends to make friends to cook dinner to get home to get to school

Слайд 6

Interview your classmate How long does it take you to get to The nearest shop? The bus stop? The disco club? The stadium? You friend’s house

Слайд 7

Report the results of you r interview It takes Dash a quarter of an hour to get to the disco club.

Слайд 8

Homework SB Ex. 26 p. 67 (draw a map of your district) WB Ex. 2 p. 48

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

S chool in our life

Слайд 2

[ i : ] sp ea k, t ea ch, ea sy-going , pl ea se, m ea n, r ea son, n ea t, s ea , l ea der [ i : ] t ee n, t ee nager, f ee l, fr ee , str ee t, d ee p, gr ee n, m ee t, w ee k, eight ee n [ e ] h ea d, inst ea d, d ea d, w ea ther, r ea d, r ea dy [ i ǝ ] r ea l, r ea lize, n ea r, d ea r, h ea r, ea r [ ɜ: ] l ear n, ear n, ear th, ear ly, ear l ier L isten and read

Слайд 3

It is a place where you can make friends It’s a place which helps you to find a good job in future L ook at the picture, choose one of the student's oppinion of school and proove it. It’s a place where it is fun It’s a place where you learn about people as well as subjects It’s a place where you take exams and write tests too often

Слайд 4

I like my school because my school is new and nice my teachers are good and kind my school is not far from my house my friends study at this school it is interesting and comfortable there it is the place where I can get knowledge D o you like your school? W hy?

Слайд 5

Does Ms. Bryan like her job? Give your reasons. Is she a strict teacher? What is special about the way Ms. Bryan teaches English literature? L isten to the interview with teacher of English and answer the questions .

Слайд 6

SB. Ex. 32 p. 68 A nswer the questions to find out if you will be a good teacher .

Слайд 7

SB Ex. 17, 18 p. 93-94 H omework

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Find the rhyme Reach Wood Bob Ben Grass Form Bright Wool Need Teach Good Job Pen Class Uniform Write School Read

Слайд 2

Listen and read [ ʊ ] c ou ld, w ou ld, sh ou ld, c ou ldn’t, sh ou ldn’t, w ou ldn’t [ a: ] c a n’t, sh a n’t, a re, a ren’t [ ǣ ] h a ve, h a s, h a ven’t, h a sn’t [ ǝʊ ] w o n’t, d o n’t [ i ] d i d, d i dn’t, i s, i sn’t

Слайд 3

The modal verbs Must – быть должным, обязанным. ( have to, to be to) You must do it. We mustn’t stay here any longer. Have to - долженствование (обстоятельства) I have to get up early. He had to read this book. Should - выражает совет, рекомендации ( ought to ) You should go there by train. You shouldn’t do that.

Слайд 4

The modal verbs Need - нужно, надо, необходимо You needn’t stay after lessons. Need I do it? – No, you needn’t. Need употребляется в отрицательной форме в ответах на вопросы, включающие модальный глагол must . Must I do it now? –No, you needn’t.

Слайд 5

Give advise using should\shouldn’t You __________ be late for your classes. You __________ argue with your parents. You __________ be attentive to your friends’ problems. You ________ get on well with your family. You __________ be honest with your friends. You _________ eat too much. You ______ inform your parents if you are getting late. You ________ tell your friends about your problems. You __________ mix with people who smoke. You _____________ cross the road here.

Слайд 6

check You shouldn’t be late for your classes. You shouldn’t argue with your parents. You should be attentive to your friends’ problems. You should get on well with your family. You should be honest with your friends. You shouldn’t eat too much. You should inform your parents if you are getting late. You should tell your friends about your problems. you shouldn’t mix with people who smoke. You shouldn’t cross the road here.

Слайд 7

Classwork SB Ex. 36, 39 p. 69-70

Слайд 8

Think and tell what a good pupil is A good pupil should………….. (be or do smth) A good pupil shouldn’t…………………….. (be or do smth)

Слайд 9

Homework SB. Ex. 20 p. 94 WB Ex. 2 p. 50

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Dialogs [ i : ] t ea cher, t ea ch, r ea d [ i ] str i ct, un i form, th i nk [ p ] p u p il, p roblem, co p ybook [ e ] p e n, p e ncil, r ea dy [ w ] w orkbook, w eek, w ell [ ǣ ] h a ve, h a s, ex a m [ s ] s ubject, te s t, s chool

Слайд 2

Make up tag-questions and answer them Pupils must be at school at 8.30, …………… ? Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs, ………. ? You should help your classmates, …………….. ? Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, ……………. ? You must do your homework every day, ………. ? Pupils should be polite, …………………… ? English words can not be easily learnt, …………. ? Teachers should be strict, …………………… ?

Слайд 3

Check Pupils must be at school at 8.30, mustn’t they ? Children mustn’t smoke and take drugs , must they ? You should help your classmates, shouldn’t they ? Pupils shouldn’t think that Russian is more important than Maths, should they ? You must do your homework every day , mustn’t you ? Pupils should be polite , shouldn’t they ? English words can not be easily learnt , can’t they ? Teachers should be strict , shouldn’t they ?

Слайд 4

Read and act out SB Ex. 41 p. 70

Слайд 5

Make up your own dialogs What should I wear? Do you think I should……..? What should I do? You shouldn’t be……. It doesn’t matter. You should be on time.

Слайд 6

Allan’s teacher WB Ex. 3, 4 p. 51-52 Homework SB Ex. 43 p. 70 Ex. 22 p. 94

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