The construction used to.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект поурочного планирования
Учителя английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ №43»
Арсланбековой Умужат Загировны
Урок формирования лексических, грамматических навыков и навыков восприятие иноязычной речи на слухLesson Plan
Form: 7 School: № 43 Date: October, 16, 2013
Teacher: U. Arslanbekova.
Topic: The construction used to. «A classic read».
Objectives: 1) to acquaint students with the construction used to, so they’ll be able to choose when it’s necessary applying of the construction used to or the verb in Past Simple Tense; 2) to develop students’ listening skills (students should be able to answer questions about the text after its listening.
Visuals: a textbook «Spotlight 7» by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, an interactive whiteboard, grammar schemes.
Language: the text based on «Journey to the centre of the Earth» of Jules Vern, grammar exercises (used to construction).
Brief Notes:
I. Entry 2 min
1) Greeting 1 min
2) Giving the lesson plan 1 min
II. Follow up Activities
1) Presentation of the construction used to 15min
– revising situations of applying the used to construction – generalizing the rules
– teacher’s examples;
– training exercises;
3) Reading words from the wordlist for remembering and further learning by heart 5 min
4) Work with the text based on the Jules Vern work «Journey to the centre of the Earth»: (14 min):
– children make a guess about the text content;
- listening to the text;
- reading of the text;
- children finish sentences based on the text.
5) Giving a homework for the next lesson 1 min
III. Closure 1 min
– Rounding off and saying good bye
I. Entry 1) Greeting and getting acquainted with the teacher: Good afternoon, dear children. It’s nice to see you! My name’s Tatiana Evgenievna. I’m getting my teaching practice and I will be your English teacher for the next two weeks. Sit down, please, and let’s we start our work. 2) Giving the lesson plan Today we will continue the theme that you started on last lesson – reading. We’ll read the text relative to the Jules’ Vern book «Journey to the centre of the Earth». You will know new grammar item and also you’ll enrich your vocabulary. II. Follow up activity Well, we will start our lesson from grammar rules – today you will know about such a way to tell about the past as applying used to. Look at the interactive whiteboard, please. Here you can see the rule when you need to use this construction. We use the construction «used to+infinitive» when we want to tell about habits and regular actions that took place in the past but these actions aren’t made anymore. And you need to remember – if the exact time of the action is pointed you should use the verb in past simple tense. Let’s we look over the examples: «My mother used to read me books when I was a kid». «When he was young he used to spend every summer by the sea». Давайте переведём (дети говорят перевод, я помогаю, корректирую их перевод): «Моя мама читала мне книги, когда я был(-а) ребёнком» и «Когда он был молод, он проводил каждое лето на море». Таким образом, вы видите, что мы применяем used to, когда говорим о действиях, которые происходили регулярно – мама регулярно читала мне, когда я был ребёнком, теперь этого не происходит, я вырос, то есть привычное и повторяемое действие происходило в прошлом, но более не совершается. Так же и с примером «Когда я был молод, я проводил каждое лето на море» – действии осталось в прошлом и действие происходило регулярно, не единократно, оно повторялось – «каждое лето». And pay your attention to the way of making used to in positive and negative sentences. Positive sentences: used to Negative sentences: didn’t use to Interrogative sentences: Did you use to? То есть в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях окончание –ed отсутствует. And now you will make an exercise for comprehension. So look at the interaction whiteboard. *На уроке следующее ниже упражнение выводится на интерактивную доску. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола (used to/Past Simple)
And our next exercise also will be devoted to the construction used to. Open your books – page 19, exercise 5b. Here you can see actions and you need to take one of them and to make your phrase where you will say what you used to do and what you didn’t use to do when you were 6 years. (There are 7 actions: read comics, play with toys, go to the park, write stories, watch cartoons, drive a car, play hide-and-seek. Students choose from them and make sentences). Ok, your work was very good. And now open your dictionaries at the end of the books – we will revise words from a wordlist 2a and look through the words from a wordlist 2b before our listening. (I’m reading the words and students are repeating after me. I’m reminding them to pay their attention to the translation). Ok and now open the page 18 again. Now we will work with the text which is an extract from the book of Jules Vern «Journey to the center of the Earth». Look at the pictures and tell us what do you think this story is about? (Children are giving their ideas). Ok, you are very close to truth. Let’s we read the plot and then we’ll listen to the text for more exact and detailed information (the children are listening to the audio and are looking throw the text and after listening I’m giving them the task to read the text by themselves for training their reading abilities and for more). Ok, students, and now read the text in voice by yourselves. The text based on the work of Jules Vern «Journey to the centre of the Earth» The plot: «Journey to the centre of the Earth» by Jules Vern is an adventure story about a professor, Otto Lidenbrock, and his nephew Axel. After they find a mysterious message from explore Arne Saknussemm in an old book, they go on a dangerous journey to look the centre of the earth. During their adventure, their raft is broken against rocks and they discover an amazing place… While Hans repairs the raft, Axel and the Professor look around.
Axel: Quick! Hide! The men hide behind some bushes.
Professor: But, they used to live thousands of years ago. When we get home, people will be amazed by what we saw. Axel: But will they believe us?
Axel: Wait! What’s this?
The Professor finds initials on a cave wall.
Professor: We found it! This must be the last part of Arne Saknussemm’s journey!
Now when you have read the story you can make the next exercise. Let’s we see exercise 2a. Here you need to complete the sentences with words from the text or your own words. So, we’re starting. (Children are giving their answers by chain):
And we’re coming to the next exercise. Look at exercise 3. Here you will have to find the words in the text which have such meanings:
Ok, boys and girls, good job. Now write down your home task for tomorrow. Book: page 24, exercise 3. Workbook: p. 12, exercise 3 – you will try to make sentences with used to, also I ask you to read words from the wordlist 2a and 2b. In a few lessons I will give you the task to learn some words from wordlists. III. Closure: Thank you for your work, children. It was nice to meet you. See you on Thursday. Good bye. |
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